One of the rarest breeds on the planet is Samoyed husky. The visiting card of animals is their famous smile; it provides a peculiar structure of the mouth with slightly curved edges. It seems that in front of you is always a happy, very friendly and completely harmless dog. I can’t believe that these smiling creatures prey on walruses and polar bears without fear.
The birthplace of the Samoyed Laika breed is considered to be the vast territory of the north of Russia. It is believed that the ancestors of dogs were white wolves. It was them who were able to tame the inhabitants of the north, although there is no scientific evidence for this. The characteristic of a Samoyed husky in its application is a universal animal. They can pull sleds, drive herds of deer, guard housing, hunt walruses or bears. They are also great companions. The wool was used to make warm clothes, and the dogs themselves were used as live heating pads. They took the animals to the plague and slept with them in an embrace.
Samoyeds came to Europe in the 19th century. Animals brought to England became the basis for the first nurseries. The British zoologist Ernest Kilburn Scott brought from the expedition a puppy, a male named Sabarka, with the firm intention to breed this breed in his homeland. For the couple, he acquired a creamy female bitch Whitey Petchora. From them in 1891 received the famous Neva. She was tied up with a snow-white male Blackie, exported from Siberia. It was this couple who in 1901 gave the first Champion of Great Britain. Further combinations of the Whitey Petchora and Blackie lines made it possible to breed a snow-white Samoyed dog. Their blood flows in the veins of representatives of Finnish Samoyeds. They are considered the best in the world and often win the largest dogshows around the world. It is noteworthy that this breed was "molded" by nature itself. For several centuries, breeders had no influence on its development.
Approved in 1909, the standard is valid to this day. Only three points were changed: color, growth and pigmentation. Factory Samoyeds are divided into two types:
- bearish: short, compact and powerful trunk with a wide skull;
- wolfish: the body is slightly elongated, the skull is slightly narrower than that of the bear cubs.
This is a beautiful, graceful, strong, harmoniously built dog. The breed club The Samoyeol Association was founded in England in 1920, in 1932 the breed was registered in France. Today it is recognized by organizations such as ACR, AKC, APRI, ANKC, CKC, KCGB, NKC, NZKC, FCI, UKC. Despite the fact that the birthplace of dogs is Russia, the breed was preserved by the efforts of foreign enthusiasts (today it is one of the rarest).
When describing Samoyed huskies, the endurance and strength of animals is primarily noted. They are classified as medium breeds, growth - within 57 cm, live weight of about 25 kg. Dogs can be kept in apartments, observing two conditions: low temperature and long active walks. The muscular body of the body has an almost square format. A deep chest and a powerful neck complement the image of a strong, self-confident dog. The cunning expression of the muzzle is provided by a constant "smile" and a slightly slanting neckline of almond-shaped eyes.
Another distinguishing feature is a luxurious coat, snow-white, fluffy, with a thick soft undercoat. The spinous hair at the ends casts silver. There is a noticeable “mane” on the neck, and “pants” on the hips. A separate subject of pride is the well-pubescent magnificent tail, which usually lies on its back when moving. Life expectancy up to 15 years.
Breed standards
Characteristic of Samoyed husky according to FCI standards:
- Classification. Belongs to group 5 (primitive breeds and Spitz), section 1 (northern sled dogs).
- The live weight in males is up to 30 kg, in females - up to 21 kg.
- The height at the withers of males is up to 69 cm, and in females - up to 53 cm.
- Head. Wedge-shaped, powerful, slightly convex forehead, wide between ears. Unexpressed furrow between the eyes.
- Muzzle. Not rough, not narrow, not square, tapering evenly to the nose. Lips are black, tight-fitting, plump. The corners of the mouth are slightly raised. Strong jaws with strong teeth, scissor bite. The nose is developed, black, brown or flesh-colored (depending on the time of year). Dark edging is mandatory.
- Eyes. Lively, smart, deep-set and widely spaced, slightly slanted. The form is almond-shaped, the color is dark brown, the eyelids are black on the edge.
- The ears. Triangular in shape, small, high set, erect, mobile, dense. The tips are slightly rounded, the inside is densely covered with wool. Delivered widely.
- Neck. Powerful, medium length, with a proud bend.
- Body. Compact, slightly elongated, flexible and muscular. Withers pronounced, back straight, broad, medium length. The loin is strong, short. The croup is wide, strong, muscular, slightly drooping. Deep chest, ribs convex, elastic. The stomach is a little picked up. The backbone is very strong.
