Silicone suction cup - an indispensable thing in the household

Often there are situations when you need to attach a thing in such a way as not to make a hole in it. For example, hang the blinds on a new plastic window or attach the navigator to the windshield of your favorite car. In this case, a silicone suction cup will be an indispensable device.

silicone glass suction cups

Silicone itself is a complex polymer that contains oxygen and silicon molecules. This substance has strong water repellent properties. It is chemically neutral, that is, it rarely enters into chemical reactions with other substances. It is stable at different temperatures, practically does not serve destruction. The presence of such properties led to the widespread use of silicone.

The most common areas of its use are construction projects, water supply systems, and sewage. With its help, the joints are sealed on the facades of houses, windows. It is indispensable in the construction of drainage systems. This material is also used in the manufacture of devices such as silicone suction cups for glass.

silicone suction cup

There are many possible suction cup options on the market. Some are designed for attaching towels in the bathroom and are equipped with special hooks, others have holes for attaching any objects, such as toothbrushes. This type of fastener with proper installation is quite reliable. And fixing it yourself is not difficult even for a child.

When choosing a suction cup, you must pay attention to its elasticity. Today, Chinese manufacturers use plastic impurities to reduce the cost of the finished product, which negatively affects the quality. Such a silicone suction cup is less flexible and rigid, which is easy to determine by trying to bend it. With good quality material, silicone takes its original form.

If after prolonged use, the suction cup has lost its elasticity and no longer "wants" to stay on the glass, do not rush to throw it away, but try to restore flexibility. To do this, put it in a saucepan with water and put on the stove. Wait for the water to boil, and do not remove the suction cup for 2 minutes. This will return its elasticity for a while, but buying a new one will not be possible to avoid.

The silicone suction cup is also indispensable in the car. Car navigator, window blinds, rear-view mirror - this is just a small list of ways to use it in a car.

universal silicone suction cup

Aquarists have also had to deal with such a mount as a universal silicone suction cup more than once. It is used to mount filters, heating pads, thermometers, so necessary for the normal functioning of the aquarium.

From the above it follows that such a thing as a silicone suction cup is a necessary and inexpensive device that is actively used in everyday life. And every day the number of options for its use increases and is limited only by human imagination.

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