Anatomy of the internal organs of a dog: description, definition, structure, type, functions, meaning and structure

A healthy dog ​​is a lively and cheerful animal with a shiny coat, clean eyes, a slightly moist and cold nose. When the dog is sleeping, the nose may be a little dry or a little hot. A healthy dog ​​should have a good appetite, regular stool, urination several times a day, and even breathing. The mucous membrane of the eyes should be pale pink.

A sick dog can be identified by several signs:

  1. The animal is oppressed, tries to hide from prying eyes, does not come when its owner calls, or does it reluctantly.
  2. The dog eats little and constantly asks for water.
  3. The animal has no or broken stool. Sometimes sick dogs have blood in their stool.
  4. Vomiting, suppuration in the eyes or nose, urination too frequent.
  5. Eye color has acquired a yellowish or cyanotic color.
  6. Wool falls out or changes color sharply, becomes dull.
  7. Pulse and body temperature are different from normal.
  8. Respiratory failure or severe shortness of breath, appearing without physical exertion.

If the above signs of the disease were found by the owners of a pet, it is urgent to contact a veterinarian for help.

To provide first aid to your pet, you need to study its anatomical and physiological features.

Dog body structure

Each owner who has a dog at home should have minimal knowledge about the structure of the body of this animal. This will help to timely detect the symptoms of a dangerous disease in the dog. It is on the person in most cases that the life and health of his pet depends. In addition, knowledge of the structure of the dog’s body will help the owner understand many features of the animal’s behavior. This is especially important when a person wants to raise an assistant in business from a small puppy, for example, in hunting or for house security. Raising a dog is necessary from the first months of life.

The body of the dog consists of external and internal organs. All parts of the body are closely related to each other, each work is directly dependent on each other.

Each organ consists of tissues that ensure its work. They are cells of various shapes, intercellular substance and fibers. Cells are the smallest structures in the animal’s body, their shape and structure depend on their purpose. Cell size varies from 10 to 100 microns.

Types of Tissues

Puppy plays with his mistress

There are 4 main types of tissues in a dog’s body:

  1. Coverslips. They form the outer layer of the skin, and are also located on the inner surface of the nasal and oral cavities. They also envelop many internal organs, such as the esophagus, intestines, bladder, and stomach. The integumentary tissues are needed not only to provide reliable protection of vital organs. They also metabolize, produce gastric and intestinal juices, saliva and tears.
  2. Musculoskeletal tissue. This type includes lymph, blood, fatty layers, cartilage, bone and connective tissue. They differ significantly in structure and purpose, but their most important purpose is to create the skeleton of the whole organism. They are also responsible for the connection of all organs among themselves. One of the types of musculoskeletal tissue performs a protective function, preventing damage to blood vessels, nerves and other vital organs.
  3. Muscle tissue provides motor function. They allow the animal to move and carry out the work of internal organs.
  4. Nerve tissue forms the nervous system of a dog. It controls the work of organs, and also receives signals from the external environment, processes them, and then sends information to the brain.

All of the above tissues - this is the so-called "building material" for organs. Usually, the predominance of one type of tissue in an organ determines its function. So, in the brain the most detected nerve tissue.

Each organ in the dog’s body performs its main function, however, they all solve secondary tasks, which are also important for the normal functioning of the body.

The main function of skeleton bones is to allow the dog to move, but in addition to this function, the bones can fill the body with nutrients, and also provide blood flow to the limbs.

The skeleton of the animal is involved in carbohydrate, protein, fat and mineral metabolism.

The main organs and systems

The structure of the internal organs of the dog is arranged in such a way that there are several important organs and systems in their body, which are listed below:

  1. Internal systems of organs responsible for respiration, excretion, reproduction and digestion.
  2. Lymphatic and circulatory systems.
  3. The apparatus responsible for the movement of the body, which consists of muscles, bones and ligaments.
  4. The immune system.
  5. Skin covering.
  6. The system of endocrine glands.
  7. The sensory organs.
  8. Nervous system.

Dog bones

Dog Protective Collar

The anatomy atlas of dogs includes the skeleton of this animal. It consists of 29 types of bones. All of them are listed below:

  1. Upper jaw.
  2. Lower jaw.
  3. Thoracic vertebrae.
  4. Skull box.
  5. Metatarsus.
  6. Parietal bone.
  7. Cervical vertebrae.
  8. Lumbar vertebrae.
  9. Occipital tubercle.
  10. Caudal vertebrae.
  11. Brachial bone.
  12. Bones of the forearm.
  13. Bones of the wrist.
  14. Metacarpus.
  15. Phalanges of the fingers.
  16. Shoulder blades.
  17. Ribs
  18. Hip joint.
  19. Femur.
  20. Knee-joint.
  21. Sternum.
  22. Rib cartilage.
  23. Tibia.
  24. Hock joint.
  25. Tarsus.
  26. Fingers.
  27. Tibia.
  28. Hip bone.
  29. Calcaneus.

