Late constipation during pregnancy: causes, treatment methods, tips and reviews

Late constipation during pregnancy worries almost every woman during the gestation period. And this should not be surprising, because the female body is undergoing major changes.

To successfully solve the problem, you need to know exactly what led to it, and quickly respond to the first symptoms.

Causes of constipation

The sooner the cause of severe constipation during pregnancy in the later stages is identified, the faster they will be able to get rid of them. At different times, provoking factors can be diverse. Some of them are eliminated by themselves after childbirth.

severe constipation during late pregnancy

Causes of constipation associated with the life of the mother:

  • malnutrition;
  • lack of drinking;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • stress
  • chronic diseases in the acute phase.

Causes of severe constipation during late pregnancy, due to the position of the woman:

  • hormones;
  • enlarged uterus;
  • intake of vitamins;
  • complications
  • violation of intestinal microflora;
  • taking in large quantities of laxatives.

The closer the birth, the more various factors affect the digestive tract. First of all, progesterone, which reduces uterine tone, has a great influence. And intestinal activity, increased progesterone, on the contrary, slows down, leading to intestinal atony.

If the mother had problems with the stool during the period of bearing the child, then before birth the percentage of complications increases sharply. In this case, you should prepare for the problems in advance.


Constipation in pregnant women is considered the absence of bowel movement for more than three days. The condition is accompanied by a feeling of incomplete bowel movement. In the left part of the abdomen, pain is manifested.

In the presence of inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nodes, feces can have a red color. In the anus, burning, itching and soreness are noted.

constipation during pregnancy

Constipation can occur in a chronic and acute form. The acute type is temporary. It occurs against the background of any factors. It can be triggered by stressful situations, moving, errors in nutrition, inactive lifestyle. If you eliminate this, then constipation will definitely stop.

If it is impossible to remove the cause, the acute form becomes chronic. In this case, constipation will have to be treated for a long time. Due to the fact that in the intestine, fluid is absorbed more than expected, the feces become drier and harder. Therefore, the processes of decay are started, and toxins in large quantities enter the bloodstream. Strong intoxication develops, and the woman's condition worsens. Due to persistent constipation, the patient's skin also suffers. They turn yellow, lose their elasticity and moisture.

But all this is not the main problem. Compaction of feces provokes the development of hemorrhoids and increased muscle tone of the uterus. And the latter can cause an abortion. If you consider all the problems that constipation can lead to, then treating it in a timely manner is simply necessary.

Diet for constipation

If constipation during pregnancy worries, and what to do at home is not known, then first you need to review the diet.

During treatment, one of the main factors is proper nutrition and regimen. At such moments, food should be taken in small portions several times a day, i.e. adhere to a fractional diet. In the later stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother should eat about 6-7 times a day. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be properly distributed.

severe constipation during pregnancy

Proteins are better to eat in the morning, carbohydrates in the evening. Given all liquid foods and drinks, no more than two liters of liquid should be consumed per day.

Alternative treatment methods

If constipation during pregnancy worries, and what to do is unclear, then alternative methods will help. But any treatment should always be agreed with the doctor. It must be remembered that there are such herbs that pregnant women should never be.

List of forbidden herbs:

  • sagebrush;
  • rhubarb;
  • scarlet faith;
  • nettle;
  • buckthorn.

All these herbs affect the muscle tone of the uterus. Therefore, folk remedies should be taken under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Among the herbs that can be used are:

  • motherwort;
  • plantain;
  • mint;
  • violet;
  • currant;
  • calendula;
  • rosehip;
  • dill.

Standard cooking proportions - 1-2 tbsp. l raw materials in a glass of boiling water. But it is better to consult a doctor, since everything is individual, as is the regimen.

No harm to the body

Among the popular recipes of folk remedies that can be consumed without harm to health with constipation during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester:

  • On an empty stomach you need to eat a couple of kiwi.
  • In the morning you can have breakfast with boiled beets.
  • Natural juice from plums.
  • Drink 50 ml mixed potato juice with water before meals.
  • Add half a glass of milk to a teaspoon of honey and drink at night.
  • Make tea from the fruits of mountain ash and rose hips, drink before bedtime.
  • Baked pumpkin in the oven with honey.

Drug treatment

Medicines for constipation in the third trimester of pregnancy should be selected carefully and, of course, only with a doctor. The list of drugs approved for use is small.

The drug Dufalac

The selected drug should be not only effective, but also safe for the baby and mother. Among the popular remedies for constipation during pregnancy, the following are the reviews:

  1. Preparations with lactulose - “Forlax”, “Dufalac”, “Normolact”, “Prelax”. These drugs are saline laxatives, but the dose of salt in them is small. Therefore, they are allowed at all stages of pregnancy.
  2. Bifidobacteria. They are most often prescribed for diarrhea, but also for constipation also significantly help. Under their influence, intestinal microflora and digestive processes are restored. They are recommended to be taken with kefir.
  3. Candles They are usually made from glycerin. The latter softens the stool and helps them exit the intestines. Funds are safe because they do not penetrate the general bloodstream.

