If you try to count all kinds of errors that gamers have encountered while trying to install or run the game, then there are just an incredible amount of them. The fact is that a computer game is a kind of program, only much more complex, multi-level and demanding on computer resources and configuration.Accordingly, there are many more levels at which something may go wrong. The reason can be both in the game itself and in your computer, as well as in compatibility between them. Difficulties can arise because of the software that was installed on your computer, even because of software that, on the contrary, was not installed. For example, many players often get d3dx9_43.dll error when they try to run a game that has just been installed. What is this error, how to fix it?
, d3dx9_43.dll, . , , , . , , - , . , , , . ? d3dx9_43.dll "" , , "".
, - , . , d3dx9_43.dll - , . , , , . , DirectX, , . , , . , . , DirectX, - "", "". d3dx9_43.dll , , .
" d3dx9_43.dll", DirectX - . , . , , , "", , . . , , .
, , , . , , , , . , , . , , - . , , - , , , DirectX.