What women just do not resort to a long-awaited pregnancy! Mud therapy and special restorative massages are carried out, as well as alternative and alternative medicine becomes an assistant. We will not go into details on each of these auxiliary methods. In the end, each person is individual and what suits one is completely unsuitable for the other, and even more will cause rejection and allergies. In addition, with any method of treatment, the psychological attitude is important, and not just the manipulations themselves carried out with your body.
Today we’ll talk more about traditional herbal medicine. Namely, whether a boron uterus is needed when planning a pregnancy and, if so, how it is used. And also consider the question of whether women can only use her benefits or men's health can also be improved with her help?
Yes, the uterus is often used when planning pregnancy. It grows in Siberia and Altai in pine forests. Herbalists specially collect it, dry it and use it in traditional medicine.
The boron uterus plays an important role in planning pregnancy, especially for those women who have problems conceiving or who do not ovulate in a timely manner, or maybe not at all. Sometimes in such cases, the boron uterus when planning a pregnancy is the last saving straw for a woman, and this is not unreasonable. It is proved that its composition includes special trace elements that are similar in their action to hormones, which are administered to a woman to stimulate pregnancy and increase the ability to conceive. And if hormones are not considered the best helper, they are prescribed in cases where problems arise, then the boron uterus is harmless to the body of a woman and a man.
How to drink a uterus? This question is often asked on forums and specialized sites.
Basically, its use is provided in the form of tincture and in the form of a decoction. Between them, of course, there is a difference.
The broth is prepared on water - good, drinking, which in itself is healing. Tap water, of course, does not possess such properties. Take 50 grams of narrowed leaves, which must be pre-crushed. And then pour boiling water, but not cool, but slightly cooled. The temperature should be no more than 80 degrees. Now our broth should be insisted for 3 or 4 hours.
And the second method of application is tincture. It means alcohol, not water. It is better to choose real medical alcohol, vodka that is sold in stores is not entirely suitable. In the same way, pour 50 grams of boron uterus with a glass of alcohol and leave it again for several hours.
Both alcohol and broth are best taken before meals. A decoction of one tablespoon, and a tincture of a few drops. If you feel heaviness in the stomach, change the regimen and take after meals. But not right away, but after about 30 minutes. Of course, consuming a uterus after eating, you slightly reduce its effect, but this is better than enduring stomach discomfort. In rare cases, due to individual intolerance, it is better to refuse to use the boron uterus. And one more remark. If you take antibiotics or any hormonal drugs, the effectiveness is also reduced.
Well, the last question that interests many. Is the hog uterus useful for men?
Yes, it also has beneficial effects on the male body. Pine uterus increases male potency, improves sexual relations and counteracts the inflammatory processes of the prostate gland.
That is, as we see, it is useful to everyone. But remember that during pregnancy, when it has already begun, you need to consult a doctor about the possibility of using certain herbs.