Run function: what is it, what is it for, and how to start the console with a few simple methods?

All Windows operating systems have a very useful Run function, which is often ignored by many ordinary users, because they do not always fully know how to use this console in practice. Let's try to fill this gap and consider why we need such a tool, how to run it and use it for our own purposes.

What is the Run function for in Windows 10 and lower versions of the operating system?

Let's start by understanding the main purpose of this tool. Among users who rarely resort to it, for some reason there is an opinion that the “Run” function is necessary only to run as quickly as possible some system applets and commands that are not available for use through the graphical interface of the system. This is not entirely true, because with the right approach, this toolkit will be able to be configured in such a way that it will be possible to start almost any application installed in the system.

But the main purpose really means gaining quick access to some undocumented features of the system, however, for this it is necessary to have a sufficiently large body of knowledge on the use of the entered commands. So, for example, in order not to dig into the password requirements for logging in for a long time, it is enough to write the combination “user contropasswords2” in the console, after which it will be possible to change the corresponding parameters. In addition, it is with this tool that you can run the command line, absolutely all dispatchers, administration tools, system controls, etc.

How to call the console for executing software applets and commands in the simplest way?

However, now it is about how to call the Run function in Windows 10 & raquo; and modifications below.

Keyboard shortcut for calling the Run console

The easiest and fastest method is to start the console using the Win + R hotkey combination. This technique is very convenient, since you do not need to go through all kinds of menus and sections in search of the desired applet.

Start from the main menu

You can also call the Run function directly from the main menu, which appears when you press the start button (except for Windows 8).

Run function in the main menu

An applet is usually located in the system (utility) section of Windows. In the same way, simply in modifications of the seventh version and higher, you can use the search line, in which you enter a query by the name of the function - “Run”. In the tenth version, you can additionally take advantage of fixing the console on the initial screen or switching to viewing the location of the executable file.

Differences of the console in different versions of Windows

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that the Run function in Windows 7 is somewhat different from a similar tool in systems of a rank higher and lower. In some OS builds, the start point of the executed command on behalf of the administrator can be provided directly in the applet window.

Run Console on Windows 7

In versions below, there is no super administrator, so this type of start is not required. But in the eighth and tenth versions, very often such a launch is extremely necessary. But how to run the Run function if there is no quick start of a command as an administrator?

How to run a command as administrator

For such cases, there are two main solutions. The first is to start the “Task Manager” first, using the hot keys (Alt + Ctrl + Del on 7 or 10, Ctrl + Shift + Esc on the 8th version of Windows) or through the run console, and then create a new task through the file menu .

Run commands as administrator

After that, a window will appear that accurately repeats the Run menu, but with the command execution point present in it with admin rights.

How to find the Run function in Windows 7 & raquo; using Explorer?

The second option to start can also be used, but it is somewhat irrational. Since any such applet is presented in the system exclusively in the form of a file, there is nothing easier than using the most ordinary “Explorer”.

Run applet shortcut locations

Here you need to go to the local user directory, and then through the AppData and Roaming directories to get to the folder with the System Tools system tools, as shown in the image above, which is equivalent to finding the console in the main menu. Here the applet shortcut will be displayed, through which the console can also be launched with the required rights. But it’s absolutely useless to look for the start file in the "Explorer" (even the working directory is not specified in the properties of the shortcut).

How to add a console call to the main menu?

Finally, we present the optimal solution for returning the applet to the main menu if for some reason it is not displayed there. This can also be done through the registry, but we will use the simplest technique.

Returning Run to Windows 7 Main Menu

In Windows 7, just go to the properties of the Start menu and the Taskbar, where on the settings tab of the start menu, select the required component with a checkbox. In Windows 10, to configure, you need to use the options menu, go to the personalization section or immediately call it from the “Desktop” through RMB, go to the start menu settings item, and after clicking on the folder selection link displayed in it enable the execution console (does not work in recent builds of the system, starting from 1803).

Finally, today you can even find special user scripts in the form of executable files created by enthusiasts of their craft, running them on behalf of the administrator, after downloading to a computer, will restore the console location in the main menu. But with such applets, you must be very careful and, just in case, immediately check them with an antivirus for possible threats. Otherwise, instead of the necessary tool, you can easily infect the system with a virus, which can negatively affect its functioning, not to mention the safety of user documents, personal data or confidential information.

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