One of the largest and most important acquisitions made before the baby’s birth is the stroller. Parents seek to acquire the best transport for the future crumbs. That is why choosing a suitable stroller sometimes takes a lot of time and effort. Future mom and dad carefully study the characteristics of models, customer reviews, go shopping in order to choose the right design.
Currently, there are a huge number of manufacturers of baby strollers. The most popular products are Polish brands. Polish strollers not only meet most of the requirements, but the price is acceptable and affordable for everyone. Of course, buying a luxury stroller can solve all the problems, but their cost is quite high and not everyone can afford it.
What determines the popularity of Polish strollers for newborns
There are several reasons for this:
- product quality;
- high adaptability to various conditions and roads;
- branded spare parts for the stroller;
- affordable price.
It is worth noting that Polish strollers are good and convenient to use in the winter season.
Among the many manufacturers of Polish strollers, it is worth highlighting those that are most popular:
- Lonex - strollers with a modern design. The flower assortment is extremely wide. Future parents can choose exactly the design that suits them.
- Coletto. All manufactured goods of this Polish manufacturer have a unique design. Strollers are characterized by innovative developments that greatly simplify the operation of children's vehicles. In addition, the latest models of Polish strollers of the Coletto trademark have an ultra-modern frame with a convenient swivel mechanism that allows the module to be rotated without unfastening the stroller from the frame.
- "Camarello". Baby strollers of this manufacturer are designed for consumers of medium and economy class. Suitable for use on any road, due to the presence of large inflatable wheels. In addition, the strollers have a good cushioning system, which ensures a smooth ride.
- "Baby Design" - excellent quality Polish strollers. Reviews about their use are mostly positive. The average rating of strollers of this manufacturer, based on the opinions of mothers, is 4.6.
- Navington. This brand is aimed at energetic parents and their children. A distinctive feature of the models is a powerful chassis. Navington strollers are ideal for long walks and long journeys.
- Roan marita focuses on the production of all-terrain strollers. The assortment of this brand is incredibly wide and allows parents to choose the stroller that suits them and their unborn baby. The main advantage of Roan marita strollers is a powerful chassis and large wheels. These features provide excellent cross-country ability on all types of roads. And no bumps and bumps are not scary!
There are much more brands of Polish strollers. However, the strollers of the above brands are most in demand.
Designers working on creating strollers strive to satisfy even the most fastidious parents, offering a variety of colors and designs, as they say, for every "taste and color." Combined color models are available. You can consider the design of Polish strollers in the photo presented in the article.
Externally, the stroller looks very compact, despite the fact that there is enough space inside for the child, and for additional items, such as a baby blanket, rattles, a mattress, etc.
The strollers are equipped with inflatable wheels. The average weight of Polish strollers does not exceed 15 kilograms.
The base of some strollers can be made of vine. This brings the models of children's vehicles to the classics and makes their appearance elegant and sophisticated.
There are models designed for parents of twins and triplets. Their device also deserves special attention. The stroller can have a double cot, and can be equipped with two independent berths. There are models of prams for children of the weather. A cradle and a seat are placed on the frame of the stroller, an alternative to which can be a car seat.
Product quality
The quality of Polish strollers for newborns is very high. The manufacturer pays attention not only to the appearance of the product, but also to its technical side, trying to make the operation process more comfortable and simple. In addition, the manufacturer gives a guarantee of 6 months for a stroller, which once again confirms the high level of quality and safety of products.
Modular types of products are equipped with walking blocks. All the components of Polish strollers are made of hypoallergenic materials.
This type of stroller has an external resemblance to a transformer. However, the weight of such strollers is much less. In addition, they are designed to transport young children from six months old, that is, from the moment when the baby learns a new sitting skill.
The standard equipment for the stroller includes a cape on the legs, a rain cover and a mosquito net. In addition, this may include a stand for a glass, covers for legs. Some models may have a flip handle. However, according to consumers, this is not always an advantage, since the flip handle tends to become loose.
This type of pram is in great demand in recent years. They are much lighter than transformers, which greatly facilitates the life of mothers, who are forced to raise and lower the stroller every day. Especially tangible is the advantage of canes manifested in the absence of elevators.
These strollers cannot be used from birth. They are intended for children from six months to three years.
For transportation of newborns, Polish 2-in-1 strollers (or transformers) are the best option. As a rule, such strollers have two back positions - lying and sitting. The universality of the Polish 2-in-1 stroller is due to the presence of a flip handle, which allows the mother to carry the child to her face and, conversely, her back to herself. In addition, the stroller easily turns into a cradle. All transformers are equipped with large inflatable wheels, which ensures good cross-country ability on different roads.