Dosages of all of the above drugs are selected individually by your doctor.

The drug Normolact

What is forbidden

And below are the drugs that are strictly prohibited during pregnancy:

  1. Annoying. Drugs can cause contractions. These include senna leaves, Karlovy Vary salt and castor oil. It is noted that the enteric nervous system undergoes degenerative changes under their influence. In addition, they are very toxic and have a mutagenic effect.
  2. Volumetric. The composition of such laxatives includes hydrophilic colloidal substances and dietary fiber.
  3. Detergents. Otherwise, they are called mineral oils. During use, they accumulate in the walls of the intestine, which causes inflammation and impaired absorption of fat-soluble vitamin substances.

Dangers are also drugs that include flax, seaweed and agar-agar. They are harmful in that they cause fluid retention in the body.

The danger of laxatives

Most of the danger comes from strong salt laxatives. They have a devastating effect on the water-salt balance of the body and lead to a number of complications.

The drug Prelax

Fatty lubricants, while helping to soften feces, are also prohibited. They interfere with the absorption of those vitamins that are necessary for the proper development of the baby in the womb.

Complications after constipation

It is necessary to treat constipation during pregnancy, because the accumulating food debris in the intestine leads to the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms. Toxins are formed that enter the bloodstream and through the placenta to the fetus.

Possible complications:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • violation of the intestinal flora;
  • inflammation of the female reproductive system;
  • the development of decay processes and the release of toxins;
  • premature birth;

Due to the disturbed composition of the intestinal flora, the vaginal microflora also deteriorates, which threatens the development of colpitis, endometritis, infection in the amniotic fluid, and postpartum complications are also possible.

The drug Forlax

Long-term constipation during pregnancy in the later stages affects not only the general condition of the female body, but also the health of the fetus. Toxins that reach the fetus through the placental barrier provoke placental insufficiency and lead to stunted growth and development of the unborn child.

How to prevent constipation?

To pay attention to the prevention of constipation, you need to adhere to some rules:

  1. In the diet should be a sufficient amount of foods containing fiber. After all, dietary fiber is the most wonderful tool in the fight against constipation. Fruits and vegetables are recommended in the daily diet, certainly raw. If you have difficulty digesting raw foods, you can heat them. Dried fruits - prunes and dried apricots will help to empty the intestines easily.
  2. Failure or minimal acceptance of certain products. Strong coffee, tea, cocoa, semolina, chocolate and flour products should be minimized. Flatulence and constipation from legumes, cabbage, apples and grapes often occur.
  3. Drink enough fluids. If there are no problems with the kidneys and swelling, you need to drink a lot. At least 1.5 should be consumed per day. To help the intestines work well, you need to drink half a glass of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach. Breakfast can start in half an hour.
  4. Active lifestyle. If you have tortured constipation, you need to increase your motor activity. Take regular walks in the fresh air or take time out for yoga exercises for pregnant women.


The main advice is not to wait until constipation affects the general condition, but it is necessary to treat it on time. A fundamental factor is nutrition. You need to review your diet and make adjustments if necessary.

What you need and can eat:

  1. As said, these are vegetables and fruits. Because they are rich in fiber. Eat raw or can be steamed. Products that enhance the formation of gases, exclude: cabbage, legumes, spinach.
  2. Dried fruits. With constipation, prunes are considered very effective.
  3. Cereals. Buckwheat, oatmeal and barley contribute to the relaxation of the stool.
  4. Dairy products. Products must be non-greasy. It is better to use them in the afternoon. Hard cheese excluded.
  5. Floury. Exclude pastries and white bread. The rest can be in moderation.
  6. Water. To avoid constipation, it is very important to consume a large amount of fluid. If a woman is not worried about swelling and heart disease, you need to drink about two liters of water per day. Drinking a glass of warm water daily before meals in the morning is helpful. We must not forget about liquid food, which should also be present in the diet of the expectant mother. It is useful to drink compotes based on dried fruits, homemade jelly, green tea and fruit drinks from homemade jam.

Most importantly, it’s best to remove all sweets from the list of consumed foods. Especially chocolate products. It is also worth limiting yourself to salty, fried and smoked foods.

Of course, you need to lead an active lifestyle. For pregnant women, special exercise programs are being created that they are allowed to do. Also, walks in the fresh air are extremely useful.

Recipes for alternative treatment will help get rid of constipation, but they can also be used for preventive purposes. It must be remembered that it is always easier to prevent one or another ailment than to treat it later.

And most importantly - during pregnancy, a woman will have to think not only about her health, but also the condition and well-being of the unborn baby.

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