In the body of a woman during pregnancy, various changes occur that affect all systems. The reason is hormonal restructuring. Estrogen is important during pregnancy. About its norm, the reasons for the increase and normalization can be found in the article.
What does the hormone consist of?
Estrogen is important for the formation of the embryo and the development of the baby. These hormones produce the ovaries, and after conception - the placenta. For a womanโs body, the following modifications are of greatest importance:
- Estron (e1). This is a weak modification of the hormone. It is produced by adipocytes, which are located in the adipose tissue of the abdomen. The maximum is present in obesity and in postmenopausal women.
- Estradiol (e2). This species is the most powerful and active. Its production occurs by the ovaries, it is responsible for the development of the female genital organs and mammary glands. A marked increase in the level is observed after conception.
- Estriol (e3). This hormone is inactive. In pregnant women, the fetus and the placenta produce it. With it, blood flow in the uterus improves, the formation of ducts in the chest is prompted. The size of estriol is a significant indicator of a developing child.
All these modifications affect the condition of a pregnant woman. In order for estrogen levels to be normal, it is necessary to be under the supervision of a doctor for the entire period of bearing a child. Regular measurement of the hormone index will allow you to adjust its level, avoiding deterioration.
Estrogen during pregnancy affects the appearance of a woman. This hormone is involved in creating the figure of the future mother and plays an important role in the development of the hip joints and chest.
Modifications of the hormone lead to high pigmentation of the skin or hair loss. Also, with their help, a woman becomes attractive while carrying a baby. Therefore, estrogen during pregnancy performs important functions.
Hormone function
Estrogen is responsible for:
- development of female sex hormones;
- regularity of the menstrual cycle;
- metabolism - fatty and carbohydrate;
- skin beauty;
- thyroxine increase;
- bone tissue construction;
- accumulation of iron and copper;
- improved blood coagulation.
These components increase the elasticity of blood vessels. And this protects women from heart disease. During pregnancy, the hormone is especially important, therefore, it is necessary that it is within normal values.
During pregnancy, estrogen has high rates. But during this period, hormones of this type should be within the established framework. During pregnancy, the estrogen norm has the following indicators:
- estradiol - 210.0 pg / ml-26960.0 pg / ml;
- estrone - 2.0 ng / ml-30.0 ng / ml;
- estriol - 0.6 nmol / L-111.0 nmol / L.
For normal health, normalization of the hormone is important. Pregnant women need regular blood tests for estrogen. When identifying violations and deviations in the hormonal system, drugs are used that stabilize the hormonal background. You can take medications to normalize estrogen levels during pregnancy only as directed by your doctor.
If there is a risk of high or low levels of hormones, the doctor prescribes an analysis. For this, venous blood is taken. Blood is taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
The last meal should be at least 8 hours before analysis. On the eve of severe physical exertion and stress. It is forbidden to take alcohol and smoke. One more day before blood donation it is impossible to have sexual contact. You also need to follow a diet, which is the exclusion of fatty and spicy.
A high level of hormones can occur in the form of:
- constant nausea, periodic vomiting;
- swelling;
- frequent insomnia;
- periodic dizziness and pain in the head;
- unreasonable irritability;
- pressure rise;
- fast weight gain.
An increase in estrogen during pregnancy leads to:
- early birth;
- aggravation of liver diseases.
This appears when:
- overweight;
- benign neoplasms in the appendages;
- liver diseases;
- systematic medication.
To normalize estrogen during pregnancy, a comprehensive examination of the internal organs, especially the liver, is necessary. If any ailments are identified, urgent treatment is needed. Soy foods should also be excluded.
Estrogen during pregnancy in the early stages, as well as in later ones, can be low. This is manifested in the form:
- decreased performance, frequent weakness;
- mood swings and poor health;
- occurrence of skin problems.
Low content leads to negative consequences:
- risk of miscarriage;
- premature birth;
- intrauterine infection of the fetus;
- the appearance of a child with Down syndrome;
- the appearance of fetoplacental insufficiency.
The level of hormones decreases from:
- excessive thinness;
- diets with a small amount of carbohydrates and fats;
- physical activity;
- drinking alcohol;
- deviations in the activity of the pituitary gland;
- chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.
In the later stages, a lack of estrogen can lead to overriding of the baby and weak labor. During pregnancy, progesterone, estrogen should be kept normal. The following rules are used for this:
- adding soybeans, carrots, dairy products, cauliflower to the diet;
- need to increase the dosage of vitamin E and folic acid;
- requires treatment with special hormonal agents.
Keep in mind that flax seeds, sesame seeds, walnuts, peaches, potatoes, chestnuts, raspberries, beans and others are considered excellent suppliers of phytoestrogens to the body. Preventive and therapeutic procedures should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.
Ways to increase
Low hormone levels are dangerous, so doctors usually prescribe hormone replacement therapy. This medical treatment provides a quick and high-quality effect, but side effects affect the appearance of a woman.
If the attending physician has authorized, the therapeutic effect of the products should be used. The following measures are used to normalize estrogen levels:
- The hormone is produced intensively with the help of soy products. It is beneficial in any form: in cheeses, lactic acid products, butter.
- Cereals and beans are ideal. Therefore, you need to include millet, barley, rye, flax, peas and beans in the diet.
- Products with an increased presence of animal oils quickly act in the form of fish oil, meat dishes, cheese and dairy products.
- Pregnant women need to eat eggplant, tomatoes, pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower.
- Fix the problem can beer, black coffee. But these recommendations should be followed only after consultation with a doctor.
It should be borne in mind that a sedentary lifestyle leads to a slowdown in physiological processes. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs moderate exercise and weak exercise.
Lowering Methods
To lower the hormonal level, the following recommendations are required:
- Normalization of the functioning of the digestive tract.
- Losing weight with excess weight, restoration of lipid metabolism.
- The use of phytoestrogens.
- Exception of canned foods, fatty meat, sausages, beer, coffee, alcohol.
- You should eat mushrooms, pomegranates, citruses, onions, egg yolk, garlic, drink green tea.
- The menu is supplemented with products that are rich in sulfur. The component provides normalization of the liver, removes toxins.
- It is necessary to take folic acid, vitamins B.
- Milk and dairy products should be discarded.
- Useful sports.
To normalize the level of hormones during pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor. Observing the recommendations of a specialist, it will turn out to improve your condition.
With self-treatment, negative, irreversible consequences are likely. During pregnancy planning, a comprehensive examination is needed for the content and level of estrogen in the female body in order to exclude negative consequences when carrying a child.