A cat is a mystical animal. The ancient Egyptians believed that she escorts a person on his journey to the afterlife. A huge number of different myths, signs and superstitions are associated with cats. Remember the image of a witch from a fairy tale. Her constant companion is a black cat. Fans of these animals may object that these are all speculations of illiterate people. Most likely, this is true, but still there are a lot of interesting things in the lifestyle of independent and proud creatures. In particular, today we will talk about why cats leave home.
Do not drive cats
But let's talk about everything in order. Since ancient times, our ancestors believed that the appearance of a fluffy beauty in the house is a good sign. Therefore, if a kitten or an adult animal appears at your doorstep, do not rush to close the door. Maybe this is precisely what he lacks to balance energy. It used to be that if a cat came by herself, it was a sign of the goodwill of higher powers, and to drive a pussy out was to incur trouble. At the same time, it was possible to determine by the color of the animal what exactly good you can expect in the future:
- A black or tricolor cat predicts unexpected profits and family prosperity. These are the best astral protectors.
- The red cat is a protection of love and intimate relations of a married couple.
- White cats are wonderful healers. They feel damage and help remove it.
Finiteness of being
Like all living things, pets have a limited lifespan. The time will come - and your furry lump will age, and the hour of parting with it will draw near. Usually, owners of older animals are increasingly worried about the health status of their pets. And often in a conversation with a veterinarian the question pops up about why cats leave home, because there is an opinion that as death approaches, animals tend to find a secluded place where it will be easier for them to accept the inevitable. However, most hosts want to spend the last minutes next to their favorite. Therefore, today we decided to talk about why cats leave home.
Animal age
Young animals die too. Injuries, illnesses, accidents - all this significantly reduces the life span. But the care of older pets is much more common. Most often these are cats and cats, who are 15-17 years old. It happens that homemade beauties celebrate their 25th anniversary, but this is more an exception than a rule. Most often, veterinarians orient the owner to the age of 14 years. Each subsequent year can be considered a gift.
And yet, why do cats leave home and never return? Is there any mystery behind this, or is the explanation on the surface, we just don’t want to notice it? Let's look for an explanation of this behavior together. In consolation, the owners want to say that death is the natural end of life. Over the years, the animal will no longer play like a kitten. No need to consider yourself guilty, this is only a natural ending. But your task and responsibility is to provide your pet with decent last months, weeks and days of life. Therefore, it is important to know why cats leave to die from home, and to prevent this. Alone, he will be deprived of care and the opportunity to receive the necessary help.
Pet safety is the responsibility of the owner
This should be understood by every person when he is going to make himself a furry pet. As in the case of a small child, it is you who must control the animal, notice the changes in time and react to them properly.
Usually when a pet disappears, it is perceived as a tragedy, which in some cases it is. It also happens that after some time the animal comes back. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. And the reasons for the disappearance may be different. Therefore, you need to immediately begin the search for the animal, and even better, prevent the escape and take precautions.
Symptoms of an Imminent Death
Anticipating the imminent death, the animals are changing greatly. Of course, it cannot be said that they understand what is happening. But intuitively animals are looking for the opportunity to spend as much time with the owner as possible. Even weak animals, which during their lives led a passive lifestyle, find the strength to play in themselves. It is difficult to say why this is happening, but this is one of the signs that he has not long left.
But this behavior is not always typical. Otherwise, the question of why cats leave home and do not return would not arise. If a cat suffers from cancer or another incurable disease, then its death is sudden. At the same time, the state changes so dramatically that the animal tries to find a secluded dark corner in order to hide from the pain pursuing it.
Symptoms of imminent death are:
- A plume of age-related chronic diseases.
- Apathy and drowsiness. The animal almost does not leave its favorite place.
- The appetite is reduced, the cat is losing weight.
- It starts to lose orientation in space, stumbles upon various objects, sways when walking.
- Breathing becomes heavy, pupils dilated.
Owner Behavior
Speaking about why cats leave home before they die, it is worth paying attention to this moment. Observing the symptoms of near death, you need to accept this as inevitable. Do I need to make a decision about euthanasia or leave everything as it is? It depends on the condition of the animal. If he is tormented by pain, then he should be relieved of unnecessary suffering. Consult with your veterinarian and he will tell you what you can do in your case. And of course, you need to try to spend at home as much time as possible and pay attention to your favorite.
Where the cats go
Many works describe situations when, on the eve of death, the animal leaves the house. As for the causes of this phenomenon, there are many theories. Someone explains this by the fact that cats do not want to cause psychological trauma to their owner. Others suggest that the torment experienced causes the animal to seek a secluded place where it will be possible to wait until the pain subsides.
There are cases when old animals are taken to the owner’s hands, literally do not leave him, and then leave the house forever. Let's look at how this phenomenon is explained by folk signs.
Love for the owners
This explains the reason for what is happening, many signs. Why do cats leave home? If the animal leaves his native home before his death, then he takes care of his beloved master. If the cat dies at home, it means that he did not feel much love for you. This sign originates from ancient times, when the doors did not lock and the animals moved quietly. In the modern world, they can no longer afford this. Therefore, it is unlikely that the sign will be relevant.
Test for the owner
We continue to consider the most common signs. Why do young cats leave home? This is an even more interesting question, because it is generally accepted that animals go away to die. In ancient times, it was believed that the death of a cat promises trials. Moreover, if the animal leaves the house, it means that it averts trouble, but a person will still face a life test. But the death of a cat in the walls of the house promises that a serious and prolonged illness will not pass by a person.
Negative energy
Even today, many, seeing a black cat, tend to move to the other side. That is, the signs associated with this animal are alive, despite all modern knowledge. The presence of evil eye and spoilage may indicate the frequent death of pets. If several cats die one after another, it means that there is a large flow of negative energy in the house, which animals cannot cope with. But with their death, they cleanse it, making it possible for the owners to live normally. If the animal was young and healthy, but literally fell ill and died for several weeks, then the energy in the house is clearly lame.
Taking away the negative
This omen comes from the previous one. She also tries to explain why cats leave home when they die. The death of a beloved pet in the home walls saves the owners from an imminent death. Dying in the walls of the apartment, he takes all your negativity. If we consider this sign, we can assume that these creatures feel the negative that prevails in your home. Accordingly, the animal will try to leave this house and find a new home for itself.
Since ancient times, a cat is considered a sacred animal. Moreover, in many cultures, it is the fluffy beauty that is considered a guide to another world. Dying, our ancestors believed that the cat was waiting for them on the other side and would become a faithful helper. The Egyptians believed that, dying, this animal becomes a guardian angel of its master. Therefore, nobody wanted to offend the cat.
What are the reasons veterinarians call
In fact, there are much more understandable and simple reasons that help to understand the behavior of cats. The most common causes are:
- Foreboding of death. In nature, older animals behave this way. They find a secluded place where they accept the inevitable.
- Procreation. This is another reason why the cat leaves home for a long time. If March is approaching and the cat or cat suddenly left their native walls, then do not get upset. Soon they will return, and after a while the cat will disappear again to bring posterity.
- The cat may get lost. They are very curious by nature. Absolutely everything attracts their attention. Being carried away by flying dragonflies or birds, they may end up in an unfamiliar place.
- Jealousy. After some time after the establishment of the cat, the owners can have another pet for themselves. Or a child was born in the family. The cat begins to feel lonely and completely unnecessary. The reason for the disappearance of the pet may be jealousy.
Instead of a conclusion
It’s your choice to believe or not to believe in signs. Why do cats leave home and never return? There can be many reasons for this. First of all, you need to pay attention to your pet, to the state of his health. If the cat is cheerful and healthy, eating well and playing, then he can run away from home only during the period of sexual hunting or after playing a walk. To prevent this, you need to sterilize your pets on time or monitor them closely.
If you find an animal missing, then you must immediately organize its search. Perhaps the fluffy beauty was driven by dogs to a tree or hit by a car and is now waiting for your help. Therefore, it is necessary to go around the entire area and closely examine every corner. If the pet could not be found, then return home and wait, maybe the pet will find his way home.