Fall during pregnancy: is it scary

For many pregnant women, the most dangerous time is considered to be winter and the beginning of spring, when it becomes slippery in the streets and there is a chance of slipping. Of course, caring mothers are terribly afraid to fall and somehow harm the health of the future baby. Is falling so dangerous during pregnancy?

Firstly, it is worth remembering that the body of a woman is arranged in a special way. In the womb, the baby is surrounded by many protective factors that soften the shock when falling. Thanks to the fluid in which the baby is located, and the internal organs, the fetus moves smoothly and does not feel the shock as much as it seems to mom. Thus, a fall during pregnancy may not even affect the well-being of the unborn child. But at the same time, a strong blow in the back or abdomen can affect the normal development of the fetus. Therefore, in any case, you should be vigilant and be sure to visit a doctor.

Secondly, even after a light fall, you need to pay close attention to your condition. If water or red discharge appears, then there is a possibility that the amniotic bladder is damaged or the placenta begins to exfoliate. In this case, it is best to immediately contact a doctor who observes the woman during pregnancy and receive instructions on how to proceed. And remember that the advice of friends and relatives is not necessarily true, while the recommendations of a qualified professional can be fully trusted.

If a woman fell during pregnancy, depending on the length of the period, various, not very pleasant, consequences can occur. Of course, amniotic fluid has a certain amortization effect with all sudden movements, including a fall. But they can not fully protect the baby if the main blow fell on the uterus. This can lead to sad consequences. In the later stages of pregnancy, such a consequence may be premature birth, and in the early pregnancy - a miscarriage.

No wonder that a fall during pregnancy happens quite often. A woman falls into an extremely unusual state for her usual life, when the load on the spine increases due to weight gain. All this leads to some clumsiness, and, therefore, walking becomes extremely uncomfortable. In the later stages of pregnancy, the woman’s gait changes especially, since a significantly enlarged abdomen leads to a shift in the center of gravity. Instinctively, the expectant mother tries to reduce the load on the spine, and for this, when walking, it seems to deviate a little back. On wet or icy roads, this position of the body can contribute to loss of balance and, as a result, to a fall. In addition, a pregnant woman becomes distracted and immersed in her worries, and loses her vigilance while walking.

Often, a fall during pregnancy leads to all sorts of complications, which are usually divided into 2 groups:

  1. Obstetric
  2. Non-obstetric

Non-obstetric complications do not affect the development of the fetus, for example, sprain, bruise, fracture. Complications related to the obstetric group directly affect the condition of the future baby, for example, premature water, bleeding due to placental abruption and many others.

Falling during pregnancy can provoke many terrible consequences, from damage to internal organs to damage to the fetus. The first appear within a few minutes after the fall, and the second can not be noticed immediately. First of all, you should pay attention to whether the baby is moving, and how these movements occur. That is, it is necessary to track whether there are any changes in the frequency and strength of the baby's movement, as this can be a signal of a problem.

The most important thing is that if you find any deviations from the usual state after a fall, you need to immediately contact a specialist who will be able to provide qualified assistance or dispel all fears.

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