Dwarf doberman - what is it?

"The dwarf Doberman does not cause discontent and irritation, knows neither shyness, nor fear. Thanks to his innate intelligence, he is able to pass the examinations of guard dogs, and miniature is not a hindrance here!" These words were written about Pincher Werner Jung. It is foolish to challenge the opinion of a person who has devoted his life to a breed.

At the peak of popularity ...

Let's not dwell on the details of the exterior of the pinscher (popularly called the dwarf Doberman), since this information is easy to find in all known sources: magazines about dogs, books, websites, forums. We will recall the general features of its appearance, the history of the formation of the breed, talk about the characteristics of the character and get acquainted with the basics of care.

Dwarf Doberman

So, the dwarf Doberman (the price, first of all, depends on the "star" of his parents and compliance with the standard) - the smallest representative of pinschers and schnauzers. Today this breed is at the peak of popularity, and interest in it is growing, the number of nurseries involved in its breeding is increasing annually.

A bit of history ...

Bred dwarf Doberman about one and a half centuries ago. In his homeland (Germany) he was called the “ratler”, or “rat catcher” (rattler-rattenfanger). This occupation was most likely the breed's first destination. However, soon the dwarf Doberman began to guard the yards and accompany the convoys. Now it has been renamed the "stable pinscher."

Then they were dogs, both smooth and coarse-haired. The former have now “turned” into pinschers, and the latter into affenpinchers, schnauzers. The dwarf pincher received recognition in 1880. Then a description was made and a standard was drawn up. Fifteen years later, Joseph Burt founded the first Pincher Club. The standard was officially adopted only in 1967. They tried to ennoble the breed as much as possible. Doberman Pinscher appeared before us so handsome precisely thanks to the efforts of breeders.

In Russia, for unknown reasons, the breed did not take root for a long time. Not attracting the attention of breeders, the dwarf Doberman practically “disappeared” in the back streets of home breeding, which yielded its “fruits”. We still see small dogs resembling a dwarf Doberman, with bulging eyes, hysterical, vicious and poorly managed. Fortunately, the breed found recognition in Europe and continued to develop. At the end of the last century, Pincher representatives were again imported into Russia. This was the rebirth of the dwarf Doberman, this time very successful.

What does the breed look like today?

The formed dwarf doberman, photo:

Dwarf Doberman photo price

Price ranges from 500 to 1500 at. e. on average. The dog is correctly and harmoniously folded, up to 30 cm at the withers, with a square format, with proud posture. Color can be both black and tan, and red (with different intensities). Wool - outer hair, without undercoat and bald patches. The limbs are muscular, fairly dry, strong. It moves easily and freely.

Very affectionate with their own, can be aggressive towards strangers. Betrayed and fearless. Greatly trained. Clean.

Dwarf Doberman price

A bit about care and upbringing

A peppy, funny and charming dog may well brighten up the loneliness of the elderly or become a companion for a young couple. However, the breed is definitely not suitable for those who want to buy a live little toy for a child.

The upbringing of this pincher must be fairly fair and, of course, consistent, otherwise the owner of the house will be not a man, but a dog.

Caring for her is as simple as possible. Periodic (but not frequent) shampooing and combing are sufficient. With proper care, the dwarf Doberman will always be a handsome man with shiny hair ready for exhibitions. The dog loves long walks, but sometimes you can get by with a short walk. We can say that this dog is not picky about food. The basics of nutrition apply to the pincher.

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