The culture and traditions of the Chinese have been around for several millennia. The peculiarities of the geographical location of the country and its socio-political structure have left their marks in each of the spheres of human life, including dog breeding. Possession of this animal was the destiny of the nobility and the rich, and therefore any Chinese breed of dogs is peculiar and amazing, like a rare jewel. However, something common is visible in them: these are the small sizes of the animal, the cleanliness and lack of smell of the dog, as well as a holistic and distinctive character.
The most famous representatives
The most popular Chinese dog breed is, of course, the Pekingese. Small, funny-looking doggies are found on the streets of any city today, but until the mid-18th century it was forbidden to keep these animals for everyone except the emperor and members of his family. For violation of this rule, the death penalty threatened . And only in 1860, after the Beijing Summer Palace was captured by English soldiers , Europe first saw these amazing creatures, which, according to ancient legend, are the fruit of the passionate love of a monkey and a lion. This Chinese breed of dogs has not changed much since its inception to the present day, and yet it is no less than more than 2000 years old.
Lahasa Apso has a very interesting appearance. The history of the breed originates in the mountains of Tibet. The strength and tranquility of the mountain ranges, the country of secrets, temples and sacred knowledge, the eternal cover of snow - this is what shaped the look and temper of these small, but heart-great dogs. They are full-fledged children of nature, whose creation almost did not touch human hands. The apso, which existed next to the hermit monks, became somewhat similar to them. Original character, strong affection for the owner and liveliness of the animal allow him to be a great friend and companion, but not a sofa decoration.
Shih Tzu is another truly Chinese breed of dog that lived in the chambers of the ruler of the country and was not allowed to be kept by mere mortals. Her puppies were awarded for the highest services to the country and the emperor. The world fully appreciated the light, sociable and loving disposition of these luxurious babies after the 30s of the last century, when offspring were received from the bitch Leydza donated to the Ambassador of Norway and a couple of imported producers, obtained with great difficulty.
An exception to the number of small dogs is the Tibetan mastiff. This Chinese breed of dog remains rare and small to this day. They are considered to be the ancestors of many modern working breeds. Balanced, calm, aware of their tremendous strength and power, and therefore good-natured (up to a certain point), these dogs are ideal guards and full members of the family. A living mind allows Tibetan mastiffs to grasp on the fly what they are being taught, and a high level of intelligence makes it possible to assess the situation and react to it most adequately in each particular case.
Another breed of dog that is popular today is the Chinese crested dog, a photo of these four-legged animals will leave few people indifferent, and even a living dog, even more so. The exotic look, coupled with unlimited devotion to the owner, a remarkable mind and the complete absence of a specific dog smell, and sometimes wool, allowed this breed to win the hearts of people all over the world in a short time. However, these animals need proper maintenance and care, because the lack of hair makes them more vulnerable to disease.
And all this is only part of the heritage of an amazing and ancient country. Chinese dog breeds with photos, stories of their appearance or conjectures on this subject, with legends and stories about them, reviews of breeders about their pets, funny and touching stories from their lives could make a series of books, each chapter of which would be unique and inimitable.