Why is software piracy detrimental to society? (Answers)

Downloading files from the Internet, buying or selling unlicensed programs, copying software from the official versions - all this is computer piracy. Why is pirate business growing so fast? Do I need to fight it?

What is piracy?

Computer piracy is the illegal distribution of software. It can manifest itself in different ways, but the result is one. Illegal distribution of software is already considered the "norm" in many countries. Somewhere there is a tough policy of eliminating piracy, and somewhere it has developed to such an extent that it is incredibly difficult to deal with it. So why is software piracy detrimental to society?

why software piracy is detrimental to society

What is the point of copying software?

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why software piracy is detrimental

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computer piracy harms society

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why computer piracy harms society answers

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why computer piracy harms society

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