If one of the users does not know, then constantly emerging new software requires compatibility with hardware or virtual devices that are available in the computer system. Drivers are responsible for their performance (device definition programs that transfer control of them to the operating system). As it turns out, drivers require updates to be installed so that the devices can work with new software. Unfortunately, not a single Russian program for updating drivers was included in the rating of the most significant, therefore we will consider only a few popular utilities (albeit Russian-speaking). But first things first.
Finding and Updating Drivers in Windows 7: Standard Technique
, , Windows . « » . . . , Windows , .
, , . , , , Windows 7. , .
Windows 7:
, , . , 30-50 . , .
- Driver Booster;
- DriverPack Solution;
- Slim Drivers.
, , , Windows. , , , , , .
. Windows 7 , . , Intel, . , Microsoft, , .
: . ( ). .
, , . , Windows 7 . , , , Windows. , . , .
, - ( , , Dell) .