When to do a pregnancy test

Currently, a huge number of manufacturers offer their consumers many pregnancy tests. How to conduct a pregnancy test, and when is a pregnancy test done? We will tell further in the article.

Tests differ from each other in design and principle of conduct. In general, they are able to determine the so-called hCG hormone, which is located in the urine of a pregnant woman. It is produced by the future placenta and appears in the first week of pregnancy. In the first seven to eight days, the egg that has been fertilized attaches directly to the walls of the uterus. From this begins the development of the fetus. Normally, the hCG hormone in the urine is present in an amount of five Mme per one milliliter. If the woman is pregnant, then its amount gradually increases. On the tenth day after conception, hCG reaches the level of twenty-five Mme per milliliter. For this reason, a woman already on the second or third day of delay can get a result about the presence of pregnancy.

So, the question of when to do a pregnancy test was disclosed above. As for their types, they are inkjet, tablet and ordinary test strips. There is another variety, it is the most modern, it is a test system with a tank. The device of each of these tests is exactly the same. They differ only in the way they are carried out.

Test strips. This is the most common way to determine if you are pregnant. Such tests exist for a very long time. They can be purchased at present not only in a pharmacy, but also in a grocery store. It is worth noting that in European countries this type of test is almost never sold. The cost of such products varies. Basically, their price does not exceed one hundred rubles for a package in which there are two test strips. They are first generation tests. With the help of them, it is pretty quick and easy to determine whether a pregnancy is or not. The test strip must be immersed in urine for five to eight minutes and the result will be ready. One strip of red indicates the absence of pregnancy, two - about its presence. The advantages of such test strips are their low cost and a huge selection, especially in a pharmacy.

When to do a pregnancy test using the tablet option? To begin with, it is worth saying that this variety is more modern than the previous one. Using this device, you can determine the presence of pregnancy at an earlier date. The test includes a pipette and a plastic panel with a window. One drop of urine is applied to the first window, the result appears in the second. Tablet pregnancy tests can be used a couple of days before the expected date of the onset of menstruation.

When to do a pregnancy test using the inkjet option? These are third generation tests. They are recognized by experts as the most perfect. Inkjet tests are distinguished from their earlier counterparts by a complex device. In addition, their sensitivity is much higher than the previous options that have been described. As for the cost of the inkjet test, it is much higher than ordinary test strips. This variety can be used at any time of the day, their effectiveness does not depend on it.

Tank tests are a system that includes a special tank. The sensitivity of this instance is very high. Therefore, the question of when to do a pregnancy test disappears by itself. If a woman assumes that she became pregnant two to five days ago, the test will show the correct result and the presence of pregnancy already at such an early date. Using this model, you do not need to control the amount of urine in a special tank.

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