Majestic and graceful cats: Maine Coon breed

Those who happened to communicate with representatives of this amazing breed, note their sense of tact, aristocratic restraint, strength of character. These are calm and balanced cats. The Maine Coon breed is one of the oldest American breeds. They are very fond of these animals and consider them a national symbol.

cats breed maine coon

Large, graceful and tender cats. The Maine Coon breed miraculously combines physical power and strength with tenderness, grace, noble manners, a good disposition and a rare dedication to the owner of the cat.

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maine coon cattery

Maine Coon wool must be long, silky and not too soft. The texture and quality of the coat depends on the color of the animal. For example, white cats have a softer cover than their counterparts with agouti color. Maine Coons do not compete with other cat breeds, they have significant differences and individual characteristics that make these animals truly unique. Like everything perfect, they simply delight us.

These cats do not require any special care; they take excellent care of themselves. Therefore, handsome men are ideal for lovers of long-haired cat breeds, who, with all their love for pets, do not have time to comb their hair every day.

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photos of Maine Coon cats

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