Decorative rabbit ram: photo, description of the breed, keeping and breeding

Rabbits can often be found in the household. For a cheerful disposition, cute appearance, fluffy wool, they began to breed them as pets. One such breed is the ram rabbit. Its name arose due to its wide head and hanging long ears. Formally, the breed is classified as meat. But the owners of fluffy decorative pets want little to know about this. How did this species of rabbits appear?

Rabbit ram - calm animal

History of occurrence

Researchers believe that the first rabbits with hanging ears appeared in England. Previously, such a feature was considered a harmful mutation, but in the XX century, breeders decided not to reject such individuals. Over time, a new breed was created.

A little later, in the middle of the XIX century, French breeders improved the English breed, crossing it with the Flemish giant. A French ram rabbit appeared. In addition to strange ears, he was distinguished by great weight, especially females.

In the last third of the nineteenth century, France fought with Prussia. The German soldiers won, and at the same time brought amazing rabbits to their homeland. Very quickly they became popular in a united Germany. Local breeders have added their improvements, creating several more varieties.

Gradually lop-eared rabbits spread to other countries, including the United States. In each new state, breeders modified the breed at their discretion. There are more than ten inbreeds. Individuals differ in both behavior and appearance.

To create a decorative rabbit, a French lop-eared individual was crossed with a dwarf one. It happened in 1950 in Holland.

American lop-eared rabbit

Rabbit ram: breed description

A distinctive feature of the rabbit is the ears that hang down to the floor. Their shells should look inward. French are distinguished by their large size. Their weight is four to five kilograms, the length of the ears is about 45 centimeters. In decorative individuals, the length is 25-28 centimeters, and the weight is one or two kilograms. The size of the ears must comply with the prescribed standards, otherwise the individual is rejected.

Description of ram rabbit:

  • the body is cylindrical in shape;
  • rounded back of the body;
  • powerful nape;
  • there is practically no neck;
  • wide forehead on a massive head;
  • big eyes;
  • short forepaws.

The hair of individuals is silky and soft, has a natural shine. Its length and color can be very diverse. Although solid colors are more valued.

How to choose an individual

It does not matter for what purpose a lop-eared rabbit is chosen - as a pet or for breeding for meat. In any case, the animal must be 2 months old. It is from this age that it is ready to move.

It is necessary to get acquainted with the veterinary certificate, learn about the pedigree. It will be important to clarify about the vaccinations made, especially from myxomatosis, HBV.

The rabbit's behavior can tell a lot. The animal must jump around the cage, show interest in the world around it. It should be alerted if the animal sits in a corner, and its hair is disheveled. It may hurt. If the pet is liked, it should be carefully examined. For this rabbit to be pulled out of the cage.

When examined in detail, the animal's coat should be well-groomed, without visible bald spots. The ears of a healthy individual are pink, without crusts and pustules. In two-month-old rabbits, they already lie. In this case, the ears should not be sagging or too protruding. Eyes and nose must be clean, teeth - even. When breathing, there should be no wheezing. If everything is in order, the pet can be taken home.

Kids lop-eared rabbits

Care for a domestic rabbit

Keeping a ram rabbit is of great importance for its health and longevity. First of all, a cell is needed. Its length can vary between 60-80 centimeters, width - 80 centimeters, height - 50 centimeters. The cage should have a pallet with a depth of 15 centimeters. Litter is sawdust. It is best to use pressed ones.

It is better to position the cage in the shade, so that direct sunlight does not fall on it. The room temperature should be 10-12 degrees Celsius above zero. It is worth noting that such animals are quite finicky. They do not tolerate air temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius, as well as drafts, too dry or too humid air.

If necessary, a decorative rabbit ram can be washed. Usually it is enough to comb out the hair. The procedure is recommended 1 time per week. In the presence of long hair, it is important to prevent the formation of tangles. How to avoid this? For combing thick wool, there are special scallops and brushes.

Once every 3 weeks it is necessary to cut the claws. Then the furniture in the house will remain intact. This procedure is best done by professionals, although it all depends on the skills of the owner. For clipping claws, there are special nippers.

Ram rabbit cub

Content Tips

To improve comfort, the following points should be considered:

  • House - in a cage it is necessary to equip a shelter in which the animal will feel safe. It must be hidden from prying eyes.
  • Toilet - decorative rabbits usually choose one place as a toilet. It’s worth placing a cat tray there. It can be cleaned regularly.
  • Walk - the pet must be released from the cage for several hours so that it stretches its legs. This will promote good blood circulation.
  • Space and safety - since the breed is a fold, it is important to protect the ears of the animal from possible injuries. The cage should be spacious.
  • Wires - pets, despite their decorative purpose, remain rodents. They cannot overcome the natural desire to chew. To protect the house and the pet itself, which can be shocked by a bitten wire, it is better to keep them in a cage or aviary.

The drinker should be used suspended so that the animal does not pollute the water and does not wet its long ears in it. And as a bowl for food, heavy ceramic dishes are suitable. The animal will not be able to turn it over and will not bite it.

Rabbit in the fresh air


The main food are grain mixtures, hay. Sheep rabbits, reviews of which are generally positive, should not be fed fresh herbs, raw vegetables up to six months. They have a very delicate digestive tract, it can not cope with fiber and coarse fibers. In adulthood, daily intake of fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables in small quantities is allowed. Hay should always be in the public domain. Sometimes you can pamper your pet with homemade crackers, wheat.

Do not feed the animal with the following products:

  • meat;
  • milk (exception for two-month-old pets);
  • plums;
  • beetroot;
  • white cabbage;
  • celandine.

Water should be clean and settled, but not with gases and not chlorinated. As with drinking, constant access to mineral stone is required. Pets need to grind their teeth constantly. Even tree branches are suitable for this, but not needles.

Possible diseases

Rabbit ram is a rather gentle animal that is susceptible to various diseases. There are a number of signs by which you can suspect a problem. First of all, the hair grows dull. Also, in a sick animal, appetite disappears. In this case, the pet does not even respond to goodies. The fight against the disease is evidenced by body temperature above 39.5 degrees Celsius.

If you find these symptoms, you should definitely contact your veterinarian. It is important that he specializes in rabbits.

The main feed is hay


Rabbit ram is a rather cautious animal. He needs time to get used to the new owner. Do not pull the pet out of the cage by force. At first, it’s better to just open the cage and wait for his fear to be blocked by curiosity. Then he will begin to stick his face out of the door.

The rabbit's dwelling should be approached calmly. You can attract him with a treat. You need to talk with him in a quiet voice. But what if he shows aggression?

It is impossible to ignore such actions. Rabbits show their dominance by jumping on their backs. Therefore, to eliminate aggressive behavior, gently press it with your hand to the floor and hold for a few seconds. So the owner will make it clear to the pet that power is on his side.

Rabbit ram in a cage


Sheep breeding rabbits are usually engaged to obtain high-quality meat or for sale as pets. The rabbit is ready for the breeding process from nine months. The process of gestation takes 30-32 days. That is, the offspring appears before the female is one year old. This point is very important, since at the age of one, her pelvic bones will occupy a certain position, and she will not be able to give birth without additional help from a person. At 3 years old, the probability of the death of the female at the time of birth is high, therefore she is no longer allowed to the male. These are the anatomical features of this breed. For one litter, up to twelve rabbits are born.

In general, decorative rabbits are affectionate and loyal animals. It is important to keep their home clean and not to leave them alone. Then they can be affectionate fluffy favorites for many years. The average life expectancy of these animals is 7-10 years.

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