Even if the cat does not have access to the street, it is at risk of helminth infections. Worms can get into the house along with street shoes or a pet will eat fish infected with larvae. Parasites are dangerous for a pet, especially kittens, pregnant cats and weakened individuals suffer from them. Therefore, any owner of a furry purr should know how to gobble a cat and which drugs to prefer in each case.
Risk of infection
In the environment, helminths are widespread. Eggs and larvae of worms can be found on land, garden soil, in water and vegetation. Therefore, a cat can easily be exposed to parasites if it simply walks through contaminated areas, drinks from a puddle or pond, eats river fish or meat.
Endoparasites, getting inside the body, begin active life. They feed on particles of internal organs, lymph and blood. As a result, destructive processes occur in tissues, internal organs malfunction, and immunity decreases sharply. Cases were recorded when a large helminthic invasion became the cause of blockage and then rupture of the intestine and, consequently, the immediate death of the pet.
In addition, helminths, in the process of life, cause severe intoxication of the entire cat's body, by the release of endotoxins. The metabolic processes and normal digestion of the animal are disrupted. Finally, worms become a provocateur of viral and bacterial diseases, as well as chronic pathologies.
Signs of infection
Pondering a method of how to gobble a cat, it will be useful to get acquainted with the main symptoms of infection. The danger lies in the fact that at first the pathology proceeds unnoticed by the breeder and his pet. However, parasites quickly penetrate into various internal organs: intestines, lungs, heart, liver. In this case, a gradual but rapid destruction of the body occurs. It should be understood that worms can also be a danger to others. Especially susceptible to cross-infection, small children, the elderly and weakened people. You can suspect a problem with your beloved pet by the following signs:
- drowsiness, lethargy and apathy;
- increase or sharp decrease in appetite;
- loss of normal shine;
- persistent constipation, followed by diarrhea;
- palpitations, shortness of breath;
- discharge from the nose and eyes;
- yellowness of the mucous membranes;
- profuse salivation;
- allergic manifestations, dermatosis;
- nausea and even vomiting, with a meal.
Symptoms will manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the degree of infection, the health status of the cat, the age and location of the worms.
It's time to sound the alarm
If at the beginning of infection the symptoms can be lubricated, then as the worms multiply in the cat's body, the strength of their vital activity also increases. The owner of a furry purr must urgently show it to a veterinarian if:
- blood stains and a lot of mucus are present in feces;
- vomiting appeared, with an admixture of blood;
- the cat sneezes, coughs constantly and she has shortness of breath, even with minimal effort;
- weight loss occurs, while the appetite does not suffer, or vice versa increased.
These symptoms may indicate a strong infection with helminths. How to gobble a cat under such conditions, only a doctor can tell. It may take several procedures, under the supervision of a specialist.
Suspected worm infection in small kittens can be due to the lack of a cheerful mood, the refusal of games and constant apathy. Moreover, animals are clearly lagging behind in growth and development.
In this regard, veterinarians are strongly advised not to neglect anthelmintic drugs and regularly anthelminthic pets.
Choosing the Right Tool
Manufacturers of veterinary drugs offer many tools aimed at the destruction of worms. They can be used if the problem is already acute or as a preventative measure. It is important that many medicines have a complex effect, affecting the vital activity of many types of parasites. However, there are drugs that are effective only against a certain type of invasion. In pharmacies, a wide selection of similar drugs is presented, in various forms of release:
- tablets;
- pastes;
- suspensions;
- drops at the withers;
- injections for subcutaneous or intramuscular administration.
It should be understood that often the form of a medication does not affect its effectiveness. However, it is recommended that you consult a veterinarian before choosing the right drug.
Anthelmintic tablets
Tablets are a universal remedy against helminthic invasion. They are effective in many cases and are able to destroy pathogens:
- toxascaridosis;
- dipylidiosis;
- alveococcosis;
- diphyllobothriasis.
Moreover, the tablets are equally effective not only against adult parasites, but also their larvae and eggs. The drug, getting into the digestive tract, is absorbed and excreted with feces within 12 hours.
Not one caring owner does not pass by a difficult fate - how to gobble up a cat with a tablet. To do this, use the following tips:
- The animal must be planted on its knees, with its back to itself. Paws should be clamped with a towel to avoid personal injury.
- Next, the jaw is opened to the cat, and the tablet is placed on the tongue.
- To provoke a swallowing reflex, you need to easily stroke the animal through the throat.
- If the pet nevertheless spits out the proposed medicine, then the pill must be crushed and diluted with a small amount of water.
- Fluid is drawn into a syringe without a needle and injected into the animal by the cheek.
- You can also fool the cat and mix the crushed tablet to your favorite treat.
