Cat riddle for children - developing memory and thinking

Expressions in which the description of an object is performed using similarities and descriptions of another object are considered to be puzzles.

The role of puzzles in children's lives

Guessing games or making riddles have a positive effect not only on the development of logical thinking, but also speech in children. In game processes using riddles, children enrich their vocabulary and also begin to understand the figurative meanings of words. They help develop a child's ingenuity and quick wit. It is customary to separate puzzles according to difficulty levels.

cat riddle for children

The opinion of teachers

Teachers do not give specific recommendations for working with children to teach them how to solve riddles. It is recommended to approach each child individually. In the group of children, riddles try to guess the most active, the less active remain aloof and observe the process. But it should be borne in mind that less active children observing from the outside remember the answers. And subsequently, any child from the group will give with confidence the answer to the riddle that was previously conceived.

riddles about a cat with answers

Riddles about cats and cats

Very well, children guess riddles about pets, because they are familiar with them, they know their descriptions and habits. Here's the cat riddle for children - the most commonly used. After all, a cat is the favorite pet of children, with whom they often spend time. They know all of her habits, they can describe her in an accessible language for them. If there are riddles about the cat with answers in the book, then a picture-answer is drawn as a hint. Having guessed the riddle, usually the child shows the correct image, and when the baby hesitates, the picture acts as a hint. The cat riddle for preschool children should give a maximum description and end with a word rhyming with the word “cat”. The child will easily solve such a task, while his imagination will develop and his self-esteem will rise. Children love not only riddles about cats and cats, but also about other pets: hamsters, parrots.

An interesting fact is that riddles about cats are considered one of the most ancient. Mention of them appeared in the chronicles of the VI century BC. And this is no accident, this animal has long been considered the personification of peace and tranquility in the family.

Puzzles about cats can be written both in a poetic manner and in prose. For example, "green eyes threaten mice," "small, with a mustache, walks with a graceful gait, asks for milk." Mysteries in verses are remembered by children more easily and kids like more. Make riddles to the child such riddles: “Fluffy paws - and there are scratches in them”, “A mustached beast came to us, he quietly opened the door, purred and sang, ordered him to give him milk”. Riddles in a poetic manner are also popular among children, the ending of which is the correct answer to the question posed. The child must hear the rhyme and answer the riddle. For example, "Beware, the Myshkin family, because we woke up ... (cat)." Such puzzles are incredibly useful for the development of the child.

riddles about cats and cats

Mystery training for children

In preschool institutions, children from 3 years old are taught to compose riddles. Usually, the teacher posts a picture of the object, which will be a mystery, and together with the children makes a description of it. For the sample, we will use a riddle about a cat for children. Children call such signs: the number of paws, mustache, soft coat and so on. A table is compiled, and the kids all together repeat after the tutor. As a result, the whole group remembers the whole riddle well and, of course, its answer. The riddle about a cat for children, made up by a child at home, can pleasantly surprise the whole family.

The role of puzzles is huge, thanks to them the development of children is much better, faster, vocabulary is increasing, imagination and erudition are developing.

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