How to feed a husky? Feeding a Husky Puppy and Adult Dog

Husky dogs are very smart, loyal to their master, have a calm character. These dogs become true friends and protectors for humans. But before you get a dog, you need to understand how to feed a husky.

how to feed a husky

Breed benefits

Husky dogs have a number of advantages compared to dogs of other breeds. They have a strong immune system and a calm disposition. In addition, you can keep husky dogs in a city apartment or in a private cottage.

These dogs are not too demanding in care, however, in order to be healthy and beautiful, you should devote some time to proper nutrition and care for them.

Puppy's diet

When the puppy begins to eat on its own, special attention should be paid to the regimen and the schedule for feeding it. Up to three months of age, the puppy needs to be fed 5 times a day. When the puppy gets older, the regimen is changed: feeding is carried out three times a day. A six-month-old puppy can be transferred to two meals a day. A lot of time needs to be devoted to a dog of a husky breed. You will find a description of proper feeding in this article.

For feeding, you need special dishes, it is better to take metal, it is not afraid of dog teeth and will last a long time.

husky description

All Day Menu

Morning feeding should include low-fat dairy products. Puppies need to be given up to two quail eggs so that the bone tissue of the growing puppy is strong and the skeleton develops harmoniously. It's time to learn how to feed a husky.

For husky dogs, choose one of two feeding options:

  1. Natural food that the owner cooks himself
  2. Dry food and canned food

If the owner chose the finished feed, you should buy good quality feed, do not save on your pet. This should be a special food for puppies. Premium class feeds contain all the nutrients necessary for the development of a puppy. With this type of feeding, the dog must have a sufficient amount of water. Until four months of age, it is better to soak the feed in water. Beware of feeds that contain artificial colors, soy protein, and corn. If you neglect the rule, you can ruin the husky's stomach. The description of the breed indicates that these are noble dogs, and nutrition should be appropriate.

Fish and meat in the diet

Homemade food for the puppy should be balanced. You need to train your dog to eat meat and fish gradually. To do this, add a small portion of meat to the boiled rice, after a couple of days add fish and, after a while, poultry meat. However, this type of puppy nutrition will take away from the owner not only a lot of time, but also money.

Periodically, the puppy needs to be given food containing vegetables and fish. But it is worth knowing that husky dogs do not digest frozen fish . Raw meat can be given to a puppy only 10-15 days after he has been accustomed to boiled.

husky breed description

Features of feeding an adult husky dog

Usually dogs are not voracious, but each individual has an individual metabolism, so there are those who love to eat. It doesn't matter if you have a pure breed or a mestizo husky.

These dogs can eat fatty meat without endangering the liver and overloading it. Husky dogs are northern dogs who prefer fatty foods. The amount of food should be calculated depending on the energy consumption of the dog and his personal indicators. It is necessary to feed the dog a fill, but not overfeed, so that he does not gain excess weight.

It is important to feed the dog after he has walked. First you need to feed the dog, and then the owner can take for food. The mode for husky is very important. The description of the breed indicates that the animal should not be allowed to eat from the table.

half-breed husky

Feed selection

From a very early age, dogs need to decide what type of feeding the pet will receive. If dry food is selected, then you need to choose those in which there is a high content of fats and proteins. No need to save on your pet, but choose only high-quality and suitable food. Otherwise, feeding may harm the health of the dog. Premium foods contain substances necessary for the normal functioning and health of the dog.

However, dry food does not cover the animal's need for water, so it is better to soak the food for fifteen minutes in warm water before feeding. As you know, husky males are more active, food should be appropriate.

But, despite the convenience for the owner, dry food has its drawbacks. A dog may simply get tired of dry food, and it will not be fully saturated. If such a situation has occurred, then you need to offer the canned dog to diversify its taste sensations. It should be borne in mind that the same food is differently assimilated by different dogs, so you need to be responsible for its selection.

Natural food

When choosing natural food for a dog, you need to think through a balanced menu. It needs to be adjusted depending on the activity of the dog and its age. The life expectancy of a dog and its health directly depend on proper nutrition. Meat should be present weekly in the husky diet. The description of this breed is known to all, the dog is famous for its beauty. But illiterate nutrition will affect the appearance of the pet.

The menu should include the following products:

  • Meat.
  • Sea fish.
  • Cereals.
  • Vegetables.
  • The eggs.
  • Dairy products.

Husky meat is best cooked. It is preferable to give beef, but you can feed the dog rabbit meat, chicken and veal. You can include in the diet and offal: liver, lungs, kidneys and others, but rarely recommended. Not everyone understands how to feed a husky dog, and what is better not to give your pet.

Husky meat should be cut into pieces; minced meat is not recommended due to the digestion of dogs. About 70% of the adult Siberian husky's diet should be meat.

It is only necessary to give the dog fish alternating with meat. It is recommended to give boiled sea fish, from which bones must be carefully removed.

husky food

Vegetables and milk

Vegetables in the dog's diet should be boiled, sprinkled with sunflower oil. It can be:

  • Cabbage.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Carrot.
  • Cucumbers
  • Turnip.
  • Zucchini.

The percentage of vegetables in the dog's diet should be at least 20%. It is better to give cereals in the form of flakes, because they can be cooked faster by simply pouring boiling water and letting it brew. A more powerful stomach is distinguished by a mestizo husky.

Sour-milk products should be low-fat. It can be yogurt, cottage cheese and kefir. Such foods are best given in the morning feeding. It must be remembered that warm food is much healthier and better absorbed than cold. With natural feeding, it is important to give the dog special vitamins.

For feeding huskies, it is strictly forbidden to mix dry and natural types of food. It is necessary to introduce new products into the dog’s diet gradually, starting with small doses and slowly increasing them. You need to purchase husky food in a specialized store.

Periodically, in dogs of this breed, a decrease in appetite is observed - this is not a cause for alarm, but the characteristics of the breed. However, if loss of appetite is observed for more than 2 days, then you should consult your veterinarian for advice.

The dog needs to be given treats only for educational purposes, and constant treating the dog with goodies reduces their effectiveness. Soup, porridge or bones will not do any harm to the dog, but will add variety to its diet. Now you know how to feed a husky dog ​​so that the pet feels good.

husky dogs

Having decided to get a dog of a husky breed, you need to prepare for the fact that its nutrition will be expensive, you will need to spend a lot of time with it on the street. Such a dog will be an excellent companion for all family members and a guard at home.

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