Holiday event for seniors

Activities for the elderly are aimed at the entertaining part of the life of pensioners. In youth and in mature life, a person spends a lot of time in work and household chores. Entertainment and holidays decorate life, relax, help to escape from worries, energize and positive.

In older people, life takes a more measured and monophonic installation. At a venerable age , most grandparents lack work and social activities. Each day is joylessly similar to the previous one. Adult children and grandchildren do not always care about older relatives for vanity and carelessness, so the older generation loses all interest in life. Perhaps this is one of the main causes of oppression and lack of gleam in the eyes.

activities for the elderly in the script library

The value of an elderly person in the modern world

The modern public takes a step towards retirees. Many institutions hold a number of events for the elderly, clubs and rehabilitation centers are being created for the sports and entertainment sectors of the older generation. In schools and kindergartens, morning parties are held with the participation of grandfathers and grandmothers. October 1 is officially designated as the Day of the Elderly, and we hope that in the near future it will grow into a good tradition, when pensioners will feel the festive atmosphere, warmth and attention of their relatives.

The magical atmosphere of the library

In city libraries, events for the elderly are held annually. Autumn weather inspires poetic inspiration to organize creative events and cozy evenings in the book kingdom for senior citizens. Gathering for such meetings, people of respectable age have the opportunity to listen to beautiful poems, songs, take part in quizzes, solve riddles and share pleasant memories.

holiday event elderly day

Autumn notes

In the fall, the names of events for the elderly in the library have relevant content.

"Years flow like lines in a book." At this meeting, they discuss their favorite writers, get acquainted with the biography and significant events from the life of famous classics. Pensioners are presented books that will help organize leisure and give inspiration. The holiday is complemented by wonderful creative numbers, favorite works.

"Tea gatherings." A meeting of people of retirement age, organized over a cup of tea, always takes place in a relaxed home atmosphere. A wonderful tea party with fragrant pastries and other goodies is accompanied by an exchange of recipes, memories, participation in contests. Guests are told informative stories about the origin of the samovar, the traditions of the tea ceremony in different countries. The host narrates which healing herbs can be used to brew a tasty and healthy infusion. The holiday is complemented by listening to creative numbers, provocative ditties or the general singing of folk works to the harmony.

Exhibition "Autumn Melody". For the older generation, substantial exhibitions are held in the autumn time of the year, where wonderful compositions, ikebans and crafts from golden leaves and natural materials, made by senior citizens, managers and visitors of the library, are presented. Songs and compositions on autumn themes are being heard, literary publications and works about autumn are shown, interesting scenes are shown. Among those present, an autumn quiz is held, riddles on the topic of the crop are solved.

The purpose of the events for the elderly in the library is to recognize the importance of oneself, nature and everyone around.

purpose of the event for the elderly

Scenario for autumn gatherings

In the scenarios of events for the elderly in the library, there is always a literary bias, an entertaining part and discussions.

Soulful meetings with a sweet table and tea party are a great occasion to gather older people for an interesting pastime.

This scenario shows an approximate sequence of numbers for a quality holiday.

Meeting for seniors "And our grandmother has tea and pancakes"

A playful melody or phonogram of famous songs is played, such as “Here someone has come down from a mountain”, “Candy-lamb”, “Kalinka-raspberry”.

The presenter addresses those present.


"Our guests are dear,

We welcome all of you

Tea door opened

And set the table for you.

Tea with Lemon and Cookies

We’ll have a chat.

And with a smile, a warm word

Have a wonderful time!

Feel free to feel bored,

Pour tea soon.

He gives birth to us again

Warms, refreshes.

Golden and fragrant

White, black and clean

Calls for a treat

To a warm pastime!

Let's not waste time

And we’ll start pouring tea into mugs!

Dear guests, we are very glad to see you in this room, at our friendly, warm table. And I hope that the minutes spent together will give you a piece of warmth that will warm you in the autumn evenings.

Joint tea parties have been considered an important tradition in Russia since ancient times. Families went to tea gatherings to each other and honored their relatives. Now we will have a short quiz. Every active member of tonight will receive a token. Whoever has the maximum number of tokens will receive a reward as a prize. Let’s remember who is related to whom and what is called? ”

Quiz "Related Tree"

  1. What is the name of the captured girl? (Bride).
  2. Who is her husband's mother to her? (Mother-in-law).
  3. Who is the brother of the wife for the husband? (Shurin).
  4. What does brother-in-law mean? (Brother husband).
  5. Who is the husband’s sister? (Sister-in-law).
  6. What does the word daughter-in-law mean? (Son's wife).
  7. Who is father-in-law? (Father of the wife).
  8. And who is the wife’s sister’s husband? (Brother-in-law).

Presenter: “Thank you for participating. And we reward the biggest connoisseur of family relations with a small photo album where he can store pictures with his family.”

Presenter: "Well, cheered up? Let's drink a cup of our wonderful drink, and in the meantime, listen to the wonderful composition" Rejoice "performed by Nadezhda Babkina."

