Yellow feces in a newborn. What should be the stool in newborns with breast and artificial feeding

In children, during the first months of life after birth, the digestive system does not work properly. They are just beginning to form microflora and motor activity of the intestine. If any problems arise, the bowel movements change their texture, color and smell, on the basis of which you can identify them in time. For example, yellow feces in a newborn are considered very common. Many parents believe that this is abnormal and is a sign of a disease. However, far from always yellow bowel movements are associated with health problems. Let's look at their main reasons and find out whether it is worth panic or not, there are special reasons for concern.

general information

yellow feces in a newborn

If the newborn has yellow feces, then this is not a cause for alarm, since he can talk not only about the presence of any pathologies, but also about the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To make the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to consider the accompanying symptoms. Among the main ones that can be caused by the disease, the following can be distinguished:

  • White inclusions are associated with overfeeding the baby. If at the same time he does not gain weight, then this indicates enzymatic deficiency.
  • Impurities of mucus in the feces are the result of inflammatory processes in the intestine or atopic eczema syndrome.
  • Foam in the stool, as a rule, is caused by increased gas formation or dysbiosis. If at the same time the child has vomiting, colic and increased salivation, then, most likely, the baby has an intestinal infection.
  • Yellow stools with blood clots can indicate both an improper transfer from breastfeeding to natural feeding, and damage to the intestinal wall.

If there are no more symptoms besides a color change, then there is nothing wrong with that. But if a child has pronounced clinical manifestations, then this is a good reason to go to the hospital.

What affects the nature of bowel movements

Let's dwell on this in more detail. The color and consistency of feces may vary depending on the type of feeding the baby. In addition, complementary foods play a significant role. The transfer of babies to "adult" products is a very important process, because there is never any certainty that the child's body will normally respond to them. Let's take a closer look at each type of feeding and find out what color of bowel movements will be considered normal. Such knowledge will allow you to timely detect the presence of any health problems and quickly begin appropriate treatment.


stool in newborns with breastfeeding

So what do you need to know about this? Famous pediatrician Komarovsky argues that with GV, bowel movements in children should be of uniform consistency with a characteristic sour-milk smell. Moreover, if the baby does not go to the toilet for several days, then this is not considered constipation. As for color, the stool in newborns during breastfeeding is mostly yellow. At the same time, there should not be any alarming symptoms - colic and pain in the tummy, fever, diarrhea and external impurities in the feces.

Changes in stool characteristics can be caused by maternal malnutrition. If she begins to use new products, then this will certainly affect the baby. If the diet is followed, the bowel movements of the crumbs will be slightly watery, without external impurities. The frequency of stool during the first 6 months of life should be from 2 to 4 times a day.

Artificial Feeding

stool in a newborn per month

When a baby is transferred from breast milk to infant formula, the composition and characteristics of feces change. It becomes more dense and acquires an unpleasant sour smell. If the food is selected correctly, then the stool in newborns with artificial feeding will be yellow. But the frequency of bowel movements is reduced to two times a day. If at the same time white grains are present in them, then this indicates the overfeeding of the baby. In this case, the frequency of food intake is left, and the portion size is reduced.

Mixed feeding

Doctors do not recommend combining mother's milk with artificial mixtures. Due to the different consistency, nutritional composition and digestion time, a large load is created on the digestive system of the baby, which, in turn, can lead to the development of various health problems.

What should be the feces in a newborn with mixed feeding? Feces of a dense consistency and yellow color without a sharp unpleasant odor are considered normal. But very often, the crumb body is not able to adapt normally to purchased mixtures, so it develops constipation or diarrhea, and the baby is constantly tormented by colic.


stool norm in a newborn

When translating an infant into normal food, it is necessary to closely monitor its stool. If any products do not fit him, then you can find out about it by the characteristics of feces. It should not contain residues of undigested food. But as practice shows, many parents begin to give their baby products before the permitted time, and also do not mash them. Therefore, it is quite normal that they are not completely absorbed in the digestive system. But in some cases, the problem may be associated with enzyme deficiency.

It is worth noting that during feeding, the characteristics of bowel movements depend on the products given to the baby. Subject to all the recommendations of the doctor in newborns, yellow feces of dense consistency and with a sour smell. Stool frequency - 2-3 times a day.

Norm indicators

They change as the child grows older and the variety of daily diet. The stool norm in a newborn under 12 months old meets the following criteria:

  • color - yellow, brown or greenish;
  • volume - from 20 to 60 grams per day;
  • the smell is sour;
  • the consistency is viscous and porridge-like.

After a year, the daily volume increases to 300 grams per day, and the feces become more dense. The color of the stool also changes. In the absence of health problems and the normal functioning of the digestive system, it will be yellow or light brown.

When to worry

at the doctor’s appointment

This aspect should be given special attention. Stool in a newborn per month may have different characteristics. This applies not only to color, but also to the consistency, frequency of bowel movements, as well as the presence of various inclusions. Therefore, with any changes you should not panic. The following symptoms are cause for concern:

  • fever;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • gagging;
  • increased salivation;
  • colic.

Also, colorless feces will be a reason to be wary. It can indicate impaired liver function, as well as serious diseases such as hepatitis and jaundice. Foamy bowel movements most often occur with lactase deficiency and increased flatulence.

Green feces in the absence of the above symptoms may be normal. According to experts, it acquires this shade during the transfer of the baby to "adult" food or as a result of feeding with artificial mixtures. As soon as the child’s body adapts to the new diet, the characteristics of the stool are normalized.

Stomach upset

Every parent should know how to help a newborn go to the toilet. This is due to the fact that constipation in infants is very common. Among the main reasons are the following:

  • change of feeding regimen;
  • improper selection of artificial mixtures;
  • not enough plentiful drink;
  • poor mother nutrition;
  • lack of motor activity.
stool in newborns with artificial feeding

Regardless of the reason, you can solve the problem yourself at home. How to help a newborn go to the toilet without taking medications? The following remedies have proven themselves well:

  • boiled dried apricots;
  • prune compote;
  • oatmeal broth prepared in milk;
  • raisins.

Also, stimulating the toilet is well affected by putting the baby on the tummy and light masses. As for laxatives, it is contraindicated for small children to give them. In extreme cases, you can make an enema, but it is best for the baby to go to the toilet naturally. Therefore, if the problem with constipation does not disappear over a long period of time, it is worth consulting with a specialist. After all, it can be caused not only by malnutrition, but also by various health problems.

Reasons for color change

Fecal characteristics depend on many criteria. The main thing is nutrition. If the baby formula is selected correctly, then the yellow feces in the newborn will be the best evidence of this. However, its color may vary for the following reasons:

  • flu;
  • rotavirus infection;
  • the effects of prima of any medication;
  • teething;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • hepatitis;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder or pancreas;
  • gall bladder dysfunction;
  • pathology of the biliary tract.

For any of these problems, self-medication is not recommended, as it can be dangerous. If you experience the first alarming symptoms, you should immediately seek qualified medical help at the hospital.


what should be the stool in a newborn

In this article, we examined in detail what feces and consistency in infants is considered normal, and in which cases there is cause for concern. So that young children do not have any problems with the stool, it is necessary to take very seriously the choice of artificial mixtures, as well as to properly carry out complementary foods. Subject to all the advice and recommendations of a doctor, the baby’s body will normally undergo a new diet and he will go to the toilet well.

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