Types of apistograms are quite diverse, because this group is numerous. This type of fish has a dark horizontal line that stretches from the tail to the head itself. It can be both well distinguished and poorly visible, which depends on the type of aquarium inhabitants.
Where do they live
Under natural conditions, fish are found in those sections of rivers where the slowest flow and a large number of snags are observed. There, water, as a rule, has a brown tint, due to the abundance of dissolved tannins. This is how it is recommended to design an aquarium. Thanks to this, its inhabitants will be able to be in an optimal environment for themselves and maintain their bright color. If you provide them with other conditions, then they can quickly lose color.
A special fish food is intended for aquarium fish. In no case should they be given a product that has not been agreed with a specialist. Fortunately, consultants are available at any pet store to help determine the right food for the fish, or rather their individual species.
The description of the apistogram is interesting to know for many people who prefer exotic. They are considered quite peaceful when compared with other species, which attracts buyers most often. Their average size is only 8 centimeters, so these fish can’t be too belligerent. As for the internal features, everything is not so simple. Females can be called friendly, but males, as a rule, are not entirely welcoming, but only in relation to each other. Therefore, in aquariums, reliable shelters should be provided to protect the inhabitants. In addition, the size of the group should be maintained, the composition of which will be approximately as follows: more than three females and only one male.
Today, various types of apistograms stand out, each of which is unique in its own way. They differ among themselves by the characteristics of life, nutrition, reproduction and other factors. The most popular types of apistograms are presented below. It is they who attract the attention of all amateurs and do not leave anyone indifferent who at least once saw them live.
Popular apistogram agassitsa is popular with people for its bright colors and many breeding forms. It belongs to the category of unpretentious, and therefore easy to maintain, as well as breeding. It is often started by beginners in the aquarium business.
Ordinary individuals reach 7 centimeters in length. Females have a smaller body size and fins, unlike males, which are fundamentally different from them. During spawning, fish do not behave calmly, but the rest of the time they are always peaceful.
Food for aquarium fish is crustaceans and invertebrates. When breeding them at home, you must definitely feed the inhabitants with meat products, that is, frozen or live food. They especially love daphnia, bloodworms and brine shrimp.
For 5-6 fish, 60 liters of water will be sufficient. It is best to design an aquarium with a sandy substrate and snags. Dense vegetation will be used by the inhabitants as protective structures. Lighting should be a little dim.
One of the representatives of South American cichlids is a cockatoo apistogram. It has a unique color and a lot of advantages, which include: ease of maintenance, friendliness, unpretentiousness.
The cockatoo apistogram can reach 7 centimeters in length. Males have a large dorsal fin, which in appearance resembles a crest. This is what served as the basis for the name of the fish.
Cockatoo belong to carnivorous species. At home, they eat frozen and live food, like agassica. But at the same time they are often accustomed to dry sinking fodder made in the form of granules or flakes, which contain a large amount of protein.
It is best to design an aquarium with a sandy substrate, as well as driftwood already sprouted with moss. If desired, you can add oak or beech leaves, which will provide a blacker shade of water.
Popular types of apistograms include hoigne. Experienced aquarists are very fond of these fish, since for them their maintenance is not difficult.
Their size can reach 6 centimeters. Color directly depends on the region of residence and the degree of mixing of genes. In males, body color is brighter than in females. Some of them have symmetrical black strokes and diagonal stripes.
Despite the fact that in nature they consume small invertebrates, which are found at the very bottom, flakes and granules, but with a high protein content, will be acceptable in a home aquarium. A good addition to the diet can serve as live food - daphnia, brine shrimp.
Two individuals will be quite enough 40 liters of the aquarium. It should be equipped with shelters, which are allowed to use pots of ceramics, pipes and any other objects. Along with this, sandy soil and plants (both living and artificial) must be present there.
High fin
Individuals, the size of which can reach 5 centimeters, have a blue or yellow color. The tail portion is red. Dominant males are distinguished by a brighter color and elongated rays.
Fish eat foods high in protein. They can be dry food, frozen and live foods.
The minimum volume of the aquarium is 40 liters. The most optimal design is exactly that which is as close as possible to the natural habitat. To do this, use driftwood, sand and plants. In addition, it is necessary to provide several shelters. They will be especially important during the spawning period, when males begin to actively pursue females.
Moving individuals with bright colors have a difficult disposition and require increased care of the owners. Their length is 7 centimeters. Distinctive features are elongated fins, silver body tones and interesting colors.
Two-lane apistograms are considered omnivores. At home, they can consume a variety of feeds, including pellets, cereals, bloodworms, brine shrimp and, of course, daphnia. It is best to give them food intended for South American cichlids, which combine additives that enhance the brightness of the color.
