It seems that Children's Day is very easy to arrange. Well, what could be the problem? Several contests, a concert, a lottery, and a celebration will be held with a bang. For entertainment, children are, of course, a suitable option, but the purpose of the event is not so much in arranging spectacular events as in explaining, including the children, their rights, freedoms, problems that exist in the world. How to make sure that you don’t overload people with information, but make explanations, arrange an unforgettable holiday, achieve the goal set by the UN?When is Children's Day
. 20 – . . , 1 . 2013 . . , , . – , , .
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Children are happy about any hectic, the main thing is to not be bored. But if you want to make a memorable holiday - Children's Day, then you need to come up with something special! So, you can create an enchanting show with children's forces, record it on video and send it to the contest. For each group of children, the approach should be individual. You can even "rob the bank." Then make out the "crime" at the show trial. When children themselves put forward ideas and prepare an event - unforgettable is guaranteed. In each case, it is better to come up with something of your own, individual, to heed the ideas of the "culprits" of the holiday themselves. Remember how you yourself fantasized in childhood, and let your students take the initiative. The fact that adults seem delirious at first glance usually degenerates into an original idea!