Pregnancy is already coming to the finish line. There is a third trimester, and very soon mother will be able to see her baby. Usually the doctor says that 6 weeks are left, but someone can become a mother much earlier. So, 34th week of pregnancy, what happens in a very grown tummy? How does a child develop? Now the young mother is more concerned with these issues than ever. Calm down, everything goes as it should, until the period of wet diapers and sleepless nights has come, you should take a good rest and gain strength, especially since the increasing severity does not contribute to excessive activity. Now mom was already on maternity leave, and she had time for herself and preparation for childbirth.
What happens to the baby
There is 34 week of pregnancy, what is happening now with the baby? Its development is almost complete, all organs and systems are formed and ready for independent work. Even the lungs are already actively functioning, pumping amniotic fluid. While they are not quite ready for spontaneous breathing, this is the main cause of death for children born at 8 months. However, today medicine has stepped far forward, so you have no reason to worry.
The nervous system and brain are already well developed, the gyrus continues to grow deeper. The child already knows your voice perfectly, he also recognizes the pope and other relatives, despite the fact that only 34 weeks of pregnancy are going on. What happens with this? His heart begins to beat more slowly, he calms down and sucks his finger. Such minutes obviously appeal to the baby. If there is a lot of noise around, then the child is worried, his heartbeat intensifies. That's why mom should avoid too crowded places, preferring the quiet river embankment.
Recommendations for mom
Try to slow down the pace of life a little, just a month you have to carry the baby under your heart, spend this time talking with him, and then he will be born much more calm. It's time to think - this is 34 weeks of pregnancy. What happens when a mother strokes her stomach, tells her baby how she loves and waits for him? The child has the impression of the world as a good place where he will be safe. This has a positive effect on his nervous system.
What does the baby look like now
This is almost a newborn baby, just not so chubby. There is 34 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the child (normal) is 2.3 kg. His height is about 44 centimeters. Now he is actively accumulating subcutaneous fat, which gives such a smooth outline and puffiness of the cheeks. Fat is very important, as it helps to keep warm, and soon you will need to use the entire mechanism of thermoregulation.
The child is now so crowded that he, obeying the genetic program, turns upside down. The uterus below is narrower, and so it will be more comfortable. Taking the pose of a booty up, he is preparing to exit the birth canal. His movements become more careful, because there is no room for them. If the child eats too actively, causing the mother pain, then you should consult a doctor, maybe he suffers from hypoxia. The fetus at 34 weeks of pregnancy is very vulnerable to a lack of oxygen, this can cause irreparable damage to brain cells.
Another change - in the baby, the embryonic fluff begins to roll, and the hair on the head, on the contrary, becomes longer and thicker. Almost all babies are born with fairly long hair, but if your baby was born bald, then do not worry, they will grow back soon.
What changes are happening in mom’s body?
Mom is getting harder day by day. There is 34 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the baby (norm) is already more than two kilograms. To this is added the weight of the placenta, amniotic fluid and their own extra pounds. You feel already exhausted and want one so that the birth will come soon. Take your time, everything will come in due time. So far you are on maternity leave, and the baby quietly sucks a finger in his tummy, without forcing his mother to care for him 24 hours a day. Therefore, relax and gain strength. Weight at 34 weeks of gestation has grown significantly, you may need to update your wardrobe again. Normally, a woman adds from 7 to 12 kilograms to this period. Since the child is already fully grown, in the last month you can even lose some weight.
The fetus presses heavily on the intestines and bladder, so going to the toilet will be very frequent. Big belly makes you sleep in uncomfortable poses, constantly tossing and turning and getting enough sleep. Today there are special air mattresses with openings for the abdomen, so that mommies can safely lie in their favorite position and relax their back. After sleeping or resting, you should not get up abruptly, as your head may become dizzy from the pressure drop.
Ultrasound at 34 weeks
Usually, at 32 - 33 weeks, the doctor sends for a third ultrasound. Therefore, if you go to the reception with the finished results, then 34 weeks of pregnancy are going on. The weight of the child (norm), his height are examined in order to make a conclusion about the condition of the fetus and exclude malformations. In addition, the child’s posture, the condition of the placenta, and the amount of amniotic fluid are important for the doctor. All this makes it possible not only to assess the condition of the child and exclude hypoxia, but also to predict a possible option for the further development of events. Namely, a natural birth or a cesarean section awaits mom. Ultrasound at 34 weeks of gestation may be the last, only if you do not give birth before 39-40 weeks, you will be assigned to undergo another examination.
Often, dad comes to the last examination. He is also eager to look at the baby, listen to his heart. If you are being examined in a paid clinic, then the doctor will most likely not mind. This is usually remembered for 34 weeks of pregnancy, the photo of the fetus will now be the first in his small album.
