Everyone who planned to buy a dog should be aware that the life of his new friend is much shorter than a human. In addition, animals do not always have strong immunity, so they are susceptible to various kinds of diseases. And the older the dog, the more care for himself he requires. It is for this reason that it is necessary to have an elementary idea of how a dog is euthanized, since only euthanasia can save a pet from torment.
As a rule, this service is in demand in large cities where high professionals in the field of veterinary medicine work, and in addition, they have all the necessary equipment for this. The question of how a dog is euthanized is by no means an idle one, because very often a pet, suffering from a particular ailment, experiences terrible pain. And the deprivation of life of a pet in this case is an absolutely justified and adequate measure to rid it of torment. It will also be quite humane when the dog has surgical pathologies that cannot be cured.
Owners of puppies in which veterinarians have discovered congenital pathologies should also know how to euthanize a dog. However, before agreeing to such a procedure, animals need to conduct a comprehensive examination with several specialists in order to minimize the risk of incorrect diagnosis.
Some are also interested in the question of how to euthanize a dog at home. Such a procedure in the practice of veterinarians is carried out quite often. Specialists give the animal an injection containing a multicomponent drug. In this way, they neutralize pain reflexes and turn off consciousness. In this case, substances for euthanasia without prior use of anesthesia are completely excluded. This is the only way to euthanize an animal painlessly.
There are often heated discussions among pet owners about whether it is humane to kill animals at home. Some believe that euthanizing a dog is a cruel and immoral way that contradicts generally accepted moral standards. Others, on the other hand, claim that the above procedure helps rid the pets of their pain.
And there is a logical explanation for this: if the euthanasia of an animal is based on a whole complex of indisputable medical indications, and besides, the owner of the dog gave permission for euthanasia, then this procedure is not immoral. The life of a dog or other animal should not be a burden for pets.
However, many are completely indifferent to what will happen to their wards. Often, on their own initiative, they turn to veterinarians to euthanize an absolutely healthy pet. The reason is simple: they are tired of them and bored. Today, there are entire clinics that are ready to perform these terrifying procedures for a fee. Of course, such activities should be suppressed, and its initiators are strictly punished.