- Limbs:
- The front. Wide set, muscular, strong. Front - straight, parallel. The shoulders are tilted and close to the body. The shoulder blades are long, the elbows are pressed against the body, the wrist is flexible, the metacarpus has a slight slope.
- The back. With great muscle and a good angle. Behind - straight, metatarsus omitted. The hips are wide, muscular, medium long. The angle of articulation of the knee with a pronounced angle. Hock joints low, metatarsals vertical, short.
- Paws Flexible, oval, "look" forward. Long fingers are slightly apart (dewclaws are removed). Pads are elastic, soles are covered with wool.
- Tail. High set, long, well pubescent.
- Wool. Thick, plentiful. Short soft undercoat and slightly stiff straight outer coat, with a special silver sheen. Around the withers and neck, the hair is thicker and longer, more pronounced in males. Well-defined "pants" on the hips.
- Color. Snow-white, fawn, cream, a combination of cream with white or fawn with white is possible. Pale brown tones of any intensity are not acceptable.
Looking at dogs in motion is a pleasure. Freewheel with a long step, with a good removal of the front paws and a powerful push of the hind.
Character Features
Samoyed husky is great for inexperienced novice dog breeders. A very delicate, very understanding dog, friendly and open. May be stubborn, but aggression - never, it is generally considered a marriage in the breed, like cowardice. The instigator of the fight will not, but will be able to stand up for himself. Differs in intelligence, devotion, gets along well with children. Specialists advise taking a bitch with a young child in a family, and a male dog with a grown-up.
They love to be in the spotlight. Samoyed husky, owner reviews are unanimous in this, can not stand loneliness. Samoyed is a very loving dog, gives his love to everyone. He perceives the family as a pack, so you need to immediately explain to the puppy who the leader of this pack is, otherwise he will take the lead and just brazenly sit on his head. With his intellect, it will not be difficult. His emotions are often accompanied by a loud bark. A loyal, sociable and good-natured dog is a great companion for a single person.
Samoyed husky does not require any special specific care. The dog needs to be combed regularly a couple of times a week, with molting - daily, and washed after walking the paws (if she lives in the apartment). Wool is odorless, impervious to snow and rain, has the ability to self-clean. They bathe animals no more than twice a year, it is better to use a special shampoo for white dogs. It is not recommended to cut or shave dogs, the coat protects the skin from sunburn and cold. Allowed only hygienic haircut.
In addition to simple hair care, the animal requires:
- treatment against parasites, internal and external;
- teeth cleaning;
- eye care;
- clipping of claws;
- inspection and treatment of the ears.
A prerequisite is active and long walks. An energetic dog does not tolerate being locked up, will not be able to live in a booth. The best option is a private house with a large plot. Samoyeds adapt perfectly in hot climates. The main possible diseases:
- arthritis;
- retinal atrophy;
- bloating;
- congenital deafness;
- glaucoma;
- depigmentation of the nose;
- diabetes;
- hip dysplasia;
- urinary tract infections;
- cataract;
- aortic stenosis.
In general, animals of this breed are hardy and healthy. With proper care, they can live up to 15 years.
Samoyed husky does not eat much, despite its active lifestyle. You can feed with premium dry feed, possibly natural nutrition. In the first case, the dog with food receives all the substances it needs, in the second, you need to adhere to several rules:
- be sure to regularly give vitamins and mineral supplements;
- the diet should at least 30% consist of meat, include fish, cottage cheese, cereals;
- it is useful to give dairy products;
- control the number of beets and carrots to prevent discoloration of the coat.
Animals may have an allergic reaction to chicken, egg white, and beef. Feed twice a day, half an hour after a walk.
Samoyed husky is very attractive for home content. Choosing a friend for yourself, it is worth considering the following points:
- buy only in a trusted nursery or from bona fide breeders;
- choose an active moving puppy, not shy and not aggressive;
- good fatness, clean mucous membranes, a tummy that is not hard to touch, healthy coat are signs of a baby’s good health;
- clarify the pet’s diet and, if necessary, gradually transfer to another;
- find out when deworming and vaccination were performed.
Good puppies cannot cost less than 15,000 rubles, the price can go up to 60,000 rubles, and elite specimens will pull 350,000 rubles. All owners of Samoyeds note their amazing effect on the human psyche, calling them guardian angels that can cure the soul.