One or two individuals will need approximately 55 liters. Those fish that are raised in captivity are not very fastidious to design. It is best, of course, to provide something similar to the natural habitat. For breeding purposes, it is necessary to diversify the situation with grottoes, caves and other reliable shelters.
Fish from the Amazon live in small forest streams, the depth of which does not exceed a meter. There is always clear water flowing and no plants.
Females have a length of 6 cm, males - a couple of centimeters more. All have silver color with a slight blue tint.
Kelleri belongs to the category of carnivores. In nature, they feed on invertebrates, but in home aquariums they easily adapt to granules and flakes. The daily diet should always be replenished with artemia, bloodworms and daphnia.
The optimal aquarium size starts at 50 liters. In the issue of design, the inhabitants are not pretentious. More harmonious, of course, will look the natural range. That is, with dim light in the aquarium should be present sandy soil and a full set of snags. As a supplement, you can use dried leaves that saturate the water with tannins.
Fish living in the territory of Suriname and Guyana live in small streams and rivers. Their usual "houses" are usually littered with leaves on the surface.
The sizes of males and females differ almost twice. The length of the first is 8 centimeters, the second - 5. At a young age, their color is silver-blue, but gradually the shades fade.
This species consumes most feeds that are created specifically for aquarium inhabitants. Every day they can eat pellets, flakes, daphnia, artemia and bloodworms.
Three to four fish will need more than 80 liters. The basis for the design of the aquarium must necessarily be standard conditions - sand, driftwood, shelters in the form of plants, stones, small containers. Places that they can use as spawning grounds should also be provided. More naturalness can be given with the help of the dried leaves of ordinary trees, contributing to the creation of conditions characteristic of a living reservoir.
The apistogram of Borelli lives in rivers, standing bodies of water, and also in streams with a slow current. This species has a slightly elongated body, flattened on the sides. Fish feed on invertebrates. But at the same time, while in the aquarium, they are happy to consume live food, as well as crushed cereals and granules.
As for puberty, in this type of apistograms, it occurs at about 10 months. During this period, pairs are best moved to a separate spawning ground, the length of which is 50 centimeters, and the volume is more than 15 liters. The offspring are easiest to grow in this place, equipping it with fine soil with plants or by adapting several tubes for shelters.
The apistogram of Borelli has a rather attractive appearance and is classified as peace-loving. Therefore, there is no need for a huge number of shelters.
Everyone’s favorite apistogram of the widget can perfectly combine exclusively with peaceful species of fish, since it itself is. The maximum size of these fish does not exceed 5 centimeters. In the aquarium, they most often swim at the top.
It is best to keep the inhabitants in an aquarium with a volume of more than 60 liters (a flock of 8-9 pieces). Since they are characterized by mobility and high speed of movement, it is best for them to leave more free space. If the water is acidic, then the luxurious fins will be quickly lost, so this should not be allowed. The fluid must be changed every week. It is best to purchase a quality filter that will do almost all the work for the owners and will allow you to replace the water only once a month.
As for nutrition, this species is omnivorous. Apistograms can be safely given dry food, which they will take from the leaves of plants and in the middle layers of water.
Pretty calm fish, whose length does not exceed 5 centimeters, have an oval body shape. It is very simple to distinguish males from females, as they have a sharp fin, which is located on the back. Such aquarium inhabitants have been living for about 4 years.
Ramirezi has a large number of breeding forms. The most famous of them are:
- Apistogram electric blue neon. There are no difficulties in keeping such fish, which is why they are popular. It is best to populate them in the ratio of 1 individual per 30 liters of water. The number of females is recommended to do more than males. It’s better not to lodge them with shrimps, but with most of the inhabitants of an artificial reservoir of a similar nature, they get along very well. Fish have a spectacular color, noticeable to the naked eye. The size of the largest individuals is only 25 mm.
- Apistogram balloon. Most often, it is found in the reservoirs of Bolivia, Colombia, as well as Venezuela. Fish of this type have a short body shape, flattened on the sides. Even a novice can easily cope with the content. The proportions of settlement in the artificial reservoir will be as follows: one pair per 20 liters of water. The cylinder prefers to hide in a variety of shelters and dense vegetation, which is also important to consider when properly arranging underwater objects.
The butterfly apistogram does not cause feeding problems. She easily consumes flakes, bloodworms, coronet, granules, tubule, as well as artemia. At the same time, it is not recommended to feed her more than twice a day. In addition, it is important to remember the modest nature of the inhabitants, which may allow other fish to take food, so this must be carefully monitored.
In a normal habitat, an apistogram butterfly forms a pair and lays up to 200 eggs. To start spawning in artificial conditions, it will be necessary to find about 10 young individuals, which in the future will independently choose partners for themselves.