Dog body structure

Many dog ​​breeders are interested in the question: what is the topography of the internal organs in dogs? A dog is a mammal animal. Their skeleton has a typical structure for them and the same departments.

Mammals have 7 cervical vertebrae. Giraffes with a very long neck and whales that have no neck at all have the same number of vertebrae as dogs.

Thoracic vertebrae (depending on the breed of the dog, their number varies from 12 to 15 pieces) together with the ribs and sternum are part of the chest.

The lumbar spine, which is responsible for protecting and fixing the internal organs of the dog (photo can be seen in this article), consists of six mobile vertebrae. The sacral spine consists of 4 vertebrae connected to the pelvis.

Depending on the breed of the dog, the number of vertebrae in the tail of the skeleton can vary from three to several tens. The length of the tail depends on the number of bones.

The skeleton of the forelimbs consists of two scapulae, which are connected using the crow's bones and two clavicles.

The supporting part of the hind limbs consists of the pelvic bone, which was formed of three fused bones. It is noteworthy that many mammals, including dogs, have well developed muscles of the pelvis and limbs.

dog skeleton

Dog Mouth

The anatomy of dogs (the photo in the article confirms this) is arranged in such a way that their teeth and tongue are placed in the oral cavity. The latter serves to determine the taste of food. Its surface is covered with papillae, at the end of which taste nerves are located. The tongue is able to move food in the mouth to moisten it with saliva and chew.

The anatomy of the internal organs of dogs is arranged in such a way that their teeth have long roots that are placed in the holes of the jaw. Each tooth has a complex structure and consists of dentin. Outside it is covered with enamel. The sharpest teeth (incisors) are located in front, powerful fangs are located on the sides in the mouth. At the back of the mouth are molars.

In order to reliably hold prey and carefully chew meat and grind bones, the dog has very well developed muscles responsible for the movement of the lower jaw.

The anatomy of the internal organs of dogs is arranged in such a way that the puppies of this animal first grow milk teeth, which after a few months fall out. Subsequently, they are replaced by constants.

All dog teeth are needed to perform certain tasks. So, indigenous are used to break large pieces of meat.

The molars placed along the edge have blunt tips. They help grind solid plant foods. The sharpened incisors are designed to separate the meat from the bones.

Internal organs

The anatomy of the internal organs of the dog is arranged in such a way that in the body of this animal they are represented by 18 basic ones. All are listed below:

  1. Oral cavity.
  2. Anal glands.
  3. The genitals.
  4. Anal opening.
  5. A heart.
  6. Nasal cavity.
  7. The large intestine.
  8. The kidneys.
  9. The small intestine.
  10. Lungs.
  11. Cerebellum.
  12. Spinal cord.
  13. Brain.
  14. Liver.
  15. Bladder.
  16. Trachea.
  17. Spleen.
  18. Esophagus.

The anatomy of the internal organs of the dog is arranged in such a way that their stomach consists of one chamber for processing food. The intestine consists of three types of intestines: straight, thick and thin. Once in the intestines, food dissolves under the influence of the secretion of the digestive glands, as well as the juices that come from the pancreas and liver.

Mannequin with the structure of internal organs

The anatomy of the internal organs of the dog is arranged in such a way that the chest cavity of the dog is separated by the muscular septum from the abdominal. With a contraction of the intercostal muscles, an increase in the chest occurs. The ribs move forward during air intake. The diaphragm becomes flat. When exhalation occurs, the ribs lower. The chest is narrowing, due to this, air is pushed out of the dog's lungs. There is an exhalation.

The anatomical structure of the internal organs of the dog is such that they, regardless of breed, have a four-chamber heart. It consists of two atria and two ventricles. Blood moves in a large and small circle of blood circulation.

Due to the anatomical structure of the internal organs of the dog, their urine is excreted during the work of the kidneys. This paired organ is located on the sides relative to the lumbar vertebrae. The generated urine enters the bladder, and from there it is periodically withdrawn through the channel in small portions.

The successful location of the internal organs of the dog allows for a quick metabolism. Healthy dogs should have the same body temperature. In puppies, it is about 38.5 degrees. In adult dogs, the norm of body temperature is approximately 37.5 degrees.

The brain also enters the anatomical structure of the internal organs of the dog. It is located inside the cranium and consists of two hemispheres. The hemispheres of the brain have a layer of nerve cells that form its cortex. It is enlarged, there are gyruses in it. The more of them, the better developed brain activity of the animal. This department controls the complex movements of the body.

The structure of the internal organs of the dog (you can see the photo with the inscriptions of all the organs in the article) allow these animals to feel five senses:

  • touch;
  • hearing;
  • taste;
  • sense of smell;
  • vision.
internal organs

Due to the structural features of the internal organs of dogs, they have a well-developed sense of smell, which helps them to search for their prey or relative even at a great distance. Hearing in most dogs is also well developed. The auricles pick up even the quietest sounds.

Long hairs (vibrissae), which grow near the nose and eyes, are responsible for touch.

