HCG analysis during pregnancy. What is it and what is its significance

At that moment, when pregnancy begins to develop in the weaker sex, the germ cells produce a lot of hormones. One of them is the so-called chorionic gonadotropin. An analysis of hCG during pregnancy can show the amount and presence of a particular chorionic tissue. Thus, a woman or specialist is able to determine whether or not pregnancy is already at a very early stage in delaying menstrual flow. For example, on the seventh - eleventh day after direct fertilization, the result of hCG during pregnancy will already be positive.

The first trimester of the development and growth of the fetus is a very difficult stage not only for himself, but for the whole organism of the expectant mother as a whole. During this period, everything is involved that can only work for the benefit of the child in the body of a woman. HCG at this time stimulates the work of special hormones, which are very necessary for the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth in the future. This applies to progesterone and estrogen. In the future, the so-called placenta takes on such responsibilities. Of course, the role of this chorionic gonadotropin is not just great. For example, if the embryo has a male gender, then this hormone contributes to increased synthesis of testosterone produced by Leading cells. Male hormone is simply indispensable for the formation of male-type systems in the baby’s body. Testosterone has a fairly large effect on the cortex of the so-called adrenal glands of the boy.

It is worth noting that, in general, chorionic gonadotropin is a very complex structure. The hormone in some ways even resembles FSH, TTG, LH. However, there is a special unit in it. It is unique due to the presence of beta-hCG. For this reason, at that moment when the analysis of hCG during pregnancy is being examined , great importance is attached directly to the analysis of b-hCG.

In addition to all of the above, we must not forget that we live in the twenty-first century. Currently, any woman can easily find out whether she is currently pregnant or not. This can be done using special pregnancy tests. To purchase this item is quite simple at any pharmacy in the city. The effect of such tests is precisely based on the ability of the hCG hormone to be produced in the body of a future mother. The test strip has a part - an indicator. Using a special substance, the test determines the presence of the fetus.

It is worth noting that the analysis of hCG during pregnancy is the very first of all the tests that a woman passes in a antenatal clinic. However, similar studies are being conducted by men. In diseases of the testicles, for example, their tumors, this hormone is also produced in the body.

The results of hCG during pregnancy, which show the presence of more than twenty-five mU per milliliter of blood, correspond to one to two weeks of fetal development. Only laboratory tests can give such a value, since most of the tests are so often unable to show such a small period of the presence of the fetus.

The value of hCG during pregnancy:

2 - 7 weeks - from 300 to 200,000 honey per milliliter of blood

7 - 12 weeks - up to 90 000 mU per milliliter of blood

12 - 37 weeks - up to 60,000 mU per milliliter of blood.

So, an analysis of hCG during pregnancy shows that the level of a hormone in a woman’s blood gradually rises over several months. However, in the second half of the child’s developmental period, it begins to decline sharply. The explanation is simple. The fact is that, as already mentioned, in the subsequent role of these hormones the placenta takes on itself. In addition to all this, this kind of analysis most often suggests that a woman has two or more babies in her womb, she has toxicosis or even gestosis, the gestational age is incorrect, or the baby has pathologies, and much more. A more accurate interpretation of specific analyzes can only be given by a specialist based on other studies.

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