Beautiful congratulations to the first teacher on Teacher's Day

One of the most popular and necessary professions for society is the work of a teacher. It can be compared with medical activity, only a doctor heals the body, and the teacher shapes the soul. In this regard, it is worth quoting the heroine of Barbara Brylskaya in the film “The Irony of Fate ...”: “The mistakes of teachers are not so noticeable, but in the end they are just as expensive ...”. This is an absolute truth, so teachers began to be honored and appreciated a long time ago. True, not in all countries adequate payment is intended for this complex and noble work. But this is already a matter of social guarantees provided by a single state. Be that as it may, it is a must to celebrate the holiday as a tribute to the teacher.

A bit of history

The generally accepted day of honoring this profession is October 5th. But in the territory of the Soviet Union they used to celebrate it on the first October Sunday. After Russia joined the UNESCO World Organization, this date became native in the post-Soviet space. A landmark event occurred in 1994.

Since 1965, Teacher’s Day has been widely celebrated. Only thanks to the holiday is not the teacher taking care of the students, but rather: festive concerts are held, funny greetings on Teacher’s Day to the first teacher are heard, children and parents express their gratitude to the mentors, give mementos.

My first teacher

Life flies rapidly, sometimes forcing important things to be forgotten.

But everyone remembers the name of the first teacher, regardless of employment, status and occupation. This person gives the little student knowledge about letters, numbers, teaches to understand the essence of things and to distinguish good from evil.

cool congratulations on Teacher's Day to the first teacher

Therefore, the wish for Teacher’s Day to the first teacher should include lyrical digressions, childhood memories, immense respect for teacher work.

We entered the classroom timidly and awkwardly

Briefcase until pain in a fist clenching.

Board and desk, and crayon in a box,

Towards - you, warming with a smile.

We were not given even letters

We irrigated the tasks with tears

But next to you we have become bolder

A flame of confidence flared up in my soul.

Oh, how I wanted to pull the pigtail,

Girl walking in a row!

Batter an unbearable boy

But you looked, reproaching your eyes.

Thank you for the soul without a trace,

What they gave away forever, free of charge.

Checked notebooks for a long time,

The last bell made a pompous noise.

A low bow to you for good and faith,

For a life lived for the benefit of people.

Thank you, teacher is the very first,

Believe us, we won’t forget you!

Words of gratitude said sincerely are pleasant to a person of any profession, and, of course, congratulating the first teacher on Teacher’s Day will affect the sensitive soul of the teacher.

Funny greetings

If the teacher is young and progressive, then, no doubt, he will be pleased with a humorous congratulation. The main thing is that humor be kind and considerate.

wish teacher's day to the first teacher

Along with funny gifts and heartfelt speeches, short congratulations, originally designed and served in a witty way, look appropriate.

"Letter from a negligent student"

I am writing to you what to do ...

With errors, well, as always.

I sprinkled chalk on your chair

And sometimes I put the buttons ...

And you always forgave me:

Swearing in a whisper in a scarf,

Not too loud you screamed

When the ceiling splattered ...

Calm like the Sphinx

You drank silently Validol,

I set fire to the apron

And muddy the corridor.

You erected a monument in life,

And from the heart, and not melting,

I wish you not to see again

Pupils like me!

Similar verses to the first teacher on Teacher’s Day will add officiality notes of mischief and fun, which sometimes illuminate school everyday life.

Parent gratitude

The parent team should not remain aloof, but, on the contrary, must take an active part in organizing and designing Teacher's Day. Recognition of the usefulness of the teacher’s labor as an adult part of the team will necessarily reflect on the attitude and mood of the teacher. It is especially important to correctly and sincerely draw up a congratulation on Teacher's Day to the first teacher from parents.

poems to the first teacher on teacher's day

Content of this kind is not difficult to find on the Internet, only you need to try to choose texts that are not too hackneyed. A banal wish can nullify the whole effect of the event.

First teacher, first adviser!

We brought our kids to you.

The new diary is marked with red paste

A wise word for children's ears.

We were sometimes dull

Even unbearable what to hide there.

We have not forgotten your patience.

Supercoupler want to call you!

Treasures of knowledge were given to children,

Nobody will ever abduct them!

We wish you happiness, success from the heart,

May the star shine over you!

It will be useful to give a memorable gift to remember not only the kind words and verses of the first teacher on Teacher's Day, but also the appreciable gratitude of the parents.

School years are wonderful

A good teacher, who is in his place and working by vocation, is able to give an excellent start both for further education in high school and a ticket to adulthood.

beautiful congratulations on teacher's day to the first teacher

Therefore, high school students do not ignore the person who taught them the basics of everything that they know now. The first teacher must make a beautiful congratulation on Teacher’s Day without fail, this opportunity cannot be ignored.

You recognize us at breaks,

Though we have grown and stretched out.

Do you remember broken knees

And the terrible crack of torn tape.

You calmly wiped our tears

And at the same time wet noses.

We gave you timidly mimosa,

Cold from morning dew.

Thank you for your help and study,

For kindness, patience bow.

You lit a long road

Which we are going over the horizon!

Such a congratulation to the first teacher on Teacher's Day will be appropriate and leave pleasant memories.

Experience for the Good

It is experience, kindness and patience that distinguishes teachers, whitened by gray hair. They often treat their pupils as their own children. For the most part, such teachers are altruists, who conquer a calm and even attitude to children's pranks and shortcomings. At least for these valuable qualities they should be thanked, sincerely congratulating the Teacher’s Day.

Teacher's Day. First retired teacher, congratulations

The first teacher-pensioner should pick up the lyrical, riddled with memories.

Forgive us for the early gray hairs

Over the morning over the notebook sheets

For our inept pictures

For all we will obey you.

Years go, students grow up,

Everyone will certainly find their way.

And your heart doesn't get old at school

He does not want to leave for a break.

You have given knowledge and wisdom,

You taught me to think about the good,

It’s not difficult for us on Teacher’s Day,

Clap heartily for you.

It’s easy to wish you good luck,

Health, and for many years to come!

Your eyes never cry

Let adversity pass you by!

Congratulations to the first teacher on Teacher's Day will be especially pleasant for a person with a great pedagogical experience. After all, his students grew up, but did not forget the years spent in elementary school. Such gratitude is well worth it.

Advice to the committee

Basically, the congratulation of the first teacher on Teacher’s Day lies on the shoulders of the parent committee. To make everything go smoothly and without overlays, you need to follow simple rules:

Congratulations on Teacher's Day to the first teacher from parents.

  • develop a quality scenario;
  • be sure to make notes of humor and lyrics;
  • involve children in organizing the holiday;
  • to prepare high-quality poetic texts;
  • use games and contests;
  • colorfully design a playful wall newspaper;
  • arrange a fun reward (letters and medals are welcome).

If you approach the preparation of the event creatively, then congratulating the first teacher on Teacher’s Day will firmly enter the school annals as a role model.

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