"Lego Mindstorms" - a great toy for children

Your child is no longer a baby, but still loves to play with toys, and you do not know what to give him for the upcoming New Year's holiday, birthday, or some other celebration? Have you heard about such a wonderful toy for children as the constructor of "Lego Mindstorms"? If not, then this article is for you.

lego mindstorms

Lego is a constructor with which children can build fairy-tale castles and palaces from small plastic bricks, build houses and cars, railways, trains and planes. And parents quietly envy them, because in their childhood such a toy was an incredible dream. However, the process does not stand still. There are currently new versions of the constructor on sale - Mindstorms.

Briefly about the designer

The LEGO Group company has existed since 1932 and is a leader in the production and sale of children's designers. Its products are made from high-quality environmentally friendly materials. It is safe for children of any age and does not lose its attractive appearance for a sufficiently long time. Employees of the company are constantly searching for new ideas and modern technologies, trying to systematically create new series. The Lego Mindstorms constructors are an example of the teamโ€™s extraordinary and creative approach to solving these issues. They have a unique technology that turns an ordinary toy into a unique one.

These designers are an intellectual occupation for children and a new level of a developing game. They consist of a familiar set of elements (wheels, gears, axles, beams) that are interconnected, and electronic units. From all this, a programmable robot is created, which is controlled by computer programs and can perform certain tasks and commands.

A bit of history

In 1998, the first Lego Mindstorms robotics kit was created with a programmable controller in the form of a Lego brick. Its name - Mindstorms - the model received thanks to the scientist Seymour Peypertu. The designer immediately interested his customers. Demand for it was growing rapidly, which prompted the manufacturer to constantly update and supplement its product.

lego constructors mindstorms

So, in 2006, the Lego Mindstorms NXT robotics kit appeared. After him, in the 2009th, an improved and more advanced model was released - Mindstorms NXT 2.0. And in 2013, a completely new version went on sale - Mindstorms EV3.

What is unique about Lego Mindstorms?

What is the difference between the Lego Mindstorms constructor and ordinary game sets? This model has sensors, an engine and a programmable unit. This equipment will allow your child to assemble a real robot. Immediately it is worth stipulating that he will be practically alive. The robot is endowed with signs of intelligence, is able to carry out commands. And although this toy is from the category of expensive, but it is worth it. The money spent on the purchase of Lego Mindstorms is a profitable investment in the development of your child.

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