Often, PC users encounter a problem when the wireless keyboard fails and does not work. There are a lot of reasons why this happens, ranging from simple and trivial, to hardware failure. In today's article, we will talk in detail about all the most common malfunctions of wireless keyboards, and also look at ways to fix breakdowns.
Low battery
The first and most banal reason why the wireless keyboard does not work is a dead battery. It's no secret that the entire wireless peripherals are powered by batteries and from time to time they need to be charged, of course. If you do not, then one day the battery will be discharged, and the device will not work.
So, if suddenly the keyboard does not work, then first of all you should check the charge level, because it is precisely he who can be the culprit of the problem. If everything is in order with the batteries, go to the next step.
Wireless malfunction
Another very common reason why the wireless keyboard does not work is a malfunction in the wireless connection. The wireless peripherals are connected to the computer via the Bluetooth adapter, but it’s not enough just to stick its connector on the system unit, you still need to make the connection itself through the pairing button.
But it also happens that the established connection between the keyboard and the computer is lost or broken, for example, due to incorrect shutdown of the PC. To resume the wireless keyboard, it will be enough to re-pair through the corresponding button on the periphery itself. Everything is simple!
Driver failure
The next reason the wireless keyboard does not work is because of a driver failure. This is also a fairly common phenomenon, which, unfortunately, occurs at the most unexpected moment, and this, alas, cannot be prevented.
There are actually many reasons why drivers can fly off, even the same power surge and an unexpected restart of the computer can contribute, but this is not the case now.
You can try to fix the problem with the drivers in two ways - by simple reinstallation or by complete removal and clean installation.
In the first case, it is enough just to reinstall the drivers and restart the computer. In the second case, you will have to perform several additional manipulations.
To get started, go to the "Device Manager". This can be done easily - you need to right-click on the "Start" icon and select the appropriate item from the menu that appears.
Next, in the "Device Manager" we find the tab "Keyboard" and expand it. In the tab that opens, the keyboard should be located, and that's what you need to delete it. To do this, click on it with RMB and select "Delete device" in the context menu.
Now, after these simple manipulations, you need to restart the computer and perform a clean installation of drivers on the keyboard.
Signal problems
Another common problem why the wireless keyboard does not work is an unstable Bluetooth signal. You need to carefully check how well the module is installed in the USB port, and also whether there are any foreign objects next to it that can jam the signal.
“Jamming items”, as a rule, include Wi-Fi routers, modems, radios, phones with a Wi-Fi module or 3G / 4G connection, an activated Bluetooth module on phones, wireless speakers and all that.
Bluetooth module
The next reason the wireless keyboard stops working is the Bluetooth module. It often happens that a wireless module is accidentally removed from a computer or its contact is broken, due to which power is no longer supplied. It also happens that users accidentally or mistakenly disconnect a module in the operating system, which also disrupts its operation.
In this case, the problem is fixed very simply - just reconnect the module to the computer or activate its work in the system.
But do not forget that there are times when the Bluetooth module is completely out of order and here, alas, nothing can be helped. But before writing off the wireless transmitter, it should be checked for operability on another computer - you never know. If he doesn’t decide there, then you can go to the store for a new module.
Liquid spillage
The penultimate reason why the wireless keyboard does not work on a computer is liquid spillage on the periphery. Any clarification in this case is not required, since everything is clear to everyone. Very many people encounter the fact that they spill tea, coffee, juice or just water on the keyboard, after which it starts to work badly or stops working at all.
What can be done in such a situation? Well, for a start, a wet keyboard needs to be disassembled and left somewhere for a day, so that it completely dries out. After that, if something sweet was spilled, then it is imperative to wipe all the elements gently, especially the scheme with the tracks for the buttons, an alcohol wipe. Once this is done, you can assemble the keyboard and try to connect it.
In most cases, everything works out well, and the peripherals continue to function, but there can be sad consequences in the form of failure of individual buttons or blocks, as well as a complete failure of the entire keyboard.
Keyboard breakage
And finally, the last reason. Why does the wireless keyboard not work and the mouse work? The question is good, but the answer to it will be sad for many. If none of the above methods helps in solving the problem, and the peripherals refuse to work, then only one thing remains - a keyboard breakdown.
In this case, the only solution that will help in solving the problem is to buy a new peripheral.