Having a baby is always a celebration. The young mother has not quite mastered her new life. Some questions regarding the child are especially interested in her during the first year of the baby's life. The most relevant of them is "how to
breastfeed and lure". And when to start? You will find answers to these questions in this article.
When should breast-feeding be given?
If your baby is healthy, and you are interested in the question of how to breastfeed and lure, then this section is for you! You can enter additional food from 4 months, but this is necessary if you do not have enough mom's milk. In the case of full breastfeeding, feeding should be introduced no earlier than from 6 months.
How to breastfeed and lure a baby
It is necessary, together with a gastroenterologist, to draw up a nutrition schedule. In the morning, breasts are given, and in the afternoon a teaspoon of vegetable puree. You can choose broccoli, zucchini or potatoes. Kids love these mashed potatoes. But starting the right feeding of the child should be gradual. You do not need to immediately feed the entire jar to the baby, even if he really liked it. This can cause colic, constipation, diarrhea and an allergic reaction. Remember: measure is important in everything! Children are very sensitive to changes in nutrition. During the week, you can increase the serving three times. But you do not need to immediately give the baby several types of mashed potatoes. Better little by little: 2 weeks squash, 2 - potatoes. Sometimes an allergic reaction manifests itself only after a few days, and if you give the baby immediately a different mash, then if the reaction occurs, it will be difficult for the doctor to understand what it is.
to breastfeed and lure properly
You can not start complementary foods with juices and fruit purees, this can adversely affect the digestive tract. And also cause allergies. It is not right to give breasts, and then complementary foods. It’s impossible, first mashed potatoes, then mom’s milk. If you started to feed the baby, then do not think that from a spoon or two of mashed potatoes it is saturated. This is not enough, but should not be given more. Nutrient is administered carefully and gradually. No need to combine mashed potatoes. For example, give one spoon of potatoes, one - zucchini. This is too much stress on a small organism.
How to breastfeed a baby
On this subject, the debate will never subside. Recently, often mothers refuse to breastfeed in favor of artificial. This is an absolutely unmotivated act. Also, pediatricians are advised to give breasts on demand, while grandmothers insist on compliance with the regimen. It is proved that it is correct to apply the baby at will. This contributes to his reassurance, positive emotions in both mom and baby. During sucking, the baby feels protected. It is best if the mother is only occupied by the baby during breastfeeding. The kid needs full attention and care. Therefore, it is imperative that nothing distracts mom. Well, the woman herself should be comfortable. Sometimes the baby can spend a long time near the chest. On this option, it will be useful to purchase a pillow for feeding.