Upon contact with any object or prey, the dog uses its three senses at once: touch, sight and smell. They need to constantly contact the outside world. They remember their experience and hone their skills.

Changes in nature contribute to a change in behavior in animals, they develop new reflexes. This ability allows this species of mammals to adapt to various conditions, helps them survive in the world around them.

Dog games at an early age (chasing, running, and fighting) are great training to hone your individual defense and attack skills.

How to measure the temperature of a dog

Veterinarian makes an injection to a sick dog

Before measuring the body temperature of your pet, shake the thermometer, and then grease its tip with baby cream or petroleum jelly. Then it must be inserted into the rectum 2 cm, after lifting the tail of the animal.

The thermometer must be held and not allowed to sit down. The thermometer can be pulled out after 5 minutes. After each measurement, the medical measuring device should be disinfected.

Breath measurement

The respiratory rate can be set if you correctly calculate the number of breaths and exhalations of the animal within one minute. For an accurate calculation, place your hand on the chest of the dog or follow the movement of its nose wings. A healthy dog ​​takes ten to twenty breaths for one minute at rest.

The anatomy of the internal organs of the dog is designed in such a way that breathing quickens if the animal is running. Also, the number of breaths increases if the dog is frightened or excited by something. Respiratory rate may vary depending on the time of day and weather changes. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the internal organs of the dog in the heat, her breathing is much faster.

Puppies at an early age breathe much more often than adults.

Heart rate

Puppies from birth need to be trained to get their own food

The anatomy of the structure of dogs is designed in such a way that the frequency of their heartbeat is easiest to calculate if you put your hand to the chest of the animal.

The pulse can be felt by applying fingers to the femoral artery. It is located on the inside of the thigh. The heart of a healthy animal, resting for half an hour, should be reduced with a frequency of 60 to 120 beats per minute.

The heart works much faster if the dog is subject to physical exertion, excited, feels pain. Also, the heart muscle contracts more often if the animal has a fever.

In young puppies, the heart works faster than in adult dogs.


For first aid in identifying symptoms of damage to internal organs in a dog, each owner needs to have a veterinary first aid kit at home. Do not forget about checking the expiration dates of the drugs in it. Expired drugs must be replaced with new ones in a timely manner. First of all, in such a first-aid kit should be:

  1. Activated carbon.
  2. Sterile cotton.
  3. Thermometer.
  4. Iodine.
  5. Syringes.
  6. Adhesive plaster.
  7. Antipyretic.
  8. Bandages
  9. Syringe.
  10. Analgin.

Use of drugs

Sculpture of a dog, where you can see his muscles

Each dog owner needs to know how to properly give his pet the necessary medicines to treat ailments. Some dog breeders encounter difficulties when their dog does not want to take medicine. As a rule, the addition of drugs to food does not give any results. The pet quickly learns to select tidbits, leaving the tablets uneaten. In order to facilitate the procedure for taking pills and medicines in the body of an animal, you should resort to some tricky tricks:

  1. Use a syringe. In this case, it is necessary to pour the medicine into the mouth at the same time as the owner will compress the jaws of the dog. This will prevent the animal from closing its jaw.
  2. After the tablet or powder is on the tip of the tongue, the dog needs to firmly hold his mouth with his hands so that the medicine does not fall back. A sick animal must be kept this way for several minutes until the product enters the esophagus.
  3. Powdered substances should be poured onto the dog's tongue, and after a while give it a drink of clean water.
  4. To make the dog drink the potion, you should throw the animal's head up, and then try to pour the liquid over the jaw. Now it remains to wait for the pet to swallow the remedy reflexively.
  5. Applying the product externally directly to the dog's body does not cause much trouble. However, after applying the cream or gel, it is necessary to put on a protective collar on the animal. Such a device will not allow the dog to lick the medicine from the body.
  6. Rectal and vaginal administration of drugs is carried out with the help of suppositories and special enemas for animals. After successful injection of the drug into the colon, it is necessary to press the tail to the anus for some time.
  7. Instillation of drugs in the eyes is a complicated procedure. It is advisable to do it together: one holds the face of the dog, and the second should use the drug, while holding the dog’s eyelids open with one hand.
  8. If you need to inject a syringe with a preparation under the skin of an animal, you need to buy a syringe with a thin and short needle in a pharmacy. In order for the medicine to work, it is necessary to collect the fold near the withers with two fingers, and then insert the needle to a depth of 2 cm. Then, it is necessary to inject liquid by slowly pressing the syringe plunger.
  9. Sometimes animal owners have to independently inject their pets. For this procedure, it is necessary to find a small saphenous vein in the lower leg of the dog. Above the puncture site, a tourniquet must be applied by tightening the paw tightly. Only then can a vein be pierced with a needle. After that, you can enter the drug. It is very important to hold the paw of the animal during this procedure, otherwise it may be injured.

All other procedures, such as installing droppers, intracavitary injections, injecting the drug into the heart muscle, blood transfusion, ultrasound of the internal organs in dogs should only be done by a qualified veterinarian.

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