Julia is a fairly popular name, rooted in ancient Greece or Rome, it means "fluffy" or "wavy". It is believed that the character of Yul surprisingly combines calm and injustice, this is especially evident in childhood. The name itself is very calm, combined with aggressive, “growling” middle names, which is probably why the name Julia enjoys enduring love.
Julia’s name days (Julia's church spirit) are celebrated several times a year. Usually coming next for a birthday. October 14, January 3 celebrate the birthday of Julia, born in autumn and early winter. In the spring, the dates are April 2 and May 31, in the summer - July 29, and also on August 31.
Patrons of women with this name are considered Julia of Corinth and Julia of Corsican. Julia, whose nameday falls on May 31 or July 29, may consider one of them to be her angel. Also Julia of Carthage (Corsican) is remembered on November 19.
Julia of Corinth (Ankir) lived in the 3-4th century CE and died in torment for believing in Christ.
Among other Christians, from an early age, she devoted her life to prayers and the service of the Lord, thus surviving to an
advanced age, when she was brought to trial and subjected to terrible tortures. Even during torture, she prayed and refused to renounce her faith, so among other holy virgins she was sentenced to death - drowning. Julia Ankirskaya’s name day falls on May 31 according to a new style. This is an important date.
The birthday of Julia of Carthage (Corsican) is celebrated on July 29, her story is also interesting. She lived either in the V or in the 7th century A.D., born in a Christian family. However, in childhood, Julia was captured by the Persians, who took her to Syria and sold her into slavery. She did not lose faith there, she prayed and kept all fasts, even though her master was a pagan who repeatedly persuaded her to accept paganism and abandon her faith. He was engaged in trade and once, having sailed with goods to another country, he took Julia with him. He went ashore in Corsica to celebrate one of the pagan holidays, and Julia remained on the ship, but after a while people also brought her to the holiday, and when they learned that she worships
Christ, they crucified her. For her righteous life and terrible death, the holy martyr Julia of Corsican was canonized
.Also, the Russian Orthodox Church honors Julia of Lisbon, whose memorial day is celebrated on October 14. She led a righteous life and was persecuted by the emperor Diolectan, like most Christians of that time. Together with her brother and sister, she was brutally tortured, but no torture forced the Lisbon martyrs to renounce Christ and worship idols. Together with her family, Julia was beheaded, and their remains were thrown to dogs that did not touch them. After that they were drowned. Their bodies were washed ashore near the Christian community, whose inhabitants buried them in the Christian rite, and founded a monastery at the burial site.
Julia’s name day can be celebrated not only on the day of her birth, but also, having chosen her patroness themselves, by the proximity of spirit. And it is worth remembering that name day is a holiday with serious significance when you should honor your patron saint.