Veterinarians warn that tablets should be purchased only in specialized pharmacies. To facilitate the procedure, you can purchase a tool in the form of a paste. Manufacturers, to simplify the reception, produce them with the taste of meat or fish.
Drops at the withers
It is convenient to gobble a cat at home with the help of drops, which must be used only at the withers. In this case, the animal will not be able to lick the medicine. Such products are very easy to use and are often chosen by breeders. They are quite effective and help prevent infection.
Drops at the withers are a medication; it is more convenient to gobble up a cat for prophylaxis. Moreover, veterinarians warn that the drugs do not particularly work if the infection has already occurred. But to protect a pet is enough:
- apply 1-2 drops to the withers;
- repeat the procedure at least once every six months.
If it is necessary to protect small kittens, then experts recommend using a suspension. Medicines must be purchased only at veterinary pharmacies, hospitals, or a pet store. For kittens, it is forbidden to use a product intended for an adult.
It is quite simple to gobble a cat at home with a suspension. There are two ways to do this:
- place the necessary dose in a syringe and pour over the cheek;
- mix with your favorite treat.
It is forbidden to worm off kittens that are not yet three months old.
When to offer anthelmintic drugs
Breeders should know how to properly gobble a cat. The procedure is recommended in the morning, 40-60 minutes before meals. Regardless of the form of release of the drug, it is allowed to mix with any treat. Kittens can be offered a suspension along with milk.
It is important to strictly follow the instructions for the drug and not exceed the recommended dosage. Such measures will save the animal from side effects and will not lead to intoxication. It is also important to purchase an anthelmintic that is suitable for all age purses. Typically, the dosage of the drug is calculated based on the weight of the pet, so you need to know these data.
Before you gobble a cat at home, you need to process the skin from ectoparasites. This should be done five days before the intended procedure. In no case should you combine two treatments on the same day, in order to avoid severe intoxication.
It is necessary to rid a cat of fleas, lice-eaters and other skin parasites. They not only cause discomfort to the pet, but can also be carriers of helminth eggs.
It is imperative that you cattle the cat before vaccination. This is done five to seven days before the planned injection, in order to avoid a strong load on the body of the action of worms and the causative agent of the disease, introduced with the injection.
Features of the procedure
Before vaccination, all veterinarians recommend proglistering a cat. The following scheme has been developed for this:
- If the animal has never received such drugs, then it is necessary to anthelmintic the animal twice. Repeated procedure is possible after 10-12 days. The vaccine is given 5-10 days after the second helminthization. However, there are funds that suggest a single dose. These drugs include Profender.
- If the animal is regularly treated against worms, a single run is required 5-10 days before vaccination.
The veterinarian will definitely examine the animal before vaccination and make sure that there are no worms.
Worms in a pregnant cat
Not all breeders know exactly how to gobble a pregnant cat. If such a need arose, then drugs with a minimum concentration of active substances should be used. Moreover, the procedure is allowed to be carried out only 20 days before the expected start of labor.
For pregnant animals, special means must be purchased. An annotation to them usually indicates that they are allowed to be used during pregnancy and lactation. Examples include medicines such as Biheldon and Milbemax.
Veterinarians warn that in the early stages of pregnancy a cat cannot be anthelminthic. Such measures can trigger intrauterine death of offspring, a delay in their development and miscarriage. If the kittens were born from an infected cat, then they are treated for helminthic invasion as soon as they turn 3-4 weeks old. In this case, after five to six days, kittens are encouraged to offer any sorbent drug. It may be Enterosgel, activated carbon.
Is it possible to gobble a nursing cat?
On this score, the opinions of experts differ. Mostly veterinarians and manufacturers emphasize that it is undesirable to give such products to pregnant and lactating pets. Their use is possible only in the most extreme case, when worms threaten the life of the cat itself or its offspring.
It is possible to gobble a nursing cat only after the kittens are 3-4 weeks old and they can gradually switch to adult food. If the offspring are not yet a week old, then anthelmintic agents are prohibited. It is believed that the harm that such drugs can cause is significantly higher than the potential danger from worms. In any case, you must wait until the offspring is at least two weeks old.
Sometimes it is advisable to gobble a nursing cat with folk remedies. The most effective showed ordinary garlic. If a cat is fed one shredded wedge a week, then she can be rid of many forms of parasites. Of course, the animal can refuse such treatment, then it is necessary to skillfully mask the garlic in the meat. There is also a risk that kittens will not like the taste of breast milk, which may slightly bitter.
Overview of popular drugs
Next, we will analyze the better to gobble a cat. It is easy for an inexperienced breeder to get confused in the whole variety of anthelmintic agents. Some of them are suitable only for prevention, others are used to treat an existing problem. The most effective and, therefore, popular are the following medicines:
- Drontal;
- "Striker";
- "Profender";
- Milbemax
- Febtal.
