With the advent of a small child in the mother’s house, more worries and concerns arise. Indeed, it is now important to monitor not only the hygiene of the whole family, but also separately compliance with all sanitary requirements for things and toys. Quite often, it is neglect of these standards that can lead to health problems of the baby.
One of the areas of increased attention for mom is the tender ass of the child, on which different types of rashes may appear, depending on the causes of their occurrence.
Causes of rashes on the baby's butt
A rash on the baby's pope (the photo and the appearance of such rashes causes anxiety and anxiety in both mothers and doctors) can occur for various reasons. For example, an allergic reaction. Also, a rash on the pope in a child can be a sign:
- infectious disease;
- hemorrhagic vasculitis.
Each of these diseases is determined only after a thorough examination. Methods of treatment are selected based on the results of studies. Next, the features of each pathology will be considered.
Allergy and irritation
The main signs of an allergic reaction and irritation are very similar. A rash on the baby’s butt is one of the main indicators of the body’s reaction, which is accompanied by problems such as:
- dryness and itching;
- red or pink rashes;
- soreness and swelling of the affected areas.
Nevertheless, allergies and irritations can be distinguished. That is, the first reaction of the body manifests itself only after contact with a product or object that provokes its activity, which is not limited to a specific area, but spreads throughout the body.
As for irritation, it usually does not go beyond a certain area on the body. Thus, if only a baby has a rash, then it is not a fact that this is connected with something dangerous to life and health. Nevertheless, the issue of clarifying the cause of its occurrence remains an important one.
Irritants that cause allergies in babies
If there is a rash on the pope of the child, the cause of which is an allergy, then external and internal factors can be a provocateur. Modern science believes that the reason for the increase in the number of allergy sufferers is the malfunctioning of the immune system, an increased number of children who are born by Caesarean section, insufficient contact of the child with other people and animals, which would help to train the immune system, in addition to a low level of ecology. Thus, all the reasons can be divided into:
- internal irritants;
- external irritants.
Among the internal causes of intolerance are malnutrition and the use of foods with a high content of allergens, these include:
- Citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, grapefruit).
- Vegetables and fruits of red color (for example, it can be tomatoes or bell pepper).
- Eggs (chicken).
- Confectionery, especially with chocolate.
- Fish (red, for example), caviar and other seafood, such as shrimp, mussels, squid and more.
Intolerance to milk and products with it is quite common. If the baby receives breast milk as the main food, then you need to be careful about the foods you consume. Correcting the situation with a rash on the pope of the child is quite simple, you just need to exclude the product that the baby does not tolerate, use antihistamines and ointments in parallel.
Nappies and rash
It should be noted that diapers often cause a baby's rash on the pope. What to do in this situation? The answer is pretty simple.
First you need to change them and make sure that the baby's skin remains dry. It is very important to change this hygiene product in a timely manner. The norm is up to four months, a change from six to eight times a day. At this age, the baby's stool is liquid, irritating to the skin.
Rash and detergents
Among the most common allergens are also detergents. Despite the variety of powders intended for children's things, laundry soap remains the safest, although there is much more trouble with it, and soap. However, if sufficient funds are available, you can use more expensive and completely safe products of modern household chemicals. In any case, choosing a detergent for washing children's things, you should also pay attention to the composition.
To external provocateurs of allergies and rashes on the priest in a child, dust and various impurities in the air are most often referred to. For this reason, pediatricians advise wet cleaning at a certain frequency, and only touch the child with clean hands.
Other causes of rash
If the rash that appears is not an allergy or irritation, then for an accurate diagnosis, parameters such as:
- the extent of the lesion;
- the size of the spots that appeared;
- color and brightness of the rashes.
For example, a baby's red rash on the pope may have signs of ailments such as neonatal pustulosis or toxic erythema. Both types of rash occur in the early stages of a child’s life and have different durations. In this case, the problem goes away on its own as the baby grows, without causing him any special problems.
However, to exclude diseases such as rubella, scarlet fever, chicken pox, it is very important to consult a pediatrician in a timely manner. He will more accurately determine the ailment, and, if necessary, send it for testing. The treatment of the above diseases is carried out only in a hospital, under the supervision of a doctor and with the use of appropriate drugs.
Among different species, a small rash on the pope of a child is white. If it is accompanied by tearing, sneezing and itching, then most likely it is an allergic reaction to the irritant. However, if it is accompanied by high fever, itching and peeling, the likelihood of a viral nature becomes very high. Therefore, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.
Hemorrhagic vasculitis. Signs and causes
When a rash on the child’s pope is observed at the age of three years or more, it spreads only to the legs and buttocks, while it has a pronounced color and a static shape, this may indicate hemorrhagic vasculitis. Most often it is provoked:
- Uncontrolled medication.
- Prolonged exposure to cold.
- By stress.
- Weakened by immunity.
If you find the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor, since vasculitis is treated in a hospital mode. After all, this disease is the first sign of weak capillaries, which often burst.
In general, it must be said that the problem can occur not only in infancy. A rash on the pope in a child at 2 years old may also appear. The most interesting thing is that this can occur for completely harmless reasons. Often you may encounter a situation when the child is dressed so warmly that he just sweats. As a result, itching and rashes appear. In this situation, one thing remains - to observe the temperature regime. As you know, in children the body temperature is slightly higher than in adults. On the street, they need a little less clothes than an adult, given children's activity.
Methods for treating a baby rash
If in the case of serious ailments self-medication is by no means allowed, then with allergies very often mothers use well-known drugs and methods. Although in this case, the safest is to seek help from a specialist.
Unfortunately, one can often hear the opinion that after processing the lesion site with any ointment, the problem disappeared. At the same time, doctors argue that such methods will give a tangible and lasting effect only in case of complex use. Ointments and creams can only bring a temporary effect and relief. That is, the selection of a suitable drug complex is the most effective way to cope with allergies.
Modern pharmaceuticals produce more than one drug intended for children. Most of them do not contain hormones and act on the principle of accumulating effect. Each mother will be able to choose the most suitable option for her baby:
- Drops with a dispenser.
- Syrups.
- Means for inhalation.
If, as an additional remedy for topical application, an ointment with hormonal components is prescribed, then it is recommended to mix it with a baby cream 1: 1.
As an additional tool, you can use recipes of traditional medicine. The most effective for use against allergies are decoctions based on rose hips, raspberries or sage. True, you need to understand that sometimes the simultaneous use of different means can have the opposite effect. That is, the use of alternative methods is more correctly left for prevention.
Recommendations for parents
In order to avoid the manifestation of allergies and irritations, it is enough to observe elementary rules. We will consider them further. It is necessary:
- Personal hygiene.
- Monitor the temperature.
- Use changing accessories and underwear made from natural materials.
- Provide the baby with enough water.
- Avoid contact with allergens.
- Conducting regular wet cleaning and maintaining a sufficient level of humidity in the premises in which the child is.
Little conclusion
It is important for parents to understand that even compliance with all requirements is not 100% able to protect the child. It is for this reason that at the first symptoms it is very important to consult a doctor to select an adequate treatment.