World of Tanks is a game that focuses on team PvP battles. And where there is a confrontation, there is always statistics and efficiency of a player. In the vastness of this virtual game, the concept of the player’s usefulness appeared relatively recently, but already has a lot of alterations, calculation methods, and other elements associated with this indicator. Efficiency in WoT is a player’s virtual personal card, according to which other players, e-sports teams and, of course, clan owners who exclusively recruit recruits can evaluate the user. Because of this application, efficiency was included in the player’s statistics, but not officially, since the developers abandoned this idea for some moral reasons, but no one bothers to personally use the mod,which visually emphasizes and displays this statistic element.You can find out your efficiency in WoT in several ways, which we will consider in this article, incidentally touching on some points related to this harmful, but highly evaluated indicator.
What is efficiency?
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