There are also Polish 3-in-1 strollers with a half-sitting position.
Standard equipment
Almost all strollers of the Polish manufacturer have standard equipment, which includes:
- cloak on the legs;
- raincoat;
- mosquito net;
- a bag for Mother.
It is worth noting that some models of Polish strollers also include a stand for drinks. Mom does not need to constantly remove and remove the bottle. It is enough to put the drink in a special hole in the stand. Thus, the child will be able to reach him. All models of strollers are equipped with a bumper, which ensures even greater safety for the baby during movement. In addition, some baby strollers may include a baby carrier, which is designed to transport a child in a car. This eliminates the need to purchase an additional car seat for transporting a small child.
Most popular models
The strollers Camarelo Figaro, Lonex Carrozza, Coletto Milano, Baby Design Lupo are most popular. Among strollers, the Camarelo Eos is in high demand.
Lonex Carrozza 2 in 1 is one of the latest models, the main advantage of which is a large hood.
Lonex Classic Retro - a stylish stroller of the Polish brand. Its base is made of environmentally friendly material - vines. Externally, the model looks very impressive. Designed for young children from 0 to 3 years.
Strollers of Polish manufacturers have a number of undeniable advantages, among which it is worth noting:
- European quality, reliability of strollers, proven by time;
- reasonable prices affordable to everyone;
- wide range of colors and designs;
- the availability of branded spare parts that are commercially available;
- adaptability to different roads.
Among other things, it can be noted the ease of use and the quality of the materials from which the strollers are made. Affordable price is the most powerful argument forcing young parents to opt for a Polish stroller. Similar models of others, for example, English brands are much more expensive. Their starting price is 35,000 rubles. For the same money, you can purchase a Polish stroller of an elite or business class and provide the child with reliable protection against various environmental influences: strong wind, rain and snow. By the way, the range of colors for English strollers is much smaller and is represented by several dominant colors: blue, white, red, gray, beige. Finding an English-made stroller with vibrant colors and an unusual design is not an easy task. At the same time, you can buy a Polish stroller with an unusual pattern, which was made according to the sketches of world-famous designers.
There are three price categories for Polish strollers:
The first category includes such brands as Anmar, Navington, Roan marita. Their average cost is about 30-35 thousand rubles and can reach over 50 thousand rubles.
The second group includes Polish carriages of the brands TAKO, Lonex, Prampol. The prices for their purchase range from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles.
The last price category includes Cacper, Bogus. Their cost barely exceeds ten thousand rubles.
Strollers can be purchased at any children's store. There is an opportunity to make an order on the sites of various online markets. But in this case, you will have to pay a certain amount of money for delivery. And the delivery itself can take from several days to one to two weeks. It is worth noting that if the purchase is made via the Internet, it is better to give preference to the official websites of manufacturers. This gives a guarantee of the purchase of the original stroller. Buying a stroller on other sites does not preclude the purchase of a fake. Before buying, you can study the rating of Polish strollers and photos presented in the article.
Operation tips
In order for the stroller to serve as long as possible, it is necessary to observe some rules for the operation of children's vehicles. Do not overload the stroller. This will cause mechanical damage to the frame. In addition, it is categorically not recommended to swing vehicles from one side to another. It will also negatively affect the state of the Polish unit for the movement of a small child. It should be borne in mind that the use of a stroller is not possible at temperatures below -30 degrees. Violation of this rule will lead to a significant deterioration in the appearance of the stroller. Strollers with large inflatable wheels can be used at temperatures up to -30 0 C, and vehicles equipped with plastic wheels cannot be operated at temperatures below 10 degrees.
It is necessary to regularly wipe the stroller in order to avoid the accumulation of dust and dirt, which can adversely affect not only the appearance of the stroller, but also the health of the baby.
Instead of a conclusion
Strollers of Polish manufacturers are very popular among moms and dads from around the world. The success of Polish manufacturers is due to several factors, among which it is worth highlighting an interesting and modern design of children's vehicles, incredible ease of use, as well as a high level of safety. All this is achieved through the introduction of modern innovative technologies.
Of course, the hallmark of Polish baby strollers is the highest quality, which is confirmed by a guarantee. By the way, the warranty period for strollers is six months from the date of purchase. Despite everything, the products are designed for consumers of the middle and economy class due to the fact that the price of their purchase is acceptable.
In order for the stroller to serve as long as possible and for a long time to maintain its presentation, it is necessary to follow certain operating rules and take care of the appearance of children's vehicles. Polish carriages have proven themselves on the good side.