Aquarium fish Swordsman: varieties, maintenance, care, reproduction

Swordfish aquarium fish is the most popular of many exotic species. It can be safely called an old-timer of aquarium lovers. This species is liked by both beginners and experienced lovers of the underwater fauna due to the variety of colors, shapes, fun nature, unpretentiousness in food and conditions. But any living creature needs to be looked after and paid attention to it, fish are no exception.


Xythophorus galleri was first described by a taxidermist, zoologist and ichthyologist from Austria, Johann Jacob Hekkel. The viviparous fish belongs to the family of Peciliae, the suborder is Cyprinidae, the class is radiant. The species was named helleri in honor of the naturalist and famous botanist Karl Bartolomeus Geller. In Mexico, he collected exhibits for the Vienna Botanical Garden, and did not disregard various small animals.

Once, having caught fish from a stream, he was delighted, since he had never seen such unusual specimens, so he decided to bring this miracle to Europe.

In Greek, xiphos means “sword,” and pherein means “carry.” It turns out to be a "carrying sword." The scientist collected and brought the future aquarium fish of the swordsmen. Species, representatives of the underwater world, today, are several.

Unfortunately, they are under threat of extinction and are listed in the Red Book. So if there are such fish in the house - you are the owner of a rare specimen.

fish in the aquarium


These creatures are quite peaceful and playful, despite their bellicose name - a swordsman. A photo of an aquarium fish shows a distinctive feature - the lower part is longer than the upper one and looks like a sword.

The swordsman has an elongated body of 5-8 cm in size, with a blunt nose, flat sides adorn thin strips. The fish mouth is slightly upturned; it is easier for individuals to grab food from the surface of the water.

Coloring pleases the eye with a rich palette. Sometimes quite unusual colors are found - the body of a fish of one color, and the fins of another. The female is slightly larger. Males are smaller, but brighter, there are rays on the caudal fin.


Thanks to the highbrow breeder husbands, wonderful views of aquarium swordsmen have been obtained. Individuals have different forms of the caudal fin and a magnificent color.

A whole group of rocks that live in the water of pets, combines several species that differ from each other:

  • according to the color of the scales (plain);
  • on the original fins;
  • by the presence of a picture on the body.

All fish are very beautiful, each can boast of its unique appearance.

variety of fish

Solid colors

One of the varieties of aquarium swordsmen differs in a plain color scheme. These include:

1. The Red Swordsman. As a result of the crossing of a green swordsman with red pecilia, a hybrid species with bright red scales was obtained. The result was achieved through careful selection of adult fish.

2. Green. This handsome man was brought from Central America. The color of the fish is simply unique - olive brown. There are specimens of gray-yellow color with emerald tint. A violet streak passes through the whole body, in parallel there are still two narrow stripes. Dorsal fin with brown spots, tail shimmers with blue and green hues. The original representative of this species can only be found in the natural environment, since it was separated and taken as the beginning when breeding different breeds of fish hybrids.

3. Black. Description of an aquarium swordsman of this color is not difficult. The species arose after the cross of black pecilia and a green swordsman. The result was an instance with an elongated narrow body, like the rest of the representatives of the species, but with a black velvet color and a blue tint. Unfortunately, the species is problematic for breeding, because females of the black swordsman often suffer from an ailment in which excessive skin pigmentation is manifested - this is melanosis. Barren females are often found.

black swordsman

4. White. The scales of a beautiful white mother-of-pearl color, it can be considered an albino. With original fins. Not so long ago, fish with an interesting tail shape were bred.

5. Photo and names of aquarium swordsmen speaks for itself: forked. The fish has a tail similar to a fork, on it there are processes from both the lower and upper parts of the tail.

fork tail

6. Flag. The dorsal and caudal fins of the fish have almost grown together, and a beautiful flag has turned out. Such individuals will decorate any collection of lovers, wonderful representatives, the underwater world.

