Sore tongue in children: causes, treatment, prevention

As a rule, children do not always tell parents that something is bothering them, especially if the child is still very small. If the tongue is affected, then the baby himself will let you know about it with the help of crying, screaming, as well as malnutrition. In order for the sores in the tongue and palate to not lead to something bad, it is necessary to prevent the disease or at least detect it in time.

sore tongue in children

Causes of ulcers

When teeth begin to appear in the crumbs, it is likely that he simply scratched his tongue with them. Birth defects such as caries and malocclusion can also cause ulcers. Acidic foods, often added by parents to the child’s diet, are prohibited, because they are also pathogens. The causes of stomatitis in children can be completely different, it is difficult to call universal, especially since they are not fully understood. Ulcers will be located on the gums, palate, tongue, and can pass on the cheeks. Often they are yellow (viral stomatitis) and white (simple stomatitis). There are sores due to herpes, problems with the intestines and digestive tract, lack of vitamins in the body. The wounds may have a bubbly appearance; the disease proceeds with a sudden high fever and bad breath. When a child gets dysbacteriosis, a tongue sore in children indicates that the same exists in the intestines themselves.

causes of stomatitis in children

Methods for treating oral ulcers

Every parent should know that self-medication is life-threatening. In no case can you seek information about the disease in some sources or listen to incompetent friends and relatives. So you can only cause irreparable harm to the child. From the foregoing, it is necessary to make one single conclusion: if a sore is detected in the tongue, the reasons and treatment should be established only by a doctor. After the necessary examination, a diagnosis will be made.

If it is stomatitis, then special preparations are prescribed and rinses with infusions of calendula, chamomile. These herbs very well remove inflammatory processes and contribute to the speedy healing of existing ulcers. Of course, getting a child to rinse his mouth on his own will be quite problematic, so it is recommended to use a syringe without a needle. The method is quite simple: you spray the liquid into the oral cavity, trying to get on the sores, then tell the child to spit out some water. This procedure must be repeated at least three times. When a doctor prescribes a healing ointment, it is necessary to rinse the affected areas after rinsing. If new sores appear on the tongue, the causes and treatment were not set correctly or errors were made during processing. It is immediately necessary to consult a doctor and find out what the problem is.

As a rule, with stomatitis and herpes, the procedures are almost the same, but the drugs differ. For example, an ointment, which includes acyclovir, is used to treat herpes.

Do not forget that such ulcers can be an infectious disease. Therefore, it is recommended that the child separate dishes, which must be thoroughly sterilized after each meal.

Red sores in the child’s tongue

A red (at the tip of the tongue) sore indicates that the child has an infectious or inflammatory process in the body. This can be both the most common stomatitis, and herpes, glossitis, dermatosis. We must not forget that the wounds on the tongue can be an allergic reaction (usually to foods that have a bright red color).

sores in the tongue and sky

With an infectious basis, the baby has a sore tongue, it feels discomfort, increased salivation. As a result, the child refuses to eat, drink, talk, begins to be too capricious. Fever is another symptom.

Glossitis is accompanied by spots with a white coating. Optionally, the child has inflammation in the body, since the disease can be triggered by some hormonal disorders, intestinal problems or parasites. The disease in this case is easy and asymptomatic. To cure her, the doctor prescribes vitamins.

White sores and plaque in the child’s tongue

A white sore in the tongue in children appears with thrush. It is caused by a fungal infection in the body, as well as antibiotics. As a rule, the wounds are covered with a white curd mass, have completely different sizes and are located in any places (in a chaotic order).

The child during the appearance of white ulcers will torment unpleasant sensations that cause anxiety. In no case should you take off the plaque. If you do this at home and without professional skills, you can bring even more infection. Pediatricians with this disease recommend rinsing their mouths or treating their tongues with ordinary soda. With relapse, you will have to take a course of antifungal medications.

sores in the tongue and sky

Purulent ulcers in the child's tongue

With a low level of body protection (weakened immunity), a tongue sore in children will indicate the development of stomatitis. If the wounds are purulent with red edges that are located both on the tongue and on the cheeks, then, no doubt, we can talk about stomatitis. Sour breath is another symptom. Often this disease develops with improper personal hygiene. For effective treatment, it is worth taking vitamin A, as well as treating the tongue with antiseptic drugs.

on the tip of the tongue sore

If stomatitis is not confirmed, then the cause of purulent ulcers are burns. These are chemical and thermal. The reason for this is quite commonplace: children learn the world through touch, so everything that gets into them, they taste. Keeping track of parents in such a situation is simply impossible. It is at this point that children can damage the shell of the oral cavity. In order to properly prescribe treatment and completely get rid of this problem, you first need to understand what caused the burn. Blind treatment in such cases is not performed.

Finally about prevention

As a rule, a tongue sore in children indicates that hygiene rules have been violated. Here are some tips for parents on how to avoid such troubles.

Explain to your child that you can’t put your hands in your mouth, especially dirty ones. Minimize communication with a sick child. Toys after a walk are preferably doused with boiling water. Encourage your child to wash their hands more often.

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