The Recycle Bin folder on your disk

By default, in the standard Windows Explorer, viewing system and hidden folders is disabled . Indeed, most users do not need it, and sometimes it is even dangerous (there is a risk, say, of accidentally “dragging” an important folder, and not even notice it). But if you still enable this mode, the Recycle Bin folder will appear in the "root" of most drives. What it is depends on the circumstances: when and where this directory appeared. Sometimes this is a chance to save accidentally deleted files, and sometimes it’s a sure sign of a virus infected computer.

What is the Recycle Bin folder?

recycle bin

In the simplest case, this is the folder in which the files deleted by the user in the trash are located. Microsoft began to use this name for the location of deleted files, starting with the version of Windows Vista. Previously, depending on the generation of the operating system, either the Recycled directory (Win 95, 98, Millenium) or Recycler (NT, 2000, XP) was used. By the way, if the hard drive survived work in several operating systems during its long service, then all three folders may well be located on it . The new "OS" will simply ignore what remains of its predecessors.

Recycle Bin. : , , . . - , - Recycle Bin.

recycle bin what is it

During the existence of Microsoft desktop operating systems, the process of setting the properties of the system basket has not fundamentally changed. On Windows, starting with Vista, you can get to this window from the context menu of the recycle bin by selecting "Properties". A list of local disks will appear on the screen, indicating the size of each of them. By selecting the desired partition, you can set the maximum size of the Recycle Bin folder for it (in megabytes) or disable the ability to save deleted data for a specific drive. Unfortunately, such a rather convenient feature disappeared as the ability to set the percentage of the volume of the total basket size for all sections.

Where is the place for the basket?

, Recycle Bin . , . , . , . : " Recycle Bin?" , , , . . "" autorun.inf, , Recycle Bin.

what is the recycle bin folder

The procedure for the user in this case is obvious:

1. Delete the malicious folder and file from the partition, or at least rename them.

2. Check with antivirus all the computers with which the flash drive has been in contact recently.

The operating system may refuse to delete the folder. The reason for this: one or more of the files located in it are currently open. In this case, you can, for example, use some kind of utility like the good old UnLocker, or try first removing autorun.inf, removing the drive and reconnecting it.

A pair of tricks with a basket

1. - , Recycle Bin, . HKCR/CLSID/{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}. Recycle Bin . , .

recycle bin folder

2. . . . " ". " ()" " ". , . " ()" , , , . , " ".

3. Recycle Bin, . HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace. , , , "" . {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}. .

, . .

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