False contractions
Since the body is already preparing for the upcoming birth, you can periodically feel light contractions of the uterus. If the gestational age is 34 weeks, then it's time for their first appearance. These are false contractions that are training in nature. They do not pose a threat to the health of the baby. The contractions can be painful, but rarely last more than 45 seconds. They are quite simple to distinguish from real fights, if you move a little. Real contractions become only stronger from physical exertion, and false ones pass. Doctors also recommend watching a movie, looking through a magazine, or sorting out things for a future baby. This will allow you to get distracted and cuts will pass.
As the 34th week of pregnancy is already underway, the weight of the baby (normal) has increased significantly. If the baby is alone, then this is 2.3 kilograms, and if twins, then each weighs about 1.5 kg. Each of their movements is very noticeable, and sometimes hurts mom. Therefore, one should more often be in calm, quiet places, include pleasant music and tell tales. Depending on its location, the child can rest her mother’s foot under the rib, causing inconvenience. Try stroking your stomach and slowly push it to the side. The baby will try to play with his mother’s hands and move in the uterus.
Now it is very important to fix the movements, especially since it is already impossible not to notice them. If during the day you were among a large number of people, and the baby was quiet, then in the evening, when you lie down to rest, he must play with you. Lack of movement is an alarm, urgent need to seek medical help. It is believed that in 12 hours the child must declare his presence at least 12 times. If a woman is lying, then in an hour he will push her at least 4 times.
Too sharp, frequent shocks - this is also not too good. Usually this is a reaction to external stimuli, bright light, sharp, frightening sounds, the mother’s nervous state. In the third trimester, strong shocks are undesirable, they can lead to the fact that the baby rolls over and takes a pose that is inappropriate for natural childbirth.
A large belly and a shifting center of gravity leads to constant pain in the abdomen, lower back and back. This is a normal phenomenon that will pass after childbirth. A bandage can alleviate the condition somewhat. Now you have 34 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is quite impressive, you should not expose your back to such loads. But this is not the only reason, the gradual softening of the supporting ligaments and joints prepares the body for childbirth, nature does everything possible to facilitate the passage of the child through the birth canal. Because of this, mom experiences pain in the pubic area, in the sacrum and hips. These sensations will intensify as the birth approaches.
But you should strictly differentiate your feelings. If the pains are not temporary, but permanent and intensifying, then it is worth notifying the doctor. The likelihood of premature birth increases if you have a lowered stomach, a mucous plug or water has come off.
Often, during this period, the pregnant woman is swollen. Be sure to pay the attention of the doctor, only he can correctly assess your condition. To some extent, edema may be a variant of the norm, but they also sometimes indicate the development of a formidable complication - gestosis.
Bloody issues
After a vaginal examination or sex, which during this period is already undesirable, you may notice spotting. This is the result of opening or stretching the cervix. Minor droplets do not carry any threat, but if you see that the bleeding continues and intensifies, immediately call an ambulance. Even if you do not feel pain, this is too terrible a symptom to ignore.
Waiting for twins
Mom has a little more difficulty if she has 34 weeks of pregnancy, twins. After 30 weeks, mother usually has nothing to breathe, since two babies occupy all the free space and make breathing difficult. After a week, one of them unfolds and takes a natural position for childbirth. Then it becomes a little easier, but the fear of an approaching birth is frightening. Indeed, the twin mother has something to think about. How will the birth take place, who will help with the housework after returning from the hospital? What is remarkable about 34 weeks of pregnancy? Since that time, twins behave very quietly, because they simply do not have space to wave their arms and legs. Starting at week 35, you may be given a scheduled cesarean. In natural births with twins today, almost no one is allowed, since this is too dangerous.
Cesarean section
This is an operation that has helped save more than one thousand female and children's lives. During surgery, an abdominal and uterine incision is made, and the fetus is removed. Caesarean section can be planned or emergency, if something went wrong during childbirth. In a modern hospital, doctors are ready for any turn of events and are ready to help in time. Planned cesarean section is done for medical reasons, strictly in advance, without waiting for natural generic activity. Today, all twins are born in this way.
You may well begin a natural birth if you are 34 weeks pregnant. The reviews of the mothers suggest that for everyone this becomes a little shock, because they were mentally tuned to spend another month in the situation. In fact, there is nothing wrong with that. The baby is already fully formed, he is not premature, but prematurely born. If necessary, he will be placed in a special incubator, where he will stay for several days, gradually adapting to the conditions of the natural environment. After that you can go home.
What to do at week 34
Since childbirth can begin in any of the following weeks, you need to prepare the necessary things for yourself and the baby. A detailed list will be given to you by an obstetrician-gynecologist, in any case you will need diapers, vests and bonnets, diapers and wet wipes. You must also collect your personal belongings, prepare a passport and an exchange card. It’s better if everything is ready in advance, and you don’t have to clutter the first things you got before the ambulance arrives.
It's time to start training for special breathing, which will help you in childbirth. This art can be mastered in courses for pregnant women, or at home, studying special literature. The main thing, remember, no matter how difficult the birth is, this is the most amazing moment, because a small person is born.