In the game Unturned there is a very interesting virtual world in which you can do almost anything. The developers have created a large number of locations, maps, monsters, weapons, etc. Most of the items the player can make himself or just find or buy. In general, we can only say about the new product that it is a completely new modern development that can distract any person for many hours.
, Unturned 3 0. , . , , , . , . .
So, let's move on to the issue of how to spawn a car in Unturned. In fact, this is the same as conjuring yourself a certain thing. However, for beginners this information will probably be useful. Naturally, in the game world, some elements are not so easy to get or buy, so the most appropriate solution is to make these things with the help of witchcraft.
, Unturned . . , . Enter. , , . , . , , , . .
Now it’s worth considering the option of how to spawn a car in Unturned when playing on the server. In fact, it practically does not differ from the previous version, only to complete the task you will need to carry out all the processes using the console. It should also be noted that if you want, for example, to learn how to spawn a machine in Unturned, then you will definitely need the status of a server administrator, otherwise you will not succeed.So, the command we need is as follows: give [space] [nickname] / [element id] / [number of elements]. This is universal code. You can also use the specialized command: vehicle [space] [nickname] / [id of the selected car] / [number of vehicles].