Suppositories from thrush during pregnancy can save mom from undesirable consequences.

Why does thrush appear? One of the most common diseases that pregnant women suffer is thrush. It can occur not only during sexual transmission, but also appear during pregnancy due to changes in hormonal levels and because of a decrease in the body's resistance to infections that attack it.

The woman’s body is designed so that her entire reproductive system is set up for fertilization. Throughout life, a favorable environment is found in the woman’s vagina so that the sperm that gets there can easily reach its goal, which in turn will lead to conception. During pregnancy, changes occur in the vaginal microflora: the alkaline environment changes due to an increase in glucose in the body, thereby creating favorable conditions for the multiplication of candida fungus.

Suppositories for thrush during pregnancy

If during pregnancy a woman gets thrush, a gynecologist will prescribe treatment without fail. But when purchasing a drug, a future mother may be faced with the fact that basically all suppositories from thrush during pregnancy are contraindicated. There are many drugs against this ailment that doctors have already studied for a long time. They know all the side effects and the possible risk that certain drugs may pose to the fetus. Treatment for thrush is simply necessary, as it can create many unpleasant surprises for both mom and the unborn baby.

During an exacerbation, the following symptoms may occur:

  • burning during intercourse;
  • itching in the genital area, especially after taking a shower;
  • white or slightly yellowish discharge ;
  • thick cheesy discharge.

With these symptoms, the gynecologist analyzes the discharge and, if the diagnosis is confirmed, a remedy for thrush during pregnancy will be prescribed that can be taken. Popular drugs that can overcome such a disease are recognized: Livarol, Klion D and many others. According to doctors, Pimafucin with thrush is considered one of the most harmless drugs and can be taken even during lactation.

Pimafucin with thrush

Pimafucin is an antifungal antibiotic that has a wide spectrum of action. The composition of this tool includes Natamycin, which violates the integrity of microorganisms, thereby leading to their death. One of the sensitive fungi for this drug is Candida albicans.

This medication is available in tablets, ointments, and suppositories. If we take for comparison all the other remedies for thrush, then they have one thing in common - you can not take it during pregnancy and lactation. But doctors can prescribe other suppositories for thrush during pregnancy, but only in the third trimester, when the fetus is almost fully formed.

If you suspect a thrush, it is better to consult a gynecologist and not to self-medicate, since during the period of carrying the baby it is very dangerous. You should not listen to either acquaintances or friends who will advise a particular drug. Candles from thrush during pregnancy should be chosen very carefully. A pregnant woman should especially carefully monitor her health, as thrush can bring many unpleasant consequences for the baby. If you do not take measures to eliminate this disease, then during the passage of the child through the birth canal, he can become infected. If this fungus occurs in the pregnant body, all the necessary tests must be passed and only after that an accurate diagnosis will be made. Take care of your health and always consult a specialist.

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