Consider how to gobble a cat with the help of each of them and the features of the tool.
Drontal - a universal drug
"Drontal" for cats refers to effective and universal means, which is aimed at the destruction of almost all types of worms. The medication is available in the form of familiar tablets that are ellipsoidal in shape.
Once in the body of the pet, the active components of the pill begin to quickly destroy the shell of the parasites, which causes their mass death. As a result, their reproduction is prevented, and the population soon dies. The cat needs to be offered pills that are calculated based on the weight of the animal. Individuals weighing 4 kg need to be given only one pill. Contraindications include pregnancy and the age of kittens up to four weeks. The drug is very popular because of its effectiveness. Breeders appreciated its quick impact, the absence of negative aspects. However, it is not suitable for small kittens.
Prazitel - non-toxic agent
The drug is non-toxic and is produced in the form of a suspension or tablets. The medication has a persistent complex effect on the following types of parasites:
- cestodes;
- nematodes;
- trematodes.
Suitable for kittens, because it is excreted without residue after 24 hours along with feces. The drug in the form of tablets is intended for adult cats. To destroy helminths, one tablet is enough. For kittens, a suspension is provided, which comes complete with a measuring syringe. Has quite positive reviews. Worms die quickly and in full. Effectively also affects larvae and eggs.
"Profender" - solution at the withers
The drug is intended for the prevention and treatment of helminthic invasion. The product is available in the form of a clear solution, which must be applied to the neck or withers. The medication is suitable for adults and kittens. For convenience, the manufacturer supplied the packaging with two pipettes. The volume of 1.12 ml is suitable for adult pets, the dosage of 0.35 ml is designed for kittens from three weeks of age.
The product is based on two active substances: emodepside and praziquantel. Components successfully fight many types of parasites. The drug has its own contraindications. You can not use the solution if the animal is depleted, sick with viral diseases or weakened after an illness. Breeders like the simplicity and affordability of using the product. However, with a large infection, the drug does not always have the proper effect. More suitable for prevention.
Milbemax - effective and safe
"Milbemax" - a means by which you can gobble a cat if it is pregnant or feeds kittens. The drug has a complex effect and is effective against a wide range of parasites. Available in the form of tablets that have a pleasant aroma and taste of meat. You can purchase separately medicine for adult pets and for small kittens. However, it is not recommended to give pills until the age of six, because the active substance is very strong and can have a toxic effect on a fragile body. The package contains two tablets. Kittens should be offered half a pill. If the animal weighs no more than two kilograms, then a remedy intended for small pets is also suitable for him. In this case, you must use one tablet.
For adults, the drug is given depending on body weight. If the cat weighs no more than 4 kg, then the dosage is 0.5 tablets. One piece is offered to cats with a body weight of 4 to 8 kg. Heavier pets need to feed 1.5 pills.
Reviews about the drug are only positive. Side effects when observing the dosage are not observed, and the worms die in the shortest possible time and are eliminated naturally.
"Febtal" from a domestic manufacturer
The tablets are produced by a Russian pharmaceutical company. The product has a pleasant aroma and taste. The dosage of the pills is standard. A cat that weighs about three kilograms on average needs to be offered one tablet. It is recommended to grind the drug, mix it into your favorite treat and give in the morning. In this case, the main feeding should be in an hour and a half.
Judging by the reviews, “Fetbal” practically does not cause side effects. Animals often do not notice an unexpected filling in the feed and quietly eat a pill. , . . . .
Side effects
After the cat has been swallowed, it is necessary to carefully monitor its condition. Usually, if the dosage is not violated and the procedure was carried out strictly according to the instructions, then adverse events are not observed. But sometimes the following unpleasant moments are recorded:
- if the cat is hypersensitive to the components of the product, then an allergic reaction, itching or foaming is possible;
- disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, vomiting) may occur.
As a rule, all side effects go away on their own. If they continue to bother the cat, then you need to see a doctor.
In the case of severe infection with worms or a particular sensitivity of the animal to antiparasitic drugs, it makes sense to conduct treatment in a veterinary clinic. How much it costs to gobble a cat depends on the level of the hospital, the means used and the location. On average, the cost of drugs against worms varies from 350 to 1000 rubles. Veterinarians charge from 100 to 200 rubles for the maintenance service.
In most cases, reviews about domestic drugs are not bad. According to veterinarians, Milbemax acts as an effective means. Although some animals do not perceive it, sometimes side effects are observed.
Judging by the reviews, “Fetbal” practically does not cause side effects. Animals often do not notice an unexpected filling in the feed and quietly eat a pill. Breeders like the suspension for kittens. It is non-toxic and has a pleasant aroma. For convenience, a measuring syringe is offered. For one kilogram of kitten weight, you need to take one milliliter of funds.