Which week can you determine the sex of the child - a question that excites all mothers

The question of which week you can determine the gender of the child, worries many women. However, do not rush into this. Until the 8th week of development, the fetus itself does not yet know what gender it will be. Finally, sexual characteristics are formed by the 12th week. The first ultrasound is usually done at this time, but you should not expect that they will tell you the exact gender of your baby. The embryo is very small.

Deadline for determining sex

what week can you determine the gender of the child

The second ultrasound, which is done in the period 23 - 25 weeks, already allows you to examine the genitals. Sometimes the child is in such a position that it is quite problematic to see his gender. If a specialist has extensive experience, he will wait until the baby stirs and determine the gender of your child. To find out which week you can determine the sex of the child, 3D research will allow. Its cost is quite high, but at the end of the procedure you will not only learn the gender of your baby, but also receive touching pictures of the baby in your tummy as a gift. One of the guaranteed methods for determining sex is a chorionic biopsy. It can be carried out at 7 - 10 weeks of pregnancy. From the uterus with a thin needle, its contents are taken, and then examined in the laboratory. Having studied the chromosome set, we can say who will be: a boy or a girl. However, this is quite dangerous. Such an analysis is recommended only if there is a risk of impaired development of the child. Quite often, miscarriages occur with a similar study.

Determine the gender of the child according to folk signs

what week is the sex of the child determined

So, you already know what week you can determine the gender of the child! Soon you will become mom and dad! Who is to be expected? You can just go for an ultrasound. However, it happens that this procedure is prohibited for medical reasons. But do not despair, because there are folk signs on the floor of the child. This includes the well-being and appearance of the woman. You suffer from severe toxicosis - then expect a boy. For this sign there is a real physiological basis - bearing a creature of the opposite sex is a more difficult and painful task. You are drawn to sour, meat and salty - a boy will be born. You always want sweet, baked and fruit - you can expect a little princess. Women who wear girls almost never experience toxicosis. You freeze all the time - wait for the girl. To you, on the contrary, it’s hot and stuffy all the time - for sure a boy will be born. Your legs hair started to grow abruptly - there will be a boy. You already know what week the sex of the child is determined, so pay attention to the shape of the abdomen and the behavior of the baby. Your tummy is pointed - you have a boy, rounded - a girl. The kid always beats you in the liver - this is a girl, a little boy is knocking on the bladder.

signs on the floor of the child

The future mother tries to hide her pregnancy all the time - a girl will be born, and if she shows everyone her tummy - a boy. You sleep all the time on your left side - there will be a boy. The men around you are very annoying - wait for the girl. Throughout your pregnancy you have a great mood - expect a boy, bad - a girl. You already know which week you can determine the sex of the child and how to do it. Therefore, listen to yourself, and you will certainly understand who you will soon be born.

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