Everyone knows that you need to work with glue very carefully, but not everyone can adhere to this rule. Often, due to awkward movement, you can get an additional "decoration" on clothes in the form of a stain. In this article, we will tell you how to remove glue from clothes.
How to remove traces of PVA
If there are spots of PVA glue on the clothes , then they can be removed with simple improvised means that are in every home. First you need to try to erase the white trace with warm water. If the stain is old, then you need to slightly soap the dirty place with household soap and gently rub it with a brush so as not to spoil the fabric structure. If the item is sewn from a delicate delicate material, it is better to soap and rub the stain with light movements.
There are other methods for removing glue. It can be removed by wiping the contaminated area with dishwashing detergent or table vinegar. Also, PVA stains remove liquids that contain alcohol. After processing the fabric product, it must be soaked for two hours in a basin with water and detergent. Then the thing must be rinsed in cold water.
Stains from the Moment glue
It’s a little harder to remove traces of the “Moment” glue. If synthetic fabric is dirty, in this case you need to use purified gasoline or acetone. First, wipe the spot with a dampened cotton swab, and then thoroughly wash the clothes.
For those who do not know how to remove glue from clothes made of wool, velvet or silk, we recommend the use of more gentle means. For such tissues, a solution of citric acid can be used. To prepare it, you need to dissolve one tablespoon of citric acid in 0.5 l of water, and then treat the contaminated area with a sponge or cotton pad moistened with a cloth and wash the clothes.
Silicate glue stain removal
Traces of silicate glue are removed with soda. To do this, add a few tablespoons of soda and a little washing powder to a bowl of warm water. In this liquid, soak clothes for at least 2 hours. When the thing gets wet properly, you can try rubbing the stain with your hands. If the adhesive is difficult to remove, a brush can be used.
There is another simple method, how to remove glue from clothes. First you need to soften the stain with hot water, and then try to remove the soaked glue with the blunt part of the knife. Residues can be removed with acetone or gasoline. This method is effective in dealing with old silicate glue stains.
Wood glue stains
You can remove this kind of pollution with a warm soapy solution. To do this, soak a small piece of soap in water and soak in it that part of the clothes on which there are stains from glue. After 4 hours, rinse and wash clothes.
Often there are situations when spots appeared a long time ago, and a person completely forgot about them. How to remove glue from clothes if it is already old? In such cases, it is necessary to soften the stain and clean it with a dull, hard object. Then you need to carefully clean the contaminated area with a clothes brush and wash the product in normal mode.
Superglue stains
Heavy-duty adhesives that allow you to fasten almost any material in a few seconds, cause stains that are most difficult to remove. Common adhesives such as Second, Cyjanopan, Eurostar and others leave traces that are difficult to remove from any surface, whether it be fabric, wood or even plastic.
Fresh stains from "Superglue" can be tried to remove with solvent or acetone. But this must be done carefully so as not to leave stains on the fabric. In this case, it is recommended first to check the effect of the solvent on an inconspicuous area of the fabric. If the result from the use of this product is positive, then you can safely proceed to the processing of the contaminated area. After cleaning, be sure to rinse the area with plain water. How to remove glue from clothes that react with solvents? In such cases, acetic solution should be used. To a glass of water add 1 tbsp. l vinegar and thoroughly blot the area with traces of glue.
Casein stain removal method
To remove a stain of this origin is possible only with purified gasoline, ammonia or glycerin. Having chosen a suitable product, you need to get a cotton swab in it and handle the dirty part of the product well. Then you need to moisten this place with plenty of the used product and leave for half an hour so that it works properly.
Removing stains from glue of plant origin
Before removing such stains, it is necessary to remove the frozen adhesive from the clothes. Then you need to use a special solution: mix 2.5 tbsp. l distilled water, 1 tbsp. l alcohol and 10 g of ammonia soda. Dip a cotton swab into the prepared solution and rinse the spot with a stain. Then rinse with plenty of water and sprinkle the treated area with talcum powder. This recipe is the answer to the question of how to remove glue from clothes. With stains from herbal remedies, he copes in the best way.
Stain removal technology
Before removing glue from clothes, it is necessary to determine the type of soiled fabric and the composition of the glue. This data is important for choosing the appropriate stain removal method. Then you need to put a little finished product on the wrong side of the product and leave for several minutes. If the product did not damage the fabric during this time, then it can be used on the front of the garment. Such testing should be carried out every time to make sure that a specific tissue is safely exposed. If this is not done, there is a risk of ruining the thing forever.
We have described the most effective and easy-to-use ways to remove glue from clothes. If even with their help it is not possible to completely get rid of spots, then you need to look for specialized tools.