Recently, eco-leather products appeared on sale. Many do not dare to purchase them, fearing that this is just another marketing ploy. What is ecoskin?
In fact, this is a new type of artificial leather, but do not confuse it with dermatin or, for example, PVC leather. All these materials are united only by chemical origin. However, in terms of its performance, the variety under consideration is significantly superior to its "relatives". Let's consider everything in detail.
The essence of the new material
Eco-leather is a layer of polyurethane applied to a cotton cloth (fabric, knitted or non-woven). When applying it to the base, you do not need to use any additives - plasticizers. The synthesis of polyurethane is much more complicated than that of polyvinyl chloride. That is why such artificial material does not emit any polymers, which gave the material its "environmental" name.
Ecoskin is a durable, soft material. After applying the polyurethane coating, the cotton base ceases to stretch significantly, but withstands strong mechanical stresses. After stretching, the material returns to its original state. For which regions is ecoskin suitable? Moscow, as you know, is a city in which the air temperature drops to -30-35 degrees in winter, and in summer the temperature rises to +35. Can green leather products be used in such conditions? It turns out that this material can withstand temperature extremes in the range from -20 to +50 (!). So go boldly to the store for new shoes or haberdashery made from this practical material.
Ecoskin is a wear-resistant, durable material. A great advantage of this artificial skin is its hypoallergenicity. This material is penetrated by micropores, due to which air passes, that is, it “breathes”.
Modern manufacturers are happy to use such leather for upholstery, as well as for car interiors, in the manufacture of footwear and haberdashery. Environmentally friendly, presentable appearance allows you to equate it with natural skin. However, the relatively low price allows customers to purchase high-quality practical items for much less money.
Eco-leather is a material for the production of which it is not necessary to kill animals. This fact is especially appreciated by the lovers and protectors of our smaller brothers.
Eco Skin Care
In order for eco-leather products to last longer, it is necessary to properly and competently care for it. Contamination on it should be carefully removed with a soft damp cloth, and then thoroughly wipe the material dry. Manufacturers advise against using abrasive materials when cleaning . You should also not use detergents or cleaners containing chlorine. Do not heat-treat with electric heaters.
The many benefits of eco-leather allow us to consider it a worthy alternative to natural skin. And careful and proper care of products made of this material is a guarantee of their long service life.