Quite often, during pregnancy, women suffer from various diseases. The fact is that it was during this period that cardinal changes took place in the body of the expectant mother, because of which the defenses are weakened. This can cause the manifestation of both the most minor diseases, for example, colds, and pathologies of a serious nature.
Modern medicine today has developed a number of drugs, including antibiotics that can be taken by pregnant women. Such drugs do not affect the unborn child and do not bear any harm to its development. Miramistin during pregnancy also belongs to such medicines. The drug is produced both in the form of an ointment, and in the form of a solution (miramistin spray). It is a broad spectrum antiseptic and is used for various therapeutic purposes. About it further.
It is used in traumatology and surgery in such cases: as a prophylaxis of suppuration, as well as treatment of purulent wounds; effectively helps to cure inflammatory and purulent processes of the musculoskeletal system.
In addition, miramistin is used during pregnancy in gynecology as a prophylaxis and treatment of inflammatory processes of the genital organs. It is also widely used in postpartum practice, namely: in the treatment and prevention of suppuration of postpartum injuries and injuries of the vagina, perineum, including various infections after childbirth.
As for burns, in this case miramistin is also an effective tool that will help speed up the healing process. If we talk about venereology and dermatology, the use of this drug in these industries also takes place. Namely: in the treatment of mucous membranes, candidiasis of the skin, prevention of various kinds of STDs (diseases that are sexually transmitted). In urology, miramistin is suitable for the complex treatment of chronic and acute urethritis, as well as urethroprostatitis. It is also used for diseases such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea.
In addition, Mirimistin during pregnancy is considered a safe and effective tool in the treatment of sinusitis, chronic and acute otitis media, laryngitis, tonsillitis. In dentistry, this drug is used to treat stomatitis, periodontitis, and is also used for hygienic processing of removable dentures.
Miramistin: application
In all of the above cases, this drug is applied topically. Depending on the degree of the disease, the doctor individually determines the course of treatment and dosage.
Individual intolerance to the drug. In particular, its components. It should be noted that miramistin during pregnancy is prescribed by the attending physician, both with local and external use.
Side effects
Like many other therapeutic agents, this medicine is not without side effects. Sometimes during the use of the drug, a burning sensation may occur, which often disappears after a few seconds. In this case, drug withdrawal is not required. If hypersensitivity to the drug is found, for example, dry skin, hyperemia, itching and a frequent burning sensation, you should consult a doctor.
We can say that miramistin during pregnancy and during lactation in most cases does not have an irritating effect, and also does not cause any allergic reactions. The exception is only individual sensitivity to this drug.
In addition, the use of miramistin is allowed when driving motor vehicles, as well as engaging in other activities that require an increased level of attention. As for overdose, nothing is known about such cases to date.