Presenter: "Dear friends, our ancestors loved wise proverbs and sayings very much. Now I want to test your knowledge in this topic as well. I will start saying the phrase of a famous proverb, and you will finish its continuation."

  • "Take good in the house, in tea ... (warmth)."
  • "Drink tea, do not go into ... (sadness)."
  • "Come to tea - with cakes ... (treats)."
  • "Do not drink tea ... (miss)."
  • "Drink some tea, forget ... (longing)."
  • "Bread to everything ... (head)."
  • "Appetite comes with eating)".
  • "The more you chew, the more ... (live)."
  • "Have a sweet drink, happily ... (live)."
  • "Tea you do not drink - what power? Tea you drink - another ... (business)."

"Friends, do not forget to add some more tea. The most active participant in the contest gets a packet of fragrant tea. In the meantime, you will be able to regale yourself, I suggest you take part in the contest" Delicious recipes. "

Delicious Recipes Competition

Presenter: “I invite all the housewives who wish to complete our culinary task. On the tray you are offered several inverted cards. Each of them contains a certain list of products, after reading which you must determine which dish can be prepared with this recipe."

Suggested Ingredients for Assignments:

  1. Cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, meat (borsch).
  2. Milk, egg, a little flour, a pinch of salt, sugar, a spoonful of vegetable oil (pancakes).
  3. Cabbage, carrots, onions, rice, minced meat, tomato (meatballs).
  4. Jar of peas, eggs, sausage, potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, mayonnaise (olivier).
  5. Semolina, kefir, eggs, sugar, flour, soda, vinegar, butter (mannik).

Presenter: "All the cooks of this competition receive culinary seasonings as rewards.

Dear guests, well over a cup of tea? Especially when there are sweets and intimate conversation for tea drinking, right? Look who granted this to visit us, but this is Sweetie! "

Sweetie: "All bow deeply and a basket of sweets! But my basket is not simple. Sweet treats in it are charged with kindness and joy. Pass a basket around, everyone should take a candy and present it to the neighbor with warm words."

Passes the game task "Treat the neighbor", during which all those present pass candies with a basket in a circle, expressing wishes and compliments to a close-sitting person.

Presenter: "But aren't you tired of sitting? Let's dance with you!

But first, I propose a hidden melody. Whoever guesses a song has the honor of dancing. "

The following works are proposed:

  1. "Chernyava-Kucheryava", N. Babkina.
  2. “I Will Go Out,” N. Kadysheva.
  3. "Oh blooms viburnum", a Russian folk song.
  4. "Lady", a Russian folk song.
  5. "Am I Guilty," N. Kadysheva.
  6. "Flowing stream", N. Kadysheva.

Presenter: "Oh, well done, how great they danced! Probably, your legs are tired too? Sit down, relax, rather pour tea. How nice it is to drink fragrant hot seagulls in the autumn evening! Get into a treat and listen to the poem."

The head of the library presents a collection of poems by Valentina Skvortsova, "Autumn in Age." One of the verses of the book sounds: “Ah, the age of autumn is not an easy time.”

Presenter: “Autumn is a wonderful and a bit sad time. Life slows down, days get shorter and the weather does not indulge in warm days. But there is more time to devote attention to relatives, drink tea with neighbors and friends. Only in autumn does nature acquire magical golden colors . Enjoy the beauty of the autumn scenery! "

The video presentation "Autumn in the city" is shown on the screen. The slide show presents beautiful places and corners of park areas in the city, in the decoration of autumn leaves.

It would be quite appropriate to hold this solemn event on the Day of Older Persons.

grand day elderly

Important points

The scenario of events for the elderly in the library should not be long so that the meeting does not turn out to be overly saturated and tiring for senior citizens. Themed meetings based on shared hobbies, memories and entertainments contribute to a surge of vitality and inspiration for people of respectable age.

The aim of the activities for the elderly should be the main idea: life is beautiful at any age. Organized hobby groups allow grandparents to show their talents and learn something new.

In special institutions such meetings are held:

  • "Needlewoman".
  • "The culinary miracle."
  • "Checkers Chess".
  • "Musical Kaleidoscope".
  • "Poetry club".
  • "In friendship with sports."
  • "Living with a song is more fun."

The names of events for the elderly in the library or other organizations speak of a specific purpose. At these circles, pensioners knit, sew, make crafts, do gymnastics, sing, exchange recipes, drink useful herbal infusions and communicate with each other.

activities for seniors in the title library

Winter Winter

Winter activities for working with older people in the coldest period of time are held infrequently. However, do not forget about the importance of such meetings. In winter, people spend less time on the street and communicate with peers. The purpose of entertainment events is to identify the possibility of meeting and talking between senior citizens.

The list of winter evenings may be as follows:

  • "Evening dating."
  • "Christmas meeting."
  • "New Year's Eve".
  • "Vasiliev Day".
  • "Maslenitsa".

Intellectual games, watching good movies or theatrical productions diversify the usual course of the entertainment program and bring a highlight to the retirees' leisure.

New Year at the gate

New Year's events for the elderly are of great importance. It is permissible to organize a real holiday with funny characters, games, contests, riddles, joint singing and sketches.

The celebration plan may be as follows:

  1. Address by the guest to the guests with a welcoming speech. Well, if she will spend the holiday in the costume of the Snow Maiden, the Snow Woman or in the image of the Russian Alyonushka.
  2. Riddles or a competitive listing of objects and natural phenomena with a winter or New Year theme.
  3. Cheerful New Year's ditties.
  4. Winter quiz.
  5. Dress Up the Christmas tree contest. Participants are divided into teams, each of which decorates a small Christmas tree. A game of speed.
  6. Song contest "Sing it". Which of the teams (or sides of the table) will sing songs on the theme of winter and New Year.
  7. Game "Guess the animal" In the decade of 12 animals. For the task, they prepare 12 animal masks that they put on the participants so that they do not see who they are. On leading questions, the player guesses his animal.
  8. Dance competition. Become round. A volunteer in the middle shows movements, chooses the best. Participants switch places. Dancing continues.
  9. Joke game "Surprise for the fastest." In a circle, a multilayer prize package is transmitted to the music. With the melody stopped, the participant with a prize in his hands unfolds one layer of paper, passes on. A fervent song sounds, the package goes in a circle and so on until the lucky one gets a prize. It may be a fridge magnet.
  10. Discussion "Say a snowflake." Guests are invited to select one of the paper snowflakes with a question and reflect on the answer or share memories. For example: what is the most joyful memory of the year? What meeting were you happy with last year? Why are you grateful for the past year?
  11. The arrival of discharged characters will charge the holiday with cheerful and fervent emotions. It can be: Baba Yaga, Goblin, Brownie, Solokha, Matryoshka, Santa Claus.
  12. Decoration of the evening will be a feast or tea party, greeting cards with wishes.
  13. An excellent musical accompaniment will be the song data: "Old Maple", "Snowstorm", "If there was no winter", "Snow is spinning".

New Year's mood will be guaranteed to both pensioners and the organizers of such a meeting.

New Year's events for seniors

Ideas for next year

Since the beginning of January, a new annual action plan is planned for older people. Each season can be marked by a thematic meeting and make a certain contribution to the organized leisure of senior citizens.

An approximate schedule of cultural events can be as follows.


  • "Spring Motives" - a creative evening with the presentation of spring paintings, slides and poetry.
  • Women's Day "With Love for Grandma" - a festive program with concert numbers of creative groups, congratulations, an exhibition of floral arrangements.
  • "Easter meeting" - competitions for decorating Easter eggs, listening to Easter songs and poems, watching videos.
  • "Labor times" - an evening honoring professions, game tasks, riddles about professions, memories and conversations about working days.


  • "How Young We Were" - an evening of memories with dancing, ditties, a favorite movie.
  • "Grandma's Jam" - a meeting with a fruit theme, an exchange of recipes, tasting contests and game moments, scenes.
  • "In a healthy body - a healthy mind" - an event of a sports and fitness nature with gymnastic numbers, rewarding activists of a sports club, useful tips for maintaining health.

Conducting activities for the elderly should include both discussion and moving entertainment.

activities with older people

October red date

On October 1, a ceremony for the Day of Older Persons takes place in schools, kindergartens, the home of veterans and libraries. Children and schoolchildren are reminded of the importance of honoring the elderly and paying attention to them. For the heroes of the occasion, festive evenings are held, where congratulations, songs and poems are heard, contests and quizzes are held.

The festive event for the Day of the Elderly can present a photo exhibition of the active work of grandfathers and grandmothers with a demonstration of applied art or sports achievements.

A good addition to the holiday will be congratulations from the administration, postcards and applications made by children of elementary and middle classes, and a performance by a poetry and drama club.

On the Day of an Elderly, the goal and objective of the event is a warm attitude and a sense of self-worth for older people.

Ideas for the Day of the Elderly

The main autumn date is Retirement Day. The form of the event on the Day of the Elderly can be the most diverse and multifaceted. You can spend one solemn day or a series of significant events dedicated to people of the older generation.

The list of events on the holiday of an elderly person:

  1. An exhibition of books glorifying mature years and senile wisdom.
  2. Chess and Drafts Tournaments.
  3. KVN or competitive programs: "Come on, grandmothers," "Come on, grandfathers."
  4. Gala evening "Autumn of life".
  5. Intellectual tournament "My years - my wealth."
  6. Musical and poetic evening.
  7. Concert of young talents for grandfathers and grandmothers.
  8. Performance of creative teams among senior citizens.

Tea parties, excursions and joint walks in the park will successfully fit into the list of pleasant leisure for older people.

The festive event on the Day of the Elderly will give each pensioner a sense of self-importance, vitality and joyful emotions.

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