Young mothers worry why the baby often spits up after feeding. They do not know how to help a newborn. To understand this matter, you need to understand that the work of the digestive system in infants is not entirely debugged. The stomach in newborns is small in volume. In its shape, it looks like a ball, so, as you know, food moves unevenly. Babies have a short esophagus. It expands upward and resembles a funnel. The valve between the stomach and esophagus is still immature, and excess mucus needs to go out after feeding.
The baby spits up a lot after feeding, when the milk in his stomach mixes with air. Many older children often overeat. Burping, they get rid of excess food. Doctors advise keeping the baby upright during and after feeding to reduce the amount of air they swallow.
Let's see why the children spit up after feeding. Breasts usually overeat or swallow air during feeding. At the same time, they spit up curdled milk up to 10 milliliters. The pediatrician will explain to the restless mom why the children vomit after feeding. He will tell you that it is not dangerous if the child has good stool and normal appetite. General health does not suffer when a baby gains weight. So that the baby does not vomit lying on his back, you need to put him on his stomach in time. It is better to feed him on demand.
Spitting up in children, as a rule, pass over time. They usually stop doing it closer to six months. Mom then will no longer be tormented by the question of why the children spit up after feeding.
Usually this process is not dangerous for the baby's health. But there are times when the cough during spitting does not stop. This indicates intestinal obstruction. In this situation, parents should immediately consult a doctor. If the baby after 3 months continues to regularly and abundantly spit up, and its weight does not increase, then this is an alarm. There is a risk of serious illnesses such as pneumonia, malnutrition, and anemia. At a later age, a child with a regular occurrence of this phenomenon may have an accidental death syndrome. Family members often do not understand why children spit up after feeding. They worry if this will affect the health of the baby in the future. And their excitement is not in vain. Children who vomit profusely in infancy are more likely to get a cold for up to three years. A child may lag behind in its development.
Parents should carefully monitor the health of their babies up to a year. Children who have frequent persistent regurgitation in the first year of life are at risk. They need constant monitoring by doctors. With abundant persistent vomiting with a green tint, the child will need urgent surgical intervention. It is necessary to undergo comprehensive treatment in time to eliminate the pathology of the stomach and intestines and prevent the development of serious diseases. Do not mess with children's health!