Nootropic medicine "Gliatilin" for a child

Traumatic brain injuries entail a number of unpleasant consequences that appear immediately or some time after the illness. Most often, after an injury, cerebral circulation suffers, memory and behavioral reactions are impaired. In children, even a slight concussion can cause disturbances in the further development of the body. In such situations, pediatricians prescribe the drug "Gliatilin" for the child in order to prevent complications.

What is the drug "Gliatilin"?

gliatilin for children instruction

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gliatilin for a child

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gliatilin for children dosage

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The advisability of prescribing the drug "Gliatilin" for a child is decided only by a doctor who is able to weigh all the pros and cons. Reviews about him are full of online forums, but it's up to you how to treat your child. This tool is dispensed from pharmacies only by prescription, so you still have to visit a doctor and not self-medicate.

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