With spotted scales

The description and photo of the aquarium fish of the swordsmen shows that the specimens can be not only of a single color, but also with specks, stripes, pineapple. For instance:

  • Koi kohaku. These fish are the most popular variety with a beautiful two-tone color. A striking combination of white and bright orange scales, they are also called Santa Claus. In the content they are unpretentious, however, there are difficulties in reproduction, as defective units are often found.
  • Cuban swordsman. There is a red fish with a black tail or a black fish with a red tail. A beautiful specimen with magnificent grace.
  • Rainbow. View obtained using white Bulgarian swordsmen. They have a grayish-green color with a gentle orange tint and red-brown stripes on the sides. The fish is decorated with bright, red-orange fins.
  • Brindle. The pride of Moscow zoologists who bred this species in the 40s. The fish has ruby ​​scales with black specks throughout the body and elongated lower tail rays. In rare cases, melanosis is possible. For breeding work, individuals with a black caudal fin and a black pre-caudal field are preferred. The most sought after species of fish with a fiery red hull and black tail.
  • Koi sledge. Aquarium fish swordsman with a three-color color. Scales have orange, black and white colors. Orange and white are the basic shades, black spots are randomly arranged on them.
one of the types of swordsmen

  • Chintz. The species of fish was bred in the USSR in the 50s. Now it is very rare. The main background of the fish is white. Red and black blotches are scattered on it. Obtaining offspring from fish is accompanied by certain difficulties.
  • Pineapple Aquarium fish Swordsman is famous for its beauty. The white-yellow mother-of-pearl case smoothly turns into orange on the fins.
two swordfish

Scientists to this day are working on the color and shape of the fins. It happens that without the participation of breeders, if there are fish of other species in the aquarium, by breeding beautiful individuals with an intriguing color can appear.


The homeland of the swordfish aquarium fish is considered to be the southeastern part of Mexico, central Guatemala, south Belize and northwest Honduras. Under natural conditions, lives in rivers, warm springs, streams, ponds and canals, with highly overgrown algae.

Young individuals settle in quiet waters, and adults prefer a strong current. The main thing is that the pond should not be deep, as there is more in small vegetation, insects and algae, which means that the nutritional composition is better.

Aquarium fish swordsman in the homeland a little larger than in captivity:

  • male - 10-11 cm (excluding the sword);
  • female - 13 cm.

A swordsman is considered one of the fish that is popular with lovers of aquatic life. Many different specimens can be seen in the aquarium with amateurs.

Aquarium Maintenance

The swordsman is not a cocky, hardy, gets along well with his neighbors, the same good-natured, funny fish, and is quite suitable for living in a common aquarium. The best neighbors:

  • Pecilia
  • molinesia;
  • scalaria;
  • catfish corridors;
  • catfish sucker
  • black thorns;
  • Minors
  • tetra
  • zebrafish
  • guppies;
  • neons.

Do not place swordsmen with large and aggressive species:

  • astronotuses;
  • Akaras
  • cichlomas;
  • goldfish.

Not always swordsmen can achieve peace with shrimp and eels - this is a 50-50 lottery.

conditions in the aquarium

The maintenance and care of the aquarium swordsman will not cause much trouble. But some efforts still need to be made. Basic requirements for the aquarium:

  • The volume must be at least 50 liters, so that the fish has enough space for swimming.
  • Water is clean, moderately hard in the region of 15-30 dGH. Changes every two weeks by 30%.
  • The water temperature is about 24-26 degrees, at a temperature of 16 degrees the fish will not live long.
  • Water filtration will be required, one filter for such an aquarium will be enough.
  • Aeration is necessary if there are a lot of inhabitants in the fish house, if not enough, then do not worry.
  • The composition and color of the soil does not matter, since the fish are mainly in the upper or middle layers of the water.
  • There should be plenty of vegetation. In it, the fish will hide, play and throw fry.
  • It’s better to cover the aquarium, the male swordsmen are jumping and sometimes jump out of the water.
  • Male individuals can sort things out among themselves, so the smaller the population of the aquarium and the more females for males, the more friendly the atmosphere.
  • There should be plenty of algae, dense thickets can be made by planting a kabomba, a toothed elodea. On the sides plant small-leaved and long glitter, cinnamon. The surface of the water will decorate richia well.

In the aquarium at the bottom you can put antique figures, pebbles, shells - this will delight the eye.

Possible problems

Keeping and breeding swordsmen in an aquarium with small fish is best avoided. Big ones can offend small ones. The neighborhood with calm and sedentary fish usually ends in trouble in the form of damage to the fins. A flaming sword-bearer can bite off a piece of fin from a calmer fish.

A large number of males leads to a fight in the aquarium. In such cases, the male with the harem is settled in a separate aquarium - life will be calmer without an opponent. Or they will organize a group of 4-5 males, then the attention of the swordsman will not be focused on one opponent, and the number of conflicts will noticeably decrease.

The best option is to start a family. One male and 3-4 ladies. One will be missed.


Aquarium fish swordsman, like all living things, needs good care and a balanced diet. One of the advantages is unpretentiousness in food. In the natural environment, fish feed on algae. In pet stores you need to purchase special flakes with a plant component for them. The following categories of feed are suitable for Swordsmen:

  • dry
  • vegetable;
  • living (bloodworm, tubule, artemia, daphnia).

You can do the food yourself. Knowledgeable people recommend offering fish:

  • boiled squid or fish;
  • lean meat;
  • chicken yolk;
  • crumbs of dry bread.

Before chopping, plant food should be thoroughly rinsed with boiling water. It is necessary that these were young plants. The diet includes:

  • nettles;
  • spinach;
  • salad.

Under unforeseen circumstances, fish can be left without top dressing for a maximum of two weeks. In the absence of the owner, the swordsmen will eat around the fouling formed on the plants or on the glass of the aquarium, they will not disdain tiny snails.

This is an emergency, but usually the fish are fed no more than once a day.

Gender differences

In the male, unlike the female, the tail adorns the “sword”. If the male has a mild expression, then gonopodia will come to the rescue - a slightly modified anal fin. In the female, it is rounded, and in the male it is pointed.

fish in the aquarium

A photo of the fish of the aquarium swordsman clearly demonstrates this difference. The fry develop gonopodia by about four months, and final puberty is completed by five months. Here you need to be careful and careful, it will depend on the water temperature whether the little fish wants to be a boy or a girl, if the water temperature is about 29 degrees, then a company of cheerful guys will be provided, if the water temperature is much lower, then you can become a happy owner of a harem.


Swordsman refers to viviparous fish. Tiny but fully formed small fishes appear. The male fertilizes inside the female eggs, she wears them until they mature. If a female’s tummy grows, then offspring will soon be.

pregnant fish

The gestation process lasts 4 weeks. Before the appearance of the fry, it is better for the mother to put it in a separate container with a lot of algae and leaves, so that there is where to hide for the new generation. During breeding, aquarium swordsmen can give birth to 50 fry at a time.

After giving birth, it is better for mom to return to the general aquarium to reduce the risk of eating his own offspring. Sometimes, due to lack of food, the female can look at the cubs from a gastronomic point of view.

Interestingly, the swordsmen ladies can bring offspring without the participation of a male. The female saves the "frozen" milk and is fertilized independently.

When a detachment of small fish appears, you should think about their nutrition. The menu is better to choose this:

  • the smallest microorganisms ("live dust");
  • microworm;
  • cut tubular;
  • rotifers.

After a delicious dinner, you can play. Fry with pleasure snooping around algae, hiding here and there.

Fish disease

Aquarium fish Swordsman rarely gets sick, these individuals have good health, but it happens that the fish still got sick. The main causes of the disease can be:

  • unsuitable conditions of detention;
  • infections
  • fungi;
  • cold.

Before you buy a fish, you should carefully examine whether everything is okay with it. On the body of the fish should not be plaque, gun, sores or rashes. If there is something like that, then the individual is sick.

Fungal diseases are treated with quarantine in salted water. Due to this, the outer integument is cleansed of parasites and harmful microorganisms.

A salt bath is prepared at the rate of one tablespoon of salt per liter of boiled water. The fish is placed in the solution for 20 minutes. This will help her to heal, and you will prevent the spread of the disease between other fish in the aquarium.

To consolidate the effect, it is better to place the fish for a couple of days in a weak concentration of methylene blue with a temperature of 25 degrees.

For gills and scales, trypaflavin and biomycin in solutions are used. When the fish is cured, it can be launched into a common aquarium, where it will swim among its relatives.

types of swordsmen

Life span

Statistics show that fish in aquariums live less than in their natural environment. The average life span of a fish in an aquarium is 3-5 years. In order for the swordsman to live longer, his house must be free. Another factor affecting the life span of pets is the temperature of the water. The body temperature of fish and water is the same. The warmer the water, the faster the metabolism in the body of the fish, reducing their life.

The Swordsman is a beautiful fish that adorns the aquariums of many families since the days of the USSR. "Little Princes" with a sword fell in love with both adults and children. To this day, fish remain welcome residents in the aquariums of lovers of the fabulous underwater world.

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