What is computer architecture?

Anyone who decides to study the device of an electronic computer must necessarily come across the term “computer architecture”. It is impossible to give a complete definition of it, since the concept is too generalizing and everyone considers it from the point of view of the tasks being solved. For example, in one case, in the description, special attention is paid to the software component (command, registers, memory), and in the other, to the hardware component, which includes the component devices and the way they interact. Since the average computer owner is more often interested in components rather than commands, we will consider the issue from this perspective.

Computer architecture is a way of organizing the interaction of the components that make up a computer. To simplify understanding, descriptions of the key characteristics of key components are often provided.

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In addition to internal components, there are a huge number of external devices. Only thanks to them manages to ensure the interaction of man and machine. For example, a monitor, mouse, keyboard, touchscreen, as well as a scanner, printer, etc. - all these are external devices, without which the computer would remain a simple metal box, a thing in itself.

This work gives only a general idea of ​​computer architecture. More detailed information on the components can be found on the Internet.

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