How to interest children learn? How to increase the motivation of the child to study

From birth, any baby has a desire to develop and learn something new. And the task of parents is to stimulate this process, rather than inhibit it. There are many ways related to how to interest a child in school. And it’s very important to choose the right motivation!

Getting ready in advance

To make it easier for a child to adapt to the process of acquiring new knowledge, parents need to prepare him for study in advance. Most mothers are actively engaged with the baby. They teach him to write, count and read. This approach is fully justified, because few parents want his child to lag behind their peers. Get the first books for children in advance. Let them gradually begin to get acquainted with the training program.

Adaptation period

So that the desire to learn does not disappear, during the training, use the game process. If it is possible to develop the thirst for new discoveries in the kid, to interest the child, he will be much more interesting and easier to study at school. But you should not tell children that excellent study at school is a guarantee of a good future. Preschoolers still do not understand the meaning of such a statement, but rather, even perceive it as a set of words. So this motivation is not encouraging.

Possible disappointments

If your child has reached the age of six, you should thoroughly engage in its preparation for school. The psychological attitude is very important! The child who will soon go to school does not yet know what behavior the educational institution determines. You need to explain to him the simple rules of how to behave in the lessons and in the team, and why it is important to listen to the teacher.

If you have the opportunity, then give the kid a tour of the school. Let him see how everything works and how the general educational system works. Do not show your feelings and fears for the preschooler. Your kid should understand that school is an interesting and safe place. Accordingly, when the child goes to study, he will not worry and be afraid of something, but will be completely carried away in the learning process. It is on this that his performance depends.

Do not scold the child

The question "How to interest children learn" is interested in most loving parents. First of all, it is important to understand that all children are different: some grab information on the fly, while others need time to comprehend and absorb it. Someone has well-developed logical thinking, and he easily perceives new knowledge. And someone has to explain several times.

Parent help

You must understand that there are many students and the teacher cannot explain each of them several times. This work rests with the parents. And here begins! Some moms and dads start scolding a primary school student for not being as smart as Nastya or Misha. It is not right! The child closes in himself. And what's worse, accepts the fact that he is stupid, because the closest people said this. The child’s interest in learning is dying away and parents have to look for new ways of motivation. But achieving the result becomes much more difficult.

Therefore, it is important for mothers and fathers to devote time to their children, do homework with them and discuss possible solutions to these situations.

When the problem is not just about vagaries

How to interest a child with learning? Student motivation sometimes requires a more detailed analysis than simply encouraging good grades.

Sometimes children have difficulties that will need to be dealt with. These include: reduced concentration, impaired logical thinking, and others. Not every case needs a specialist, but:

  1. If you repeatedly notice that your child is having difficulty solving problems, drawing up a plan, and completing other tasks. Most likely, the student has a problem with logical thinking. Try to draw him to board games or puzzles in which you need to constantly think logically. It is very important not to miss a serious problem. If you understand that a child is not able to cope with elementary tasks, then this is a bell to contact a qualified psychologist.
  2. Violation of concentration of attention is manifested in the confusion of events when a child retells a read text. He can change the topic from one to another without completing the first thing. With such a problem, it will not be superfluous to turn to a specialist and do the adjustment of concentration.
  3. Dysgraphia is a pretty serious problem. A child, confusing letters or syllables in places, requires the help of a specialist. And the sooner you fix this problem, the more chances there are to fix this defect.

Psychologist's advice

Process involvement

How to interest children learn? So that your relationship with your child when you go to school does not turn into a positional war, you must follow the following tactics:

  1. Change the tight control over study and homework for a little interest.
  2. Try to make it clear to the child that he is now an independent person. And the responsibility for completing tasks lies only with him.
  3. Set your child to listen carefully to the teacher. Thus, he will learn the basic information within the walls of the school. Accordingly, it will be much easier for him to complete his homework.
  4. When you do assignments with your child, try to praise him. Thus, the student will be motivated to get an even better result.
  5. Let the baby take a break. Coming from school, the student should not immediately sit down for lessons. He needs about three hours to rest. This is an important point that positively affects productivity.

Why is temperament important?

Choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic? The test developed by A. Belov helps teachers determine the type of student’s temperament. Thanks to this, it is much easier to build the right relationship with the student.

Self confidence

Psychologists equate temperament with the style of behavior. Depending on the combinations of such components as speed, strength, inhibition reaction and excitability of the nervous system, you can get the type to which the person belongs.

  1. Sanguine. A very cheerful type of people. They are often the center of attention, they like to amuse the audience and receive approval of their actions. Often rush ahead of all. These children make excellent elders, organizers of school events and leisure.
  2. Melancholic. Pensive, kind and dreamy personalities. They can easily support the conversation. They are very executive, but almost never take the initiative.
  3. Phlegmatic. Very calm kids with a good analytical mindset. Even at a young age, they are often said to be too serious.
  4. Choleric. Kids who strive for leadership. They are very active, assertive, easily catch up with new ideas and extremely emotional. Most often they include hooligans who violate discipline in school. Or athletes striving for heights.

Choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic or melancholic? The test will help you determine your child’s temperament. And perhaps it will become easier for you to understand his attitude to study, as well as success in various disciplines.

Approval and praise as motivation

Often it is in the family that conditions are created when the child himself seeks to obtain new knowledge. If children appreciate the good attitude of their parents, and also feel their care and love, then they are well aware of how important it is for them to learn.

Parents rejoice in the success of the child

And even if the student does not succeed in completing some task, he is not upset, but understands that at any time he can turn to relatives for help and support. It is in such a family that there is praise that is based on the work done, not the assessment. It is this approach that serves as a good incentive to achieve success in school.

Self-esteem and competitive spirit

How to teach a child to study well? You just need to motivate him correctly. You must always assure your child that he will succeed. It is very important to teach the student to believe in themselves. This will help build a healthy self-esteem of his personality.

Spirit of competition

Quite often, children are attracted to the competitive process. When a student sees how one of his friends reads better, solves problems faster or runs, then he has an incentive to become better. Parents need to maintain such an impulse in their own children, and help him become better than he was yesterday.

Gifts as a motivation for academic success

Often parents are inclined to the option with gifts when the question is about how to interest children in learning. There is nothing wrong with that. The student will strive to study well in order to only receive as a gift the thing that he had long dreamed of.

Gift promotion

This is an absolutely normal approach. We get money for our work, in which we invest labor. Thus, even from childhood, a little schoolboy understands that in order to get the right thing you need to work hard.

In addition, receiving a gift, the child is motivated to get the best result in the future.

Material incentive

You can often hear from parents that they encourage the child to get good grades in school with money. That is, the child received an excellent mark and for this he is given a certain amount of money. Sooner or later, the child understands the essence of the game and "includes" a commercial streak. Then begins to search for opportunities. And they begin: cheating from classmates, disputes with teachers about prejudice and intentional underestimation of grades.

Parents, when choosing money incentives, should be aware that the child is not aimed at gaining knowledge, but at money and good grades.

Every adult understands that all children are different. Therefore, we advise parents using our article or psychological test to determine the temperament of the child. Indeed, regardless of age, some people strive for leadership, while others prefer to be in the role of performers. So in school, some subjects enthrall the student, and he is interested to learn something new from discipline. In other subjects, the child may lag.

There are many ways to motivate a child, so do not rush to transfer your studies to a business that evaluates grades at school according to the level of cash equivalent.

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