There is a place on the baby’s head where there is no bone - this is the fontanel. It is pulsating, and this area is very soft. And when the fontanel in children overgrows, you will find out by reading this article.
Anatomical features
Children who were born naturally have an elongated head because the baby passed through the birth canal. The fontanel is a cartilaginous tissue that connects the bones of the skull. After some time, the soft area hardens, and the head becomes completely normal in shape. The elongation will disappear when the fontanel in children grows. Do not be afraid to touch the baby’s head, although the fontanel is soft, it is protected by a dense membrane.
Space energy
Since ancient times, people believe that cosmic energy is transmitted through the fontanel to the baby , and thanks to this, babies can see what others do not see. And when the soft spot is overgrown - the child grows up and already loses these skills. Whether it is true or not, no one will certainly answer.
When will the fontanel in children grow?
To begin with, the fontanelles are actually 6. 4 temporal and 1 occipital overgrow at the time of birth or, more often, during the first month of life. Frontal, just the one that pulsates, drags on for longer. This feature allows the brain to develop better. You probably noticed that doctors always examine the fontanel - in this place you can judge the changes that occur in the baby.
When the fontanel in children is delayed: timing
During the first year of life, the fontanel hardens in the baby. Sometimes this process lasts longer - up to one and a half years. There is nothing to worry about. This phenomenon should not scare young parents. If the process is delayed at a later date, then you should consult a doctor.
What does it mean if the fontanel in children does not overgrow
This phenomenon is most often associated with ongoing diseases. Late closure is an occasion to sound the alarm and conduct a detailed examination. Most often, the fontanel is not delayed for the following reasons:
- the child has rickets ;
- hydrocephalus;
- metabolic disease.
Your doctor will probably prescribe vitamin D. Even if you are often in the sun, you should still follow the doctor’s prescription. It will also be useful to introduce dairy products, eggs and fish into the child’s nutrition - they will saturate the body with calcium.
What to do when the fontanel in children grows up early?
Early closure of the fontanel does not always indicate the presence of the disease. Often this is simply because the “open space” is small. In other cases, the cause may be:
- early hardening of the joints of the skull, consisting of cartilage;
- hypervitaminosis;
- increased intracranial pressure.
In such cases, the doctor recommends that you stop taking vitamin D and prescribe a diet.
Why a fontanel pulsates in a child
Most parents are scared when they find a pulsating spot on the head of their child. But all fears are in vain, since this phenomenon is absolutely normal. The ripple corresponds to a heartbeat, as with each stroke the blood enters the brain. The vessels begin to pulsate, and this is transmitted to the cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid that surrounds the brain). In the event that the fontanel does not pulsate, you must immediately consult a doctor. This may indicate pressure differences.