Everyone knows that our country is famous for military power. Equipment, weapons and training of fighters - at the highest level. Russia annually celebrates many holidays related to the country's defense. But not everyone knows what date Air Force Day is. A presidential decree establishing this solemn day came out on August 29, 1997.
History tour
Back in 1912, the history of military aviation in Russia began. A special aeronautics department was created in the tsarist army. Initially, military aircraft were planned to be used only for reconnaissance. But the designers worked tirelessly, and today our supersonic fighters are the best in the world. And it all started with plywood small models “cut down by an ax”. It is difficult to imagine which aircraft will appear before the people in a few decades.
On a warm day of the outgoing summer, a wonderful holiday can be celebrated with pleasure. Next, you will find out what date the Day of the Russian Air Force.
During the years of World War II, not yet strong aviation suffered huge losses, although in terms of the number of warships it had no equal in the world. The surprise factor worked, and many planes were destroyed by enemies. But this did not prevent our brave people from winning the victory. After the war, aeronautics improved, a lot of effort and money was spent on this industry.
Today we are proud of the professionalism of pilots, engineers, and everyone involved in the country's navy. These people give themselves to work without a trace, show courage and despair. Do not forget to congratulate relatives and friends, but for this you must find out what date is celebrated Air Force Day.
Study and work
Sometimes it is difficult to find words and wishes. But a war pilot can be said with kind words without hesitation. These courageous people are always focused, serious, they feel a military bearing and nobility. That is what millions of boys dream of becoming. They are waiting for the draft in the army to try to get into the service in the Air Force squad. But once you get there, you won’t learn a lot, but you’ll definitely find out what date Air Force Day is in Russia. Young fighters carry out economic functions, guard strategically important facilities. To get into the officers and get the opportunity to make sorties, you need to study hard for a long time. Only after graduating from a military university that graduates from real pilots, yesterday's boy will fulfill his dream of rising to the sky. Then his favorite holiday will be Air Force Day. What date is celebrated this day, he will know by heart.
Country Security
There is nothing more important than a peaceful sky above your head. War brings death and destruction. It is good that in the modern world people have learned to resolve conflicts and disagreements peacefully. But the defense does not sleep. The country's air force performs intelligence functions. Therefore, the development and improvement of this industry continues. Trained pilots are ready to start the mission immediately.
A wonderful annual holiday - Air Force Day, what date it is celebrated, everyone knows. The presidential decree, issued in 1997, granted the date of August 12 official status. Now, all people involved in this profession are happy to congratulate relatives and colleagues, make emotional speeches and wish them success in their work and promotion. On this day, magnificent demonstration events are organized, awards are presented.
It’s good that our air forces
Everything is excellent in service today.
Motors don't junk
Planes, like birds, fly.
May everything in the sky go like clockwork,
And nothing will fail you.
Happy holiday, brave people!
We will never forget your work.
We sleep peacefully while you are on patrol
We are not a priori afraid.
Such a touching and universal congratulation can be sent with a short message or with an expression pronounced like a toast. Be sure to congratulate loved ones on Air Force Day. What date is celebrated this wonderful holiday, now you know.
Elemental Tamers
The Air Force is in charge of the strongest element - the sky. Russian fighters conquer native spaces with ease. At parades and shows, they show the real miracles of aerobatics. The crowd watches these air shows with surprise and delight. Attend city events on Air Force Day . What number celebrate this holiday, now you will not forget. Children and adults, holding their breath, each time they raise their eyes and get a sea of emotions from these shows!
Prepare a congratulation to the acquaintances of the pilot and those who concern this holiday. In prose or poetry, your sincere wishes will sound - it does not matter. The main thing is to pay attention to people who perform dangerous and important work for each of us.
“Today is the day of high-flying eagles! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations. May luck and happiness haunt you all your life, success on the heels of it. You are the pride of the country, our defense and defense. Prosper, improve, and serve confidently and proudly! We are grateful for your hard and responsible work. Happy